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That's not the focus.
You have to accept your own life correctly. Death doesn't have to be accepted, it will take us all in its own time. But not everyone knows how to properly manage their life, does not know how to live this moment now, postpones life for later or lives with memories.
Even if you die tomorrow , it will come tomorrow. Today, now-life! You need to devote your time entirely to life. Make a list of things to do and wishes, spend time with your family and friends, and help a stranger in need… find something useful that you can do and keep yourself busy.
American psychologist Elizabeth Kubler-Ross, in the process of working and observing patients dying from serious diseases, identified 5 stages of death acceptance. By the way, they were repeatedly voiced in Dr. House:
Stage 1-Denial
Stage 2-Anger
Stage 3-Bidding
Stage 4-Depression
Stage 5-Acceptance
That is, we can conclude that everything will happen by itself, having previously passed the previous 4 stages.
We need to think about it. Do not keep silent about the topic of death not only in communication with other people, but also in communication with yourself.�
Then REALIZE that this is REALLY inevitable.�
And don't forget about it.�
Acceptance comes gradually.�
I can tell you about my experience as follows.
This topic, as well as what happens after death, has interested me since childhood. My biggest fear was losing my mom. Perhaps this was the reason for the interest, since I couldn't even imagine our parting “forever”at all. And so I tried to understand what and how.
A year ago, this happened and I was faced with the inevitable.�
I continued to take an interest in the topic of life after death, and all taboos were removed from discussions of death, and now I speak freely about it. Only there's really no one to talk to ,except my sister-people avoid it. I ALSO pay CLOSE attention to my feelings. And often what comes to me is really almost impossible to describe in human language.�
From what we can see: death is really not the end and not oblivion, but we in our earthly form and level are not able to realize this. There are many more, a great many more things besides us . I do not support any religion or esoteric practices, etc. And I'm not trying to prove anything to anyone , because I have a different goal – to get answers.�
Oh, here's another thing about fear.
I stopped being afraid of my own death, but I really began to fear either an early death (because life is very amazing and interesting and I want to learn as much as possible here), or on my deathbed I bitterly regret that I lived my life senselessly and stupidly.
And just recently, after smoking herbs for the second time in my life and experiencing a panic attack due to a very rapid heartbeat, I felt the fear of dying right here, now.�
From which she later concluded that in a (pseudo -) critical situation, a person turns on a certain defense mechanism, the instinct of self-preservation, which, through fear, forces the owner to act to save himself.�
I mean, in a conscious state before death, we are more likely to experience fear in any case. It's built into us.
It is very important not to live with this fear and not to ignore this aspect of our being.
Now I understand that this is the philosophy of life: a person is born — a person must die. Between these two points is life. Like it or not, do not regret it, but it will be so.
My father died five years ago, with metastatic lung cancer. I knew the diagnosis, saw the history, and took him to chemo. I knew what the final would be like. He was already weak. And then, about three days before his death, he suddenly felt better, even began to walk, tried to push up from the floor — he was a strong little man. My mother calls me: “Oh, listen, Dad got better, I gave him herbs to drink, so he started walking…” And I'm like: “Mom, why are you fantasizing?.. He's going to die anyway.” I said that about my father to my mother. She burst into tears and hung up. Then I came to my senses-damn, I'm the pathologist, but she's not.
Everyone thinks about death. I don't think I'm afraid of a natural death, either. It is terrible to die in the prime of life — violently or due to an accident. I have determined for myself that my physical body will die, but my continuation will live on in my children and in my grandchildren.
I believe that it's not just medical students who should be taken to the morgue. Today's young people, and those who are older, for some reason avoid the topic of death. And this is like avoiding the topic of love, sex, and children. My daughter's friends say, why give birth to children, why start a family, if we all die? So, the opposite is true. You will die if you don't have children. And if they do, you will live forever.”
How the dead help heal the living, why the morgue doesn't smell, and how the feeling of pity disappears over time