One Answer

  1. This is one of the greatest works of the Renaissance, the most famous works written by Sandro Botticelli, called “Spring”. The commission for this work was made by Lorenzo de ' Medici. The real name of the artist sounds a little different-Alessandro di Mariano di Vanni Filipepi (Alessandro di Mariano di Vanni Filipepi).

    The plot reveals the change of seasons. On the right , the God of the west wind, Zephyr, who represents winter, blows on the nymph Chloris, who holds a sprig of hops in her mouth. Spring begins with it. Having taken her as his wife against her will, Zephyr turns her into the goddess Flora. In the center of the canvas is the goddess of love and fertility – Venus. Her image symbolizes humanity – one of the main ideas of the Renaissance. Cupid (Cupid) hovers over Venus, just about ready to shoot the arrow of love. To the left of Venus are the three graces, the girls are three sisters. They are holding hands, twirling in a dance. They represent beauty, chastity and love, and all together-physical and mental purity.

    During the Renaissance, it was a popular subject for many artists who celebrated the beauty of the female body and spiritual purity. Along with this, it was also a kind of test for the level of skill of the artist-body plastic.

    These graces cannot be compared to the moirs who weave human destinies.

    Moira – three sisters of ancient Greek mythology, the goddess of fate: Lachesis, Clotho, Atropos.

    Lachesis “giver of lots”, appointed the lot of fate even before the birth of a person, was responsible for the past.

    Clotho – Moira of the present, “weaving the thread” of fate in the present tense.

    Atropos – “inescapable”, brought the future closer and cut the thread of human life with scissors.

    According to Plato and Homer, they were the daughters of the goddess Ananke – “necessity”, who turned the world's spindle. The Moirs possessed the forces of the highest heavenly law and order. They were usually depicted as old women in white robes with wreaths on their heads with a measuring scale (Lachesis), a spindle (Clotho) and scissors (Atropos).

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