Materialism begins with a confident attempt to answer the basic question the question of philosophy: “what is primary-matter or consciousness?”. Matter is primary, says the materialist. And the consciousness obtained in the course of the evolution of nature is secondary. Because the human carrier of consciousness is one of the branches of the primate species, the most successful branch, which has trained in the course of the development of the species the best adaptive properties, including intelligence, a special property of which is the ability to transform the environment for the benefit of its species – Homo Sapiens, and itself (beloved).
The thesis “Matter is primary” consists of:
a) There is no God, because matter is an objective reality given to us in all sensations, including instrumental, hardware, etc., it “knows” how to self-generate, self-develop, self-organize in accordance with the laws of nature. Otherwise, matter, nature does not need God.
b) There is no God because all sciences, including mathematics, prove that matter is the universal state of the universe (there are no non-material phenomena, consciousness is an attribute of matter, like electricity, gravity, chemical reaction, civilization, etc.). What cannot be seen, including with the help of instruments (micro-telescopes), or even defined as a mathematical object that must be embedded in the equation of the universe like a quantum, a quark…, does not exist.
b) matter, which is the universal state of the whole world, of the whole universe, of all universes at all times, blindly obeys the laws of dialectics. There are three of them: the law of unity and struggle of opposites, the law of transition of quantitative changes to qualitative ones (the law of transition of quantity to quality), the law of negation of negation (double negation). Simply put, all matter contains pluses/minuses (black-white, small-large, single-general, male-female, yin-yang, and so on ad infinitum), this plus-minus state is the initial contradiction that matter at any level seeks to overcome. For example, a husband and wife are opposites, sometimes it seems that they are completely insurmountable. They can overcome their antagonisms, quarrels, equality, the desire to give up everything and get a divorce only if a) they love each other and this love is more than anything bad in their relationship b) they strive to maintain their cozy world, and this cozy world is more important to them than anything bad in their relationship c) they have children, and children are more important than anything bad in their relationship. Once the decision is made to preserve this important property, the husband and wife come to an agreement. That is, they agree to limit their criticisms of the opposite (limit the struggle) in order to strengthen relative unity as the most valuable state, supported by additional conditions – love, children, stability. The more diverse problems a family has overcome in their quest to preserve their home and lifestyle, the easier it is to cope with new problems. Overcoming problems, it is strengthened. And the reasons for previous quarrels (a negative phenomenon in itself) are denied by all parties to the process. For example: what fools we were when we were young, always fighting over nothing. However, sooner or later any system collapses, having accumulated a critical mass of entropy, that is, minuses. The advantage here is that the family has given birth to a new life, and life still wins at new levels of development, including material, technical, and professional.
All these circumstances (struggle-overcoming differences,+/ -, agreement-balance, blind desire to accumulate positive qualities, the ability to overcome self-accumulating negative qualities and acquire new forms and new qualities) are equivalent for all matter of all systems and levels, including subatomic and social ones.
Idealists agree with almost everything, except for one thing – they do not believe that matter is capable of self-generation from absolute nothing. No law or mathematics can confirm such an origin, because in the original absolute nothing there are no pros and cons. Thus, in its most basic foundation, the main thesis of the materialists is refuted. Therefore, idealists say, God exists. It's just that we can't “see” it even with instrument vision, just as an ant can't see either a person (an object too big for it) or a civilization (even bigger and more complex).
In response, materialists introduce the thesis: matter is indestructible and has always been in the form of subatomic states (quanta, quarks, gluons, etc.), introduce field theory. To which idealists say: the concept always contradicts the initial position of materialism and the theory of the collapse of universes – after which even black holes “die” (death is a mandatory state of matter, according to the second law of thermodynamics, and it is insurmountable). It is impossible to prove mathematically the necessity and initial conditions of the Big Bang before the Planck epoch. Because the conceptalways ( eternally, infinitely) is not matter, but metaphysics, which overcomes the second law precisely because of its immateriality (spirituality, absoluteness). Therefore, there is always God.
But this is unprovable by science. Therefore the dispute between materialism and idealism is eternal and infinite, just as the universe, matter, nature, and God are eternal and infinite. However, here everyone is free to choose at their own discretion.
To put it in simple terms, this is idealism turned inside out, and if it is more complicated, then the second alternative version of the non – dialectical solution of the main question of philosophy after idealism.
There is such a thing as existence. And there is its negation – non-existence.
We refer to these concepts when we talk about something “is”, “to be”,” not ” and similar things.
This concept is very widely used in everyday language, it seems simple and understandable – here I went to the store, and there the fish “is” – but in general it is very complex if you try to clarify and formalize it. In philosophy, there is a whole discipline that is only engaged in this – ontology.
Since people have been trying to figure out how to properly reason about what “being” is for quite some time, many different ways have been accumulated. After all, this is one of the oldest questions, and it was dealt with by the very first philosophers.
There are also attempts to classify the answer options in some way and organize them. You can, for example, distinguish those options that recognize the possibility of an objective, that is, independent existence, and those that do not. The former believe that the table exists by itself, in some way, and the latter-that the table is only in your perception and in general everything is only in your perception. I, who write this answer, also exist only in it.
And among those who recognize objective existence, there are those who believe that only objective existence in the form of material entities is possible, and those who believe that there are ideas, and matter only embodies these ideas (but in general there are more than two possibilities). So the former are usually called materialists, and the latter-idealists. Although in reality everything is more complicated and materialists are different. A physicist can assume that there is not only a physical existence, but in his work ignore everything that is not physically manifested – this is methodological materialism. There are many people who believe that if something is not expressed in matter, it does not exist at all-this is “vulgar materialism”. Marxism developed so-called dialectical materialism and generally tried to pretend that the whole history of philosophy was reduced to the struggle between materialists and idealists, although this is not so, and in general they have more in common than objective and subjective idealists.
A curious form of materialism called “object-oriented ontology”is now being developed.
Marxists put a lot of extra ideology on materialism and many people believed them-sometimes because of the opposite, that is, they agreed that materialism entails Marxism and excludes idealism, but they do not accept Marxism, which means that materialism must be considered something bad. There is just such an answer nearby. Don't fall for propaganda, materialism means a lot less than the Marxists tried to pretend.
The suffix-ism means the ideological doctrine of the primacy of matter. And this is indisputable: The universe is material. Despite the fact that it was created in an immaterial way and with the greatest art. But it is made of matter.
The Creator created the World. But the question of science is how did He do it?
Answer: Materialism is an integral part of the creation theory.
Materialism is a philosophical system that holds that matter (non-consciousness) was earlier (i.e. primary) than consciousness. In contrast, idealism is a philosophical system that holds that consciousness was earlier (i.e. primary) than matter (non-consciousness).
The essence of materialism (if it is understood as the idea of Marxists) consists not in defining philosophical categories, but in trying to derive the laws of social development from natural and objective (for example, natural or scientific and technological progress) processes, as opposed to explanations related to subjective factors, and then take active actions to implement these laws. Hence their understanding of philosophical categories.
That is, materialism (in the form of Marxism) proceeded from solving actual historical problems.
The materialist believes that initially there was a certain material clot nowhere, which then began to fly apart and created the universe. And all the existing laws of the universe are the properties of this matter.
The idealist believes that our universe is a formula (Laws). Like this site, it is also a formula compiled by a programmer on the side of the executive organization. And this is the formula that creates reality within itself, and the interaction of its parts is defined as matter.
We humans are part of the formula of the universe (script). By interacting with other parts of the formula of the universe, we materialize them.
Materialism is a worldview in which the world is presented as a collection of animate and inanimate things that can and should be controlled. Controlling things is the ultimate value. The value of money and power is one of the variants of the materialistic worldview; algorithms in relations between people (“ten ways to win a man”, etc.), which assume that people are objects in which you need to press certain buttons, too.
Materialism is a convenient, simplified view of the world, based on the principle that I believe only what I can prove experimentally or infer logically from experimental results.
That is, it is an inductive way of knowing the world-from the particular to the general. This approach is justified for studying the physical laws of the world and engineering design, but when trying to explain the psychological, ethical or aesthetic manifestations of being, materialism is completely helpless and serves as the basis for the birth of such monsters as nihilism, liberalism, communism and nationalism.
Materialism denies the independent existence of such phenomena as reason, conscience, love, duty, beauty, freedom, will, and considers them the result of random and meaningless chemical reactions.
Materialism denies the existence of any meaning in the existence of the universe, life, reason, but at the same time asserts the determinism of all processes in the universe. That is, everything that is happening now was predetermined at the beginning of the world and what will happen next is also inevitable, but all this is completely meaningless.
This belief of the 19th century still remains the basis of our school education. Perhaps because no one has yet proposed a different concept of how the world works, which includes both modern technological knowledge and the spiritual experience of humanity.
Materialism is the opinion that material substance is primary, and spiritual value is secondary,that is, money and possessions are more expensive than the soul, opinion and other spiritual opportunities
Materialism begins with a confident attempt to answer the basic question the question of philosophy: “what is primary-matter or consciousness?”. Matter is primary, says the materialist. And the consciousness obtained in the course of the evolution of nature is secondary. Because the human carrier of consciousness is one of the branches of the primate species, the most successful branch, which has trained in the course of the development of the species the best adaptive properties, including intelligence, a special property of which is the ability to transform the environment for the benefit of its species – Homo Sapiens, and itself (beloved).
The thesis “Matter is primary” consists of:
a) There is no God, because matter is an objective reality given to us in all sensations, including instrumental, hardware, etc., it “knows” how to self-generate, self-develop, self-organize in accordance with the laws of nature. Otherwise, matter, nature does not need God.
b) There is no God because all sciences, including mathematics, prove that matter is the universal state of the universe (there are no non-material phenomena, consciousness is an attribute of matter, like electricity, gravity, chemical reaction, civilization, etc.). What cannot be seen, including with the help of instruments (micro-telescopes), or even defined as a mathematical object that must be embedded in the equation of the universe like a quantum, a quark…, does not exist.
b) matter, which is the universal state of the whole world, of the whole universe, of all universes at all times, blindly obeys the laws of dialectics. There are three of them: the law of unity and struggle of opposites, the law of transition of quantitative changes to qualitative ones (the law of transition of quantity to quality), the law of negation of negation (double negation). Simply put, all matter contains pluses/minuses (black-white, small-large, single-general, male-female, yin-yang, and so on ad infinitum), this plus-minus state is the initial contradiction that matter at any level seeks to overcome. For example, a husband and wife are opposites, sometimes it seems that they are completely insurmountable. They can overcome their antagonisms, quarrels, equality, the desire to give up everything and get a divorce only if a) they love each other and this love is more than anything bad in their relationship b) they strive to maintain their cozy world, and this cozy world is more important to them than anything bad in their relationship c) they have children, and children are more important than anything bad in their relationship. Once the decision is made to preserve this important property, the husband and wife come to an agreement. That is, they agree to limit their criticisms of the opposite (limit the struggle) in order to strengthen relative unity as the most valuable state, supported by additional conditions – love, children, stability. The more diverse problems a family has overcome in their quest to preserve their home and lifestyle, the easier it is to cope with new problems. Overcoming problems, it is strengthened. And the reasons for previous quarrels (a negative phenomenon in itself) are denied by all parties to the process. For example: what fools we were when we were young, always fighting over nothing. However, sooner or later any system collapses, having accumulated a critical mass of entropy, that is, minuses. The advantage here is that the family has given birth to a new life, and life still wins at new levels of development, including material, technical, and professional.
All these circumstances (struggle-overcoming differences,+/ -, agreement-balance, blind desire to accumulate positive qualities, the ability to overcome self-accumulating negative qualities and acquire new forms and new qualities) are equivalent for all matter of all systems and levels, including subatomic and social ones.
Idealists agree with almost everything, except for one thing – they do not believe that matter is capable of self-generation from absolute nothing. No law or mathematics can confirm such an origin, because in the original absolute nothing there are no pros and cons. Thus, in its most basic foundation, the main thesis of the materialists is refuted. Therefore, idealists say, God exists. It's just that we can't “see” it even with instrument vision, just as an ant can't see either a person (an object too big for it) or a civilization (even bigger and more complex).
In response, materialists introduce the thesis: matter is indestructible and has always been in the form of subatomic states (quanta, quarks, gluons, etc.), introduce field theory. To which idealists say: the concept always contradicts the initial position of materialism and the theory of the collapse of universes – after which even black holes “die” (death is a mandatory state of matter, according to the second law of thermodynamics, and it is insurmountable). It is impossible to prove mathematically the necessity and initial conditions of the Big Bang before the Planck epoch. Because the conceptalways ( eternally, infinitely) is not matter, but metaphysics, which overcomes the second law precisely because of its immateriality (spirituality, absoluteness). Therefore, there is always God.
But this is unprovable by science. Therefore the dispute between materialism and idealism is eternal and infinite, just as the universe, matter, nature, and God are eternal and infinite. However, here everyone is free to choose at their own discretion.
To put it in simple terms, this is idealism turned inside out, and if it is more complicated, then the second alternative version of the non – dialectical solution of the main question of philosophy after idealism.
There is such a thing as existence. And there is its negation – non-existence.
We refer to these concepts when we talk about something “is”, “to be”,” not ” and similar things.
This concept is very widely used in everyday language, it seems simple and understandable – here I went to the store, and there the fish “is” – but in general it is very complex if you try to clarify and formalize it. In philosophy, there is a whole discipline that is only engaged in this – ontology.
Since people have been trying to figure out how to properly reason about what “being” is for quite some time, many different ways have been accumulated. After all, this is one of the oldest questions, and it was dealt with by the very first philosophers.
There are also attempts to classify the answer options in some way and organize them. You can, for example, distinguish those options that recognize the possibility of an objective, that is, independent existence, and those that do not. The former believe that the table exists by itself, in some way, and the latter-that the table is only in your perception and in general everything is only in your perception. I, who write this answer, also exist only in it.
And among those who recognize objective existence, there are those who believe that only objective existence in the form of material entities is possible, and those who believe that there are ideas, and matter only embodies these ideas (but in general there are more than two possibilities). So the former are usually called materialists, and the latter-idealists. Although in reality everything is more complicated and materialists are different. A physicist can assume that there is not only a physical existence, but in his work ignore everything that is not physically manifested – this is methodological materialism. There are many people who believe that if something is not expressed in matter, it does not exist at all-this is “vulgar materialism”. Marxism developed so-called dialectical materialism and generally tried to pretend that the whole history of philosophy was reduced to the struggle between materialists and idealists, although this is not so, and in general they have more in common than objective and subjective idealists.
A curious form of materialism called “object-oriented ontology”is now being developed.
Marxists put a lot of extra ideology on materialism and many people believed them-sometimes because of the opposite, that is, they agreed that materialism entails Marxism and excludes idealism, but they do not accept Marxism, which means that materialism must be considered something bad. There is just such an answer nearby. Don't fall for propaganda, materialism means a lot less than the Marxists tried to pretend.
The suffix-ism means the ideological doctrine of the primacy of matter. And this is indisputable: The universe is material. Despite the fact that it was created in an immaterial way and with the greatest art. But it is made of matter.
The Creator created the World. But the question of science is how did He do it?
Answer: Materialism is an integral part of the creation theory.
Materialism is a philosophical system that holds that matter (non-consciousness) was earlier (i.e. primary) than consciousness. In contrast, idealism is a philosophical system that holds that consciousness was earlier (i.e. primary) than matter (non-consciousness).
The essence of materialism (if it is understood as the idea of Marxists) consists not in defining philosophical categories, but in trying to derive the laws of social development from natural and objective (for example, natural or scientific and technological progress) processes, as opposed to explanations related to subjective factors, and then take active actions to implement these laws. Hence their understanding of philosophical categories.
That is, materialism (in the form of Marxism) proceeded from solving actual historical problems.
What he is now is probably vague.
The materialist believes that initially there was a certain material clot nowhere, which then began to fly apart and created the universe. And all the existing laws of the universe are the properties of this matter.
The idealist believes that our universe is a formula (Laws). Like this site, it is also a formula compiled by a programmer on the side of the executive organization. And this is the formula that creates reality within itself, and the interaction of its parts is defined as matter.
We humans are part of the formula of the universe (script). By interacting with other parts of the formula of the universe, we materialize them.
This is clearly visible in the computer game.
Materialism is a worldview in which the world is presented as a collection of animate and inanimate things that can and should be controlled. Controlling things is the ultimate value. The value of money and power is one of the variants of the materialistic worldview; algorithms in relations between people (“ten ways to win a man”, etc.), which assume that people are objects in which you need to press certain buttons, too.
Materialism is a convenient, simplified view of the world, based on the principle that I believe only what I can prove experimentally or infer logically from experimental results.
That is, it is an inductive way of knowing the world-from the particular to the general. This approach is justified for studying the physical laws of the world and engineering design, but when trying to explain the psychological, ethical or aesthetic manifestations of being, materialism is completely helpless and serves as the basis for the birth of such monsters as nihilism, liberalism, communism and nationalism.
Materialism denies the independent existence of such phenomena as reason, conscience, love, duty, beauty, freedom, will, and considers them the result of random and meaningless chemical reactions.
Materialism denies the existence of any meaning in the existence of the universe, life, reason, but at the same time asserts the determinism of all processes in the universe. That is, everything that is happening now was predetermined at the beginning of the world and what will happen next is also inevitable, but all this is completely meaningless.
This belief of the 19th century still remains the basis of our school education. Perhaps because no one has yet proposed a different concept of how the world works, which includes both modern technological knowledge and the spiritual experience of humanity.
Materialism is the opinion that material substance is primary, and spiritual value is secondary,that is, money and possessions are more expensive than the soul, opinion and other spiritual opportunities