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For me, self-development is primarily the position of a researcher of my own life, studying my own automatisms, habitual ways of responding to situations, determining the attitude to these methods and mastering new ones that help me act in accordance with my values.
What exactly do I do for this purpose:
I meditate and direct my attention to my own mental processes.
I practice writing, express my thoughts and feelings, and create a space for the voices of different ” parts” of my personality to be heard (this helps me carefully study situations of internal conflict). I write down my memories and look at them, like a writer or director, from different angles, so that I can better understand what happened not only to me, but also to other participants in the events. I study my own patterns, typical repetitive situations when I ” step on a rake”.
Sometimes I need the presence of another person, a friend, or a therapist to take a closer look at difficult situations. I specifically allocate time and money for this.
I regularly analyze my actions and achievements (or lack thereof) based on the following questions “What did I do? What turned out well? What did I rely on (my knowledge, skills, values, dreams, principles)? What will I do differently next time? What do I need to learn to do this?”
The answers to the question “what do I need to learn to do this” set me the direction of self-education. I read a lot, listen to lectures on topics that interest me, write notes about what I read and heard, and discuss them with people. I regularly improve my skills by taking certain courses.
Hello! Because I am a student, I try to find myself, my place in the sun. I try to read several books a month, do fitness at home, and try to learn a lot of new things for myself.
Although the so-called laziness slips by at times, but I try to work on it.
I read a lot of literature. Starting from art classics to science pop.
I can also advise you to watch various lectures on the similarity of TED.
It is good to develop logical thinking and memory by studying programming.�
In fact, not as difficult as it seems.
It is always useful to solve various kinds of logical problems.
In principle, my job is to solve complex problems.
By and large, self – development is the way to meet our needs, which everyone and everyone has without exception. In the context of self-development, improving the quality of life (reaching a certain level or restoring what was before) is most often discussed.
As you know, in any business, the most difficult thing is to start. What can prevent this is already known. Coaches and psychologists agree that in order for the wheel of your self-development to spin, you need to follow just 5 simple steps:
The desire to change must be mature and conscious.
Recognize your shortcomings and identify areas for self-development based on them.
Create a clear image of what you want (not just “I want to be smart and strong”, but “I want to learn Spanish at a conversational level and lose up to 50 kg”) and set a goal.
Decide on ways to achieve the desired result.
Act according to the goals set and the methods chosen.
Preliminary training allows you to get used to the idea of future changes and cuts off certain fears associated with them.
(briefly, I don't know how to do it, I don't practice, I don't want to, suffer:)
You are like a pendulum should swing in different directions increasing the amplitude. We all start small and probably noticed, for example, in childhood, when there were a lot of things to do, all sorts of circles were more conducive to development than just a school-home. �
It should be noted that different people have their own approach to each issue and ways to solve certain problems. Please also forgive me, I don't want to delve into the theory, quotes and proofs will just tell you my experience.
It was about the 8th grade, I moved to a new school, new opportunities opened up. The circumstances turned out in such a way that I got into an architecture school without any special education, and even for the 2nd year out of 4. In addition, I was actively engaged in various sports, the last one was a passion for computers, more precisely games ,and even more precisely MineCraft: D
My day went something like this: in the morning at 7 o'clock I got to my grandmother and in 40 minutes I had to do all my homework, 10 minutes for food, 10 minutes to walk to school. At 13: 30 I finished, went back to my grandmother, ate, did tasks for the art school and got there by 16, an hour on the road, there until about 19 or 20, I was at home by about 21, so 3 times a week. The rest of the days in the sports section where I was up to 18 and at home about 19. 1 day off. In the evening and until the night I spent at the computer, or rather MC, where there is an even more interesting story. At first, I just played, very soon, because of my great interest in construction, I got into the server administration, created various “clans” there, held events, soon this resulted in the need to create my own server, create a website, I started learning programming languages, setting up my server, administration, personnel management, slowly it even reached a small web studio. This went on for 2 years, and then everything abruptly stopped. With the phrase “exams, use”. And I didn't do anything. Just 2 years sat on the scheme of home-school-computer games, hoping that the university will change something, but it only worsened. That's how in 2 years I became someone out of nothing, and in 3 years I didn't take a single step.�
It took me 3 years to learn one simple truth: we live with only one need – the need for emotions. Games, alcohol, comfort zone give them to us and so we stay standing still, thank God I was bypassed by the TV, I haven't watched it for 6 years, and it gives us a lot of emotions, you can watch it for days without getting up.
So what did I do for my self-development? I left my university, where I was not comfortable and easy to study without interest, worked for a year, it gave me a clear idea of what I want and how to achieve. I entered a difficult university, a specialty that is given to me hard, with a full understanding that I will not work on it. I continue to study programming, I am interested in creative work, theater, cinema, and music. I meet new people, try to go to competitions on hikes, take a lot of photos. The main thing is that I do it for myself, and I love it. And I am very pleased to read what I wrote above and understand – this is all true, this is me. Yes, I have a lot of problems, unfortunately, everyone has them, but they also give me invaluable experience and further development.
I haven't written about books or reading articles, there's always plenty of that. It was always easy for me to read books on achieving goals, success, and psychology. Watch motivational films that gave a kick to 1 failure. But to get up and go do something-nooooo. COMPLICATED.
So about the universal method. If there is, it won't work for you. However, I have highlighted the main points for myself, and you can watch for yourself.�
Versatile development, but without spraying:
1. Mind, logic
2. Creation
3. Physical development
Important! In each of the 3 points, you should find yourself, what you like, what you will show interest in. And most importantly, enjoy the process.
Learn to step over yourself, nothing is impossible, take a step, look for new things and give up the old. The most elementary thing is to start doing something the other way around.
Life is one, who knows, maybe you will die tomorrow, but you haven't tried so much, somewhere you were afraid of trifles. Start now.
I read books, try to communicate with people cooler than me
I also have fun going to some lectures, like here�http://zilcc.ru/
I watch webinars for work here�http://edumate.ru/all/events/?company=49
For me, this is development in several areas.
Physical development. Weightlifting training + running in the morning + hand-to-hand combat.
Mental development: I am currently reading Hermann Hesse and Huysmans.
Professional development: I study Sketch, Phyton, C#, creating guidelines for iOS.
I sleep for a maximum of 6 hours, there is not enough time for anything. This is self-development.