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It is fair to name Socrates as well. His biographer Diogenes Laertius notes that Socrates was often beaten (Vitae philosoph., II, 5, 21), and Claudius Aelianus has two telling anecdotes: about how a mock play by Aristophanes was staged in the theater, directed against Socrates (Var. hist., II, 13; Aristophanes ' plays have come down to us), and how some people decided to mock the philosopher and ambushed him at night, returning from the feast to frighten them, but in the end Socrates overwhelmed them with his calmness and reasonable questions (Ibid., IX, 29). Everything ended very darkly, as Socrates ' opponents initiated a trial over him, as a result of which the philosopher was sentenced to death. After some time, the Athenians regretted this offense in the face of world philosophy, and in 2012 in Athens even arranged a special review, as a result of which Socrates was acquitted.
Absolute geniuses / clever people do not exist in Nature – a well-deserved genius in one case is, as a rule, very far from a genius in other cases.
A very large list of famous geniuses in their own areas of success who have suffered very much and even cruelly in the alien sphere of “ordinary life of ordinary people” is well known, but is not considered closely and in detail for ethical reasons.
The erroneous myth “a genius in one thing is a genius in everything” has long been firmly dispelled.
Galileo Galilei is a scientist, mathematician and astronomer who played an important role in the scientific revolution, providing precious information and astrological tools to the scientific world. He built the first telescope to identify sunspots, lunar craters, and many other celestial bodies in outer space. With his experiments, he convincingly refuted the speculative metaphysics of Aristotle and laid the foundation of classical mechanics. During his lifetime, he was known as an active supporter of the heliocentric system of the world, which led Galileo to a serious conflict with the Catholic Church. The astronomer died in 1642, but his theories were not accepted until the early 19th century.
Jan Vermeer-best known for his paintings of everyday scenes of middle-class life, Jan never received recognition for his talent during his lifetime. While he earned his living as an artist, he was not well-known outside of the city of Delft, and certainly was never rich. It is claimed that the cause of his death was stress due to financial difficulties. Gustav Friedrich Waagen and Theophil Tore-Burger, who rediscovered Jan Vermeer in the 19th century, published essays that attributed 66 paintings to him, although today 34 paintings are considered reliably authentic, and another 5 are debated. The artist died in 1675, but his talent was recognized only in the 19th century.
An example from the relatively recent past is N. I. Lobachevsky.
He created the so-called non-Euclidean geometry, where he denied the classical Euclidean “on the�plane�through�a point that does not lie on a given прямой line, one can draw one and only one straight line�parallel to this one”.
This discovery was not recognized by his contemporaries, and when he sent his report to the Academy of Sciences, they openly replied that they did not understand anything in his geometry.
Only after his death did mathematicians appreciate his work and even publish the complete works of Lobachevsky.