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The word “dialectic” in philosophy can be used in various contexts. According to the New Philosophical Encyclopedia, all the meanings of this word are combined in the following definition: “Dialectics is a logical form and a universal way of reflexive theoretical thinking, which has as its subject the contradictions of its conceivable content.”
In practice, there are two contexts in which the word “dialectic”is usually used.
First, this is the name of a special way of philosophizing through dialogues. This method was used, for example, by Socrates. That is, instead of simply stating his idea, the philosopher finds an interlocutor and enters into a conversation with him, opposes him, leading the argument to the formulation of a certain final thesis. To quote NFE, in this context, “dialectics is the ability of cognizing thinking to argue with itself in a dialogue of thinkers.”
Secondly, the word dialectic is used in the sense of the doctrine of development, in which the interaction and struggle of opposites is understood as the basis of development. The works of Hegel and Marx provide vivid examples of philosophical constructions that emphasize this topic.
Summing up, we can try to formulate an approximate result in this way: dialectics is a special concept that considers the existence of contradictions as the basis for the development of the world, and a method in which the presence of various competing points of view is considered the basis for achieving objectivity in the process of cognition.
In the search for oneself among the harmony of the surrounding world, in an attempt to overcome (or feel) his “orphanhood” in it, a person attaches special importance to mathematics. This is natural and determined by its fundamental relationship with philosophy (dialectics). In the very distant past, they were indistinguishable, identical to each other, which was determined by a specific stage in the evolution of the human mind. When their separation took place, this very identity, hidden from attention by the rapid development of mathematics, sciences and practices, continued to exist implicitly as a possibility. Now this possibility is extremely relevant and can become a reality. But this will only happen if a person's intellect, his mind, performs a procedure akin to metamorphosis, turning the hidden identity of mathematics and philosophy (dialectics) into their synthesis, into their explicit and harmonious unity. In this sense, both philosophy (dialectics) and mathematics are now in a state of waiting for their qualitative transformation. Only after passing through the metamorphosis of their transformation, the mind will be able to return mathematical concepts to their original nature, figurativeness in an explicit form, and philosophy (dialectics) will continue its development as the reverse side of mathematics. In this looking-glass, objective reality, denied since the Old Testament times by number, function, will find its original image, integrated with philosophical generalizations. Without such a transformation, the human mind will inevitably degrade, lose its way, lose the fundamental direction of its evolution and, ultimately, become completely entangled in the technical and technological wilds.
Let us realize that my mind is realized in opposition
yourself to everything, including yourself –
I force him to seek and find unity
objects that are distinguished by it by identifying links,
not amenable to subject research
because of the immateriality of their being…
The essence of dialectic is simple. In nature and in society, it is the passage of time.
In thinking , it is a reasoning about an object as a duration in its continuous development and interaction with other simultaneously existing and developing durations of objective space.