3 Answers

  1. The only book.

    Herbert Spencer. “Scientific, political and philosophical experiments”.

    An exciting read. When you read a thick volume, you realize that nothing has changed in a hundred and fifty years.

  2. I was very impressed with the latest ones:
    Discussion of amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation ( 2020).
    Conversations of Zadornov.
    Lectures by Prof. Pyzhikova.
    Khazar dictionary.
    New history of Fomenko.

  3. In philosophy? Well, here the list will be long. 🙂 Let's divide it into two parts – the actual books on theoretical philosophy, and on political philosophy (and politics in general)

    I. Theoretical philosophy.

    1. Plato “Dialogues”. (V century BC).
    2. Lao Tzu “Tao te ching”. (VII century BC)
    3. bl. A. Augustine “Two Cities” (413-427 AD)
    4. I. Damaskin ” Introduction to the foundations of dogmatic theology “(VIII century AD)
    5. R. Descartes ” Discourse on method “(1637)
    6. B. Spinoza ” Ethics proved in geometrical order “(1677)
    7. I. Kant's Critique of Pure Reason (1781)
    8. F. Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit (1807g.)
    9. A. Schopenhauer ” The World as Will and Representation “(1818)
    10. F. Nietzsche ” Thus spake Zarathustra. A book for everyone and for no one” (1885), ” The Will to Power “(1888)
    11. L. Feuerbach ” The Essence of Christianity “(1841).
    12. V. S. Solovyov ” The crisis of Western philosophy. Against the Positivists “(1874), ” Readings on God-Manhood “(1878),
    13. N. A. Berdyaev ” On the appointment of a person. The experience of paradoxical Ethics “(1931), ” On Human Slavery and Freedom. The experience of personalistic philosophy “(1939),” Self-knowledge ” (1949).
    14. V. V. Rozanov ” The Legend of the Grand Inquisitor “(1894) ” The Purpose of Human Life “(1892)
    15. L. A. Shestov “Good in the Teachings of Count Tolstoy and Nietzsche (Philosophy and Preaching)” (1900), ” Dostoevsky and Nietzsche (Philosophy of Tragedy)”(1903), “Potestas clavium (Power)” (1915), “Athens and Jerusalem” (1938)
    16. V. N. Lossky “Essay on the Mystical Theology of the Eastern Church”.
    17. A. Camus “The Myth of Sisyphus” (1942)

    II. Political philosophy (as well as political science).

    1. Plato ” The State “(360 BC) “Laws” (354 BC)

    2. Aristotle's “Politics” (335-322 BC)

    3. Dante Alighieri “On the Monarchy” (1312-1313 AD)

    4. N. Machiavelli “The Sovereign” (1513)

    5. T. More, ” A Golden Book, as Useful as it is Amusing, about the best possible state structure and the new island of Utopia “(1516)

    6. T. Campanella ” City of the Sun “(1623)

    7. T. Hobbes ” Leviathan or the Matter, form and power of the Civil and ecclesiastical State “(1651)

    8. J. Locke's Two Treatises on Government (1689)

    9. S. L. Montesquieu ” On the spirit of laws “(1748), ” Persian Letters “(1721)

    10. J. J. Rousseau ” On the Social Contract “(1762)

    11. Karl Marx, “Manifesto of the Communist Party”, co-authored with Fr. Engels (1848), “German Ideology” (1846), “Wage Labor and Capital” (1847)

    12. F. Engels ” The Origin of the Family, Property, and the State “(1884)

    13. M. Weber ” Protestant Ethics and the spirit of capitalism “(1905)

    14. N. Y. Danilevsky ” Russia and Europe “(1869)

    15. K. N. Leontiev ” Byzantium and Slavism “(1875)

    16. V. S. Solovyov ” The Great Controversy and Christian Politics “(1883), ” Three Forces “(1871), “Justification of the Good” (1897) ” Three Conversations about War progress and the End of Earth's History “(1899)

    17. L. A. Tikhomirov “Monarchical statehood” (1905), ” Religious and philosophical foundations of History “(1920s)

    18. S. N. Bulgakov ” Christianity and Socialism “(1917)

    19. N. S. Trubetskoy ” Europe and humanity “(1920) and other works.

    20. P. N. Savitsky “In the struggle for Eurasianism” (1931) and other works.

    21. G. V. Vernadsky ” The Outline of Russian History “(1927)

    22. L. P. Karsavin ” Philosophy of History “(1923)

    23. N. N. Alekseev ” Theory of the state: Theoretical State studies, state structure, state ideal. “(1931),” Ways and Destinies of Marxism: from Marx and Engels to Lenin and Stalin ” (1931).

    24. L. N. Gumilyov ” Ethnogenesis and the Earth's biosphere “(1989)

    25. V. V. Kozhinov ” Russia: century XX” (in 2 volumes) (1999).

    26. S. G. Kara-Murza “Manipulation of Consciousness” (1999), “Isthmus and the East-West problem” (2001), ” The Civil War in Russia 1918-1921: A Lesson for the XXI Century “(2002), “Soviet Civilization (two books) (2002),” The Lost Mind “(2005), ” Dismantling the People “(2007)

    27. A. S. Panarin ” Strategic Instability in the XXI century “(2003)

    28. A. A. Zinoviev ” The West: the phenomenon of Westernism “(1995), ” On the Way to super-society “(2000), “The Death of Russian Communism” (2001), “Russian Tragedy” (2002)

    29. S. N. Semanov ” Joseph Stalin: Life and Legacy “(1997), ” Under the Black Banner, or the Life and Death of Nestor Makhno “(1990).

    30. Yu. N. Zhukov “Another Stalin: Political Reforms in the USSR in 1933-37″ (2003) ” Stalin: Secrets of Power “(2008)

    Enough, perhaps. You asked me what books influenced me and made an impression on me. Here they are – all the books that have influenced and impressed me (or almost all of them). And of course, these are not all the books that I have read, even in the framework of these disciplines.

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