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Recent Questions
- Why did everyone start to hate the Russians if the U.S. did the same thing in Afghanistan, Iraq?
- What needs to be corrected in the management of Russia first?
- Why did Blaise Pascal become a religious man at the end of his life?
- How do I know if a guy likes you?
- When they say "one generation", how many do they mean?
For love's sake. Lost, lost, but still, just for her sake.
I know that for the next six months or a year I have a goal that is connected with my love, and I just wake up, waiting for the day. I fall asleep with two thoughts. I wake up with the same two thoughts. Swallowing day after day, month after month, swallowing years…
Realizing that I will never find the meaning of life (perhaps because it does not exist), I wake up for this:
Learn/see something new, interesting, beautiful, terrible, stupid, whatever. I haven't seen, felt, or known so much yet.�
Communicate with people, make new acquaintances, go deeper into the soul of existing friends and discover them from an interesting side.
Work of kors, �and bring at least some benefit (well, or create the illusion of it). And earn money, because they give more opportunities for the first point.
I took a girl for tutoring, I want to help her speak English, because she is so pretty))�
To eat. It's true. I feel so much pleasure from the very process of eating delicious food. All my life I would only eat.�
Watch movies, cartoons, TV shows, and listen to music. You can't die until the last season of Game of Thrones is released, and there's a lot more on the way.�
Oh, my parents! They love me, hope that I will be happy, so I try not to lose heart.�
PS The list, of course, is not complete, but this is all the most basic.
Mostly to avoid being late for work. 52 / 140. Please provide a detailed answer to make it interesting to read. The answer must not be less than 140 characters long.
It is best to respond with a quote:
“I convince myself that I am a witness of Being. But in fact, it's just programmed like that. I don't have the guts to commit suicide.” -“Rustin Cole.”
TV series “True Detective”
My girlfriend lives very far from the place of study, which does not allow her to have a normal or even breakfast. I bring her breakfast so that she can study normally.�Well, yes, then couples in uni…
To enjoy the early morning and empty streets, catch a piece of the night and wander through the semi-empty streets.Buy some cigarettes and slowly sail home in the cool of the morning.
To live, f-my! Why look for other meanings? Whatever you come up with, it will all be part of the concept – life. So what is the use of taking one facet of life as the meaning of existence, when there is the whole of life? Love, business, creativity, striving for enlightenment, getting high from nishtyachkov, game of thrones, World War II, basket weaving-all this is life. That's the point. It's all worth waking up for.�
For the view from the window, for the taste of what you eat in the morning, for overcoming the inevitable badherts (or the pleasure of refusing to overcome them), for the tactile sensations during the shower, for the countless worries and the moment when they finally let go, for every moment, every moment that makes up all this infinite wholeness of being…
Heck! In order to go to God and prove that he does not exist; to feel pain, fatigue, anger, fear, and happiness when it all goes away; to forget about the beautiful world around you, confused in thoughts, and forget about thoughts, plunged into the world; to have sex, and live without it for months and years; to starve, and eat delicious food; to feel like the roof goes from lack of sleep, and get enough sleep for a week in a row; to listen to other people's music, write yourooksmoviespictures; to travel around the world, fly into space, and spend your whole life sitting in the same small town; to be great and small, wise and ignorant, holy and sinful. All this is life, and everyone chooses what it will be. But in any case, it's worth waking up again and again for the sake of all this.
Interestingly, the question sounds like you have a choice…))
Now I saw this question in the vk group, and in my head I heard: “uu, how do you do this?”.�
In general, I get up early on Saturdays for reasons unknown to me: I am woken up every time. Why? Don't know.
To be honest, the only reason I wake up is to get up and go to school like a zombie for a zero in biology. Then another biology… and another biology… and another … �
And then school will be over and you'll have to wake up for couples at the university. Learning is fun, really. But that's just no desire now. I'd like to get some sleep.�
So I don't even know…
I just like to smoke in the morning. Everything seems, at such moments, sublime, extraordinary. I am overwhelmed by a feeling of extreme delight and desire to be a part of this miracle… But my cigarette runs out, and I wait until the next morning to be reunited with the unknown again and again.
For the sake of implementing everything you have planned: there is a catastrophic lack of time, there is always something else that you want and need to do, both for work, and with your family, and sometimes just for yourself.
I'll probably say this for the first time, but I don't know. I used to wake up in the morning with positive thoughts and a desire to do something worthwhile. There were goals and desires. Right now, I probably won't be able to answer this question clearly. In order to live another day without loss or regret. In order to meet someone who can cheer you up and make you happy. In order to work one more day and earn money for the next such days. It sounds sad, I know, but as it is, so it is. I hope one day I'll wake up with the idea of changing the world for the better.