5 Answers

  1. Not at all. But Lenin, of course, was a staunch intenationalist. Although he seems to have developed some disillusionment with Europeans towards the end of his life.

  2. Any proletarian leader defends the interests of the proletarian movement as a whole, and not of its individual detachments.The necessity of such a strategy was emphasized not only by Lenin, but also by Marx and Engels, and the lack of understanding of this situation by the unconscious,petty-bourgeois elements-the companions of the proletariat-repeatedly led to internal crises in the workers ' and communist movements, where the leaders were declared traitors.After the defeat of the Paris Commune and the law against Socialists, Marx and Engels were in a similar situation, and Lenin is no exception.From this point of view, the Russian worker, the peasant, who considered themselves ” deceived in their interests by the proletarian government, could declare the leader a Russophobe.This phenomenon was a daily practice among the dark folk.Socialism is a science, and its tactics and strategies needed to be taught.We Russians, for the most part,became” literate ” only in the second, and some, only in the third generation.Is criticism of the negative aspects of Russian reality Russophobia?Lenin, on the contrary, dreamed of “making NEP” Russia a model, communist country; and he would have done it !

  3. A Russophobe is an active position, and he, like all professional revolutionaries without exception, was completely “on the drum” and Russian and non-Russian. His friend Pilsudski described himself as a Polish nationalist, which in reality he was not, but he was a complete Russophobe, and his friend Ataturk also called himself a nationalist, but was essentially an Anglophobe.

    In general, it should be borne in mind that in any protest-revolutionary swamp, any creature is paired.

  4. No, Lenin was not a Russophobe.

    The opinion that Lenin was a Russophobe is based, first of all, on quotations taken out of context, such as: “chauvinistic great-Russian trash” or “we must encourage the energy and mass character of terror” and so on.

    Secondly, outright falsifications like this: “let 90% of the Russian people die, if only 10% live to see a world resolution.”(this was written by Zinoviev).

    Vladimir Lenin was an extremely prolific author and wrote a huge number of works in his lifetime(now they are combined into several volumes). This is what gives such a huge scope to ill-wishers for various kinds of fraud.

    Vladimir Ilyich was undoubtedly an internationalist. He denounced and criticized the regime of tsarist power in Russia just as he did the bourgeois system of Europe. Lenin was opposed to any form of nationalism, be it Russian, German or English.

    To make sure of the above, you just need to open his essays.

  5. Here you need to define the terms. Lenin and the Russian people are a state of conflict between the collective mind and the individual idea. Since Lenin was not a Russian, he could not be caught up in the stagnant phenomena of the Russian mentality. He was just naturally disgusted by it.

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