11 Answers

  1. First, you need to determine what kind of thinking we are talking about.�

    Thinking as a cognitive function of the brain is responsible for processing incoming information and its further use. Simply put, thinking is how we think. It is divided into several types, which are combined to varying degrees with each other, depending on the situation. Let's figure out when to turn on what kind of thinking, and how to develop it all.

    • Logical thinking is the ability to think and reason consistently, consistently, and understand cause-and-effect relationships.

    Here there is a division into induction and deduction: ways of thinking, where inference is based on the analysis of information – from the particular to the general and from the general to the particular, respectively. Logical thinking is closely related to mathematical thinking, since it is the understanding of the laws of logic and the sequence of operations that is clearly traced in mathematics. It turns out that you can develop logical thinking through mathematical thinking. The simplest example is problem solving.
    They are called“logical tasks”, they can be easily found on the web, and they look like this:
    Before the court are three people, each of whom can be either an aboriginal or an alien. The judge knows that the Natives always answer questions truthfully, and the aliens always lie. However, the judge does not know which of them is an aboriginal and which is an alien. He asks the first one, but does not understand his answer. So it asks first the second and then the third person what the first person answered. The second one says that the first one said that he was an Aboriginal. The third one says that the first one called himself an alien. Who were the second and third defendants?

    (Answer: the second is an aboriginal, the third is an alien)

    • Another type of thinking – visual-figurative-is responsible for processing information through visual representation of images and operating them, as they say, in the head.

    That is, the entire thought process occurs without physical interaction with real objects.

    How to understand that this particular type of thinking is poorly developed? It is difficult for you to imagine how several objects are combined into one, you can not mentally turn the figure, etc.

    You can develop this type of thinking through actions, and then gradually you will be able to perform these operations in your mind. For example, you can cut a geometric shape out of paper, cut it into several parts, mix them together, and try to create a new shape. First, fold the shape with your hands, and later connect thinking – look at the components and move them mentally. Thus, here, too, there is a training of one type of thinking through another – subject-effective.

    You can also practice visual thinking training directly in your mind. For example, every evening, remember who you saw today — colleagues, friends — and describe in detail their appearance. Imagine the whole image first, and then move on to the details — accessories, jewelry, etc.
    To develop complex thinking in general, all these exercises need to be combined.

    Online games and simulators perfectly cope with this task. The online service Wikium offers game-based cognitive simulators aimed specifically at developing thinking in general, relying on both mathematical and visual operations. In addition, Wikium simulators are based on scientific methods for studying brain functions, such as the Wexler method and the Stroop effect.

    Another world – famous simulator is Tetris. By imagining how to position a piece, turning it over and moving it around in our mind, and counting how many rows will disappear with different placement options, we train several types of thinking at once. Strategies and quests complicate the task – they add a scenario that you need to follow in order to win.

  2. A list of 100, where you create 100 answers to 1 specific question, such as ” 100 items that you can hardly recognize by touch.” And the very statement of the question is the difference in the level of difficulty for this exercise. 100 ways to declare your love. 100 types of business that could be done by aliens on other planets. 100 variants of water origin. 100 unusual compliments. 100 items where you can leave a message to your great-grandchildren. And so on

  3. I am absolutely against studying in notebooks and books,so I always let Sonya touch and play. Here are the details from numecon, which were very useful to us.

    If this is the first time you offer your child such a game, then you need to start with one row, just asking the child to close his eyes and hide one color.

    Each time, make it harder and increase the number of rows to three.Be sure to tell your child the course of your thoughts.

    There are three colors in the first row:blue, red, and yellow. In the second row,red,yellow and blue, and in the third, yellow and blue. What color are we missing?

    If the child finds it difficult,show it clearly by pointing out the color in the rows and naming it.

    Blue here, yellow here, so not enough red!

    Such tasks can be varied and you can change objects every time: today they are colors,tomorrow they are animals,geometric shapes, etc.

    Sand therapy is also useful for the development of thinking in children https://medical-group.ru/product-category/pesochnaya-terapiya/

  4. Turn off the TV and don't trust the president, the prime minister, or anyone else in their company. You will soon develop critical thinking and you will even wonder how these fools were believed until now. I know it's difficult, but it's worth a try.

  5. I know about ways to develop thinking through the development of creative abilities, as discussed in the Banana group of the VKontakte network:


    1. Calculate your bills without using a calculator.

    2. Achieve the same skill with both hands. Force yourself to take written notes, dial a phone number, and cut meat with a non-dominant hand.

    3. Make lists of subproblems that can be divided into complex problems.

    4. When laying out napkins on the dining table, fold them into fancy shapes.

    5. While sitting in transport, notice the license plates of neighboring cars, sum up the numbers without a piece of paper, square the result, and then divide by seven.

    6. Watch TV with the sound turned off and try to understand what is happening on the screen. Make up your own story.

    7. When going to the store for shopping, do not make a list of what you need.

    8. The next time you sit down to play bridge or poker, keep an eye on the cards dealt, without shifting your own suits.

    9. Cut out several photos from magazines: drawings separately, captions to them separately. Mix everything together and distribute the caricature captions at random. Did you get anything interesting? Doesn't suggest a new signature or a new cartoon?

    1. Don't be afraid to change!

    11. Open the dictionary at random every day and read the entire page with examples.

    12. Next time you come to a strange city, don't bring a map with you. Read road signs and signs. Try to determine which local resident you can ask for directions from.

    13. Create a new dish from leftovers that can be collected in the refrigerator, and supplies that are stuck in the nooks and crannies of kitchen cabinets.

    14. Read something you've learned by heart, but from the end.

    15. Carry a pencil (or pen) and paper everywhere. While sitting in the subway, in your doctor's waiting room, etc., draw everything you see. You don't have to work for a personal exhibition at the Hermitage. Draw, for example, a coffee pot placed on the spine of a deposit check. Draw a chair in the margins of the magazine. Try to draw all its four legs in a spatial perspective.

    16.The next time an item of kitchen or garden equipment breaks, don't rush to buy a new one. Fix it or improvise some replacement.

    17. Satisfy your curiosity. If you are interested in something, look in the reference books, call someone, ask.

    18. Come up with at least ten ways to use cracked cups.

    19. Start learning a foreign language.

    20. Be bold in any business. Add, for example, pasta to canned beans.

    21. On every fourth trip to the grocery store, put only those products in your cart that you haven't bought yet.

    22. Make anagrams out of words seen on road signs.

    23. Remember and list in writing all the items of clothing that hang in your bedroom closet.

    24. Consider an ad in a magazine or newspaper. Think about what you would improve in its graphic design? Come up with a new advertising slogan for this product. Suggest your best commercial name.

    25. Increase blood flow to the brain at least once a day by standing on your hands, hanging your head over the edge of the bed, or tying your shoelaces for a long time without bending your knees.

    26. Practice measuring volume and weight by eye when cooking food.

    27. If your pet is simply called Tuzik, Murka or Bug, try to come up with a new name that is more suitable for its character. Try experimenting with adjectives or verbs. If you dare, rename your children as well.

    28. List as many words ending with the letters “c” as possible.

    29. Make a short synopsis of a story from some literary and artistic magazine.

    30. Train yourself to review the contents and indexes of every nonfiction, nonfiction, or educational book. Note also the author's name.”�

    Of course, reading and socializing can help you develop your thinking skills.

  6. Math to help. It forces a person to think and find solutions (algorithms).If you will study solve some problems and not memorize them. I know everyone has wondered why I need trigonometry ? Why do you need math itself ? The main task of mathematics is to make people think, and the second is ” mathematics is the language of nature.”

  7. What exercises for developing thinking do you know?

    I will give a rather strange answer unlike all the others:

    Start learning programming.

    No other exercises give such effectiveness. Learning programming develops logic, develops imaginative thinking, develops an understanding of cause-and-effect relationships, and is generally sooo complex and very interesting and diverse.

    The only thing – take a language that does not apply to scripts or web programming. It takes a long time to explain why, just take my word for it.:)

  8. I don't know if this can be attributed to special exercises, but very often it happens that you think about something, think, thoughts flow from one to another, and at a certain moment you don't understand why you even thought about it.

    At such times, I find it very useful to plan the entire route of my thinking. In reverse order, go back to the original thought. Or at least remember it, and then from it again make the same route to the final thought.

    The same thing works for a dialog (voice, not text) – remember, ” why did we even talk about this?”

    It is also interesting to turn it around if you “stuck” on some Wikipedia, or TheQ-remember which ways you opened this article or question.

  9. This is a very deep question indeed. I believe that thinking is a huge number of small components. There are, for example, the ability to search for patterns (this is what IQ tests check), the ability to think creatively, emotional intelligence, the ability to visualize (this is when you can imagine some pictures or scenes with your eyes closed), different types of memory, the ability to reproduce sounds in your head, etc.

    And there are many, many, many, many such skills. So many that there is no way to isolate them all. Ask yourself why you want to improve your thinking and what skills you want to improve. And after selecting the necessary skills, find exercises to develop them.�

    For example, I wanted to play sounds in my head (audio alarm?) with great accuracy, I just imagined that I could hear music, drums, some everyday sounds, conversations of my friends, and over time I raised this skill very much.

    The main principle here is that, conditionally, by solving Sudoku, you will only learn to solve Sudoku. If you want to learn how to write – write! Don't solve Sudoku, don't memorize poems, these are all other skills, they won't teach you how to write! This is so strict that by practicing, for example, memorizing numbers, you will almost not raise the skill of memorizing poems!

  10. The brain is not a muscle that needs constant training, but a tool that requires a lot of care and careful handling.

    Thinking works with the help of our memory, where our memories – feelings and information-are located.”On the basis of all this, we create thoughts, and to think that our thinking somehow develops is utter nonsense! At least so far, not one neurophysiologist or psychologist is able to prove the existence of thinking, that is, how it works. Consequently, there is no exercise for developing thinking at the moment.�

    The only thing we can do is not to clog up our thinking with unnecessary information, and even better-fill it with books, lectures and works of art.�

    My personal observation is that the larger a person's vocabulary, the greater their thinking capacity.

  11. Well, first of all, it depends on what type of thinking you want to develop:creative logical, imaginative, etc.

    You can recommend a lot of exercises, from memorizing tongue twisters, reading words in reverse in your mind, writing and drawing with your left hand if you are right-handed and vice versa, respectively, solving logical problems (puzzles, rebuses, crosswords, Sudoku), as well as developing fine motor skills ( collect puzzles, glue models, build a construction kit), write more by hand, read and retell, memorize poems, write essays or essays, participate in discussions, exchange opinions and other intellectual quizzes, etc.

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