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Trust (to a person) – this is a set of reactions of our consciousness to the formation of ideas about satisfying its expectations, acceptable behavioral algorithms of another person, manifested by them in a particular situation.
We trust because we can count on the fact that the other person will not change their behavioral algorithms and will act exactly as we expect from them (in an acceptable way for us, which is important). Trust is formed in the process of observing the actions taken by another person in similar situations. If these actions are stable and meet our interests , we will expect similar stability in the future, expecting acceptable behavior from him.
I would probably answer the first part of the question like this: trust is an opportunity not to feel responsible.
I will try to expand the concept and answer the second part of the question with a simple example. Take the well-known confidence training – falling backwards. So, trust is an opportunity not to worry about the fact that you need to group, that you need to fall somehow on your side, that it would be better not to fall at all, and if you fall — in some beautiful pose. This is the confidence that all these points are provided for you by someone you trust, and you just need to relax and-fall.
But how we trust — or why trust appears-is probably just experience and observation. “Hmm, that person caught ten out of ten people who fell on him. He also caught his grandmother slipping on the street, even though she didn't ask him to. I think I can trust him. It seems like you can fall on it.”