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Late Chekhov(almost all of his plays)
Remark – all works
Gunther Grass
Heinrich Bell
Somerset: The Burden of human Passions
Theodore Dreiser
“The Road” (Eng. The Road is a post-apocalyptic novel by American author Cormac McCarthy. Probably the only book I started reading that I thought if I'd known beforehand how dark and hopeless it was, I wouldn't have even touched it. But the plot and presentation were delayed, as if in a whirlpool.�
Based on the book, a film of the same name was made with Viggo Mortensen (IMDb rating 7.3).
This is a funny question, considering the fact that an impressive part of the works of Russian writers have a “depressive” character (Chekhov, Bunin, Dostoevsky, etc.). If you are interested in foreign literature, then I advise you to start with Poe.�
Laconic, heartwarming texts are simply imbued with sadness, fear and death. In addition, it's all in the format of short stories, which can not but rejoice – Alan's works can be read in 20-60 minutes.�
more specifically, start with his works: “The Black Cat”, “The Fall of the House of Usher”, “The Well and the Pendulum”
Whenever I talk about books, I find the following words::gloomy, depressive, etc., Nail Muratov's book “psychopath”immediately comes to mind. A lot of reflections on life from the person, sobsna, mentally unstable. You can sort directly on quotes in public, but very few people know about this author.
As for me, this is a Remark. If I read more than two books by this author, then it covers terribly, so I try not to do this. It was especially difficult and painful to read Iskra Zhizni. So if you want to paint your gray everyday life black, then this is what the doctor ordered.
Sinclair Lewis – “It's impossible for us” (in short – “1984” on minimalki and more realistic);
Sholokhov – “Quiet Don” (the second volume in terms of the frequency of killing plot characters does not lag behind “A Song of Ice and Fire”, seriously);
Knut Hamsun – “Hunger”
Camus – “Outsider”.
Nabokov – “Invitation to execution”;
Solzhenitsyn – ” The Gulag Archipelago “(when you read it, you'll curse the day you were born);
Some short stories by Bertrand Russell;
Berdyaev – “Russian idea” (a bit offtopic, but here eschatology, faith in death, searching for your own path and all that);
Orwell with the dystopian book, “1984”, the bureaucratic realities of Franz Kafka and the mystical world of Howard Lovecraft written in a chaotic order(in my opinion, they have depressing works)
Here who advised Edgar Allan Poe, but I do not understand where there is depression. His characters are neurotics who almost never admit guilt, or do their misdeeds unintentionally. But still, if you like this, then the Demon of Contradiction, the Black Cat, Berenice, the Man of the Crowd, the Barrel of Amontillado, and the System of Dr. Smolya and Professor Perrault.
Well, for depression, it's better to go to Choran, he doesn't have many essays, but I assure you that you will get a good “hapanesh”
Maybe I wasn't very attentive.. Nooh, how did no one remember William Golding's “Lord of the Flies”? A short book, but quite heavy, sometimes even too much
And of course it's very controversial, but I think Nietzsche's ideas are a bit depressing, especially the idea of eternal return
They also forgot to name Innokenty Veresaev. I was just rethinking the era, but this is monstrously difficult, especially “To life”. I felt like I was bursting from the inside out. Of course, Dostoevsky, where without him and this sentimental feeling of the abyss. I agree, Chekhov is depressing. Early Leonid Andreev, some later works, but not all. Partly Merezhkovsky.
I will not write purely philosophers, but everyone knows such names as Nietzsche, Berdyaev, etc.
And Hemingway? And Kafka? Where are you, typical modern readers, for the sake of which “Exclusive Classics” prints thousands of copies every year?
All the works of Dostoevsky, and almost the entire post-war 20th century.Although you can add the philosophers of the 19th century, including Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, Kierkegaard, but they can not be called depressive and they do not fit the format of the question.
Chekhov is very depressed. When you read it, you immediately understand: “All people are vicious, their lives are bad, their hopes are ridiculous — in the future it will only get worse, and for everyone”
Emile Zola “Germinal”
I've never read anything so dreary, sad, and hopeless. After that, it's a shame to be depressed…
When I read it, on the one hand it was creepy, on the other hand I didn't regret it. A vivid experience.
It's strange that Kafka was mentioned only once… He is so original, interesting. His character Josef K. from The Trial (1925) was frivolous and paranoid, always thinking about the conspiracy around him. But sometimes it was very serious. Or he pretended to be serious, but in reality he still believed in a conspiracy. It seems that the author himself was like that.
Kafka also has short works, they are also so depressing, let's just say that in some of them the outcome is death.�
Andrey Platonov – A pit (complete darkness, as well as the biography of the writer himself). Franz Kafka-The Lock, The Process. Sartre – Nausea. Nabokov-Pinhole camera.
It is strange that there were no Mamleev Connecting rods yet. After reading it, I walked for another week in the state of a connecting rod. I can also recommend Sorokin's dystopias.
Read The Grapes of Wrath by Steinbeck. The feeling of hopelessness, deep longing and endless helpless pity will hang on the heart for a very long time.
From the modern – “Text” Glukhovsky. A sense of hopelessness from the very first lines. Russian reality in all its glory. The book won't let you go until you read it. And then another day to walk in thought. Definitely, I advise you.
Camilo Jose Sela, the Beehive
140 characters 140 characters 140 characters 140 characters 140 characters 140 characters 140 characters 140 characters 140 characters 140 characters 140 characters 140 characters 140 characters 140 characters 140 characters 140 characters 140 characters
One of them is Irvine Welsh.
His works “On the Needle”, “Shit” and my favorite “Nightmares of the Marabou Stork” are thoroughly imbued with the spirit of the Irish ghetto, cruelty, depravity, hopelessness of the external world, which intersects with the equally confusing, dark, foggy inner world of the characters.
Heinrich Bell's “The Wayfarer when You Come to Spa…” is an absolutely heartbreaking story. And very short.
“Brave New World”
by Aldous HuxleyHunger” by Knut Hamsun
and, oddly enough,” The Thirteenth Tale ” by Diana Setterfield.
I don't really understand why existentialists are advised here, because this is a bit out of this opera.�
If you want to read something heavy that will hang like a stone on your heart, then I can recommend Kenzaburo Oe's book “The Waters Embraced me to my soul”.
In short, here is a list of several: Hemingway's ” For whom the Bell Tolls “(Grandfather Ehrenest is generally quite heavy), Camus's “Outsider”, Remarque has many noir, thoughtful works “Arc de Triomphe”, “Black Obelisk”… Palahniuk, of course, is also possible, but he writes very strangely, although not bad. Orwell, for me, speaks unbearably eloquently about life “1984” and “Animal Farm” is a classic. If you want something domestic, then right away Dostoevsky. There are a lot of thoughts that are not at all cheerful: “Crime and punishment”, “The Brothers Karamazov”,”Demons”. And finally, one of the harshest books I've ever read: “Live and Remember” by Valentin Rasputin. That's what you need. The plot of the book is quite simple, but the narration itself is made as cold and unfriendly as possible.