One Answer

  1. Neo-imperialism is a state policy aimed at establishing political and economic control over other states.

    When answering the second part of the question, it is impossible not to consider the historical aspect. In my opinion, this policy has not been implemented within the framework of the Commonwealth of Nations, and I will explain why. The fact is that by the end of the 1930s, the dominions of the British Empire were completely independent states, united only by common citizenship. Neither the King nor the English Parliament had the right to control or interfere in any way in their internal and external affairs.

    In 1971, the Singapore Declaration on the Principles of the Commonwealth was adopted. It noted that the Commonwealth of Nations is “a voluntary association of independent sovereign States, each responsible for its own policies, consulting and cooperating in the common interests of their peoples to strengthen international understanding and universal peace.”

    Finally, on March 11, 2013, the Commonwealth Charter was adopted, which is a set of key values of the organization, designed to help focus the efforts of member countries on areas of crucial importance for the Commonwealth: democracy, human rights, gender equality, tolerance, international peace and security, etc.

    Now the Commonwealth of Nations is positioned exclusively as an association of democratic countries. In this context, it is interesting that even such a fundamentally important event as Mozambique's accession to the organization was not particularly noted, so as not to remind once again that the rest of the Commonwealth members are former British colonies.

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