3 Answers

    1. Theoretically-a lot of things. But what Jung Carl Gustav himself meant is difficult to say with confidence. Because he probably didn't fully understand it himself. With trailblazers, it's always like this, you understand the process. And for a long time after you, your followers interpret your words in SUCH a way that they would choke on tea if they heard it))) Karl Marx managed to write before his death that “I am not a Marxist”, because he was very much taken aback by how his theory of capital was interpreted.

    2. It should be borne in mind that the idea of the collective unconscious goes back to the “super-ego” from the Freudian concept of personality and owes much to it. With all due respect to Jung as a very talented and dedicated scientist and psychotherapist.

    3. Finally, it should be noted that “animism” (the identification of natural phenomena with living beings, in this case – the human community) is an ancient tool of knowledge. Japanese Shintoism is based on the idea that everything in the world has its own soul(kami), with which you can communicate, appease or anger. Identifying society with a living organism is a very tempting analogy, but at the same time insidious, you can get carried away playing with your own reflections and get lost in mirrors.

    This is the road to mythology and idolatry 😉

  1. As I understand it, the collective unconscious is all the information accumulated by humanity over the entire time of its existence. That is, your thought not only stays with you, but is sent to the collective unconscious. Some psychics are able to tap into this collective unconscious and read information from it. This, if desired, you can learn.

    For example, in the work of a psychologist, you need to “join” the client, and in the process of working, you can consider his mood, what he feels when he talks about something, etc., that is, sensations are transmitted.

  2. No, no, no. The collective unconscious is the archetypes(representations) in your head that are introduced as a result of living together with a bunch of people. Simply put, an imprint of the culture of the society in which you grew up.

    It is called collective because in the same culture, people have similar experiences. If you classify them ,you can find images that are the same for many people, archetypes ? That's all. Actually, the concept of eggregor suggests that a group of people with the same experiences can use behavior to make a person experience this experience.

    There is no shared memory or unity here.

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