10 Answers

  1. In the subject-object approach, faith is the assumption of an object that is not given to us in any way in experience, but is completely isolated from us. There is no point in such a belief.

    For the phenomenological approach, the gods are the inspirers. They are given to us in experience as such. To believe in this or that inspirer means to trust him or her, to rely on the fact that this is a true, authentic source of inspiration that will not deceive or disappoint. It is impossible to believe or disbelieve in the mastermind in the subject-object sense. The mastermind exists because we draw inspiration from him, it is our experience and our life.

    To believe in a monotheistic God is to trust the true Mastermind of the universe and draw inspiration for your life from Him.

  2. I'm looking at an old question, but I only came across it the other day. And here's my answer.

    First of all, I didn't see any meaning in my life without God. Of course, you can invent it for yourself or “accept” the idea that I am a speck of dust in the universe and live with it. But it was the search for meaning that led me to the search for God.

    Second, when I found God (or rather, He found me), I found that everything that people are looking for in their lives, He gives in its entirety. Love, a sense of satisfaction. enjoy your life , find your purpose, communicate, heal, and provide. Yes, and somewhere in this list is freedom from the fear of death (as we already wrote here). I can't say that all this comes at once in one day. But gradually, by knowing God and His love, it comes and manifests itself.

    Yes, for some, faith in God does not affect life in any way. And the author of the question obviously met such people. There are also those who can be said to believe in God doing them more harm than good. So the question is, what kind of God does a person believe in, how does he imagine Him?

  3. There are at least two rational reasons for an individual to believe in God.

    The first is to mitigate the fear of death. If there is a paradise, then you can hope to go there after death.

    The second is not to think for yourself, but to trust that a priest or priest or any other interpreter of the Lord's will will tell you what is good or bad.

    These are not the main reasons for the existence of religions. The main thing lies not in the relationship of God and man, but in a higher one-society and religion. Society needs to explain the meaning of laws. Why, for example, killing is not good. God said it was bad. Outside of religion, the rationale for criminal law is too complex and unconvincing.

  4. According to the Holy Scriptures, Faith in God affects one's life. Knowing who he is and what his standards are encourages you to change your life and save yourself along the way. God himself rejoices when a person develops friendship with him and changes not only his speech but also his behavior.

    “Be wise, my son, and rejoice in my heart, and I will have something to answer him who blasphemes me “(Prov.27:11)

    There is a causal relationship here. Knowledge from the Bible The Word of God strengthens faith, because Faith depends on knowledge:

    “Faith therefore comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God” (Rom.

    The word of God is compared to a sword that recognizes motives and helps you understand yourself gives you the strength to act:

    “For the word of God is quick and effective, and sharper than any two-edged sword: it penetrates to the dividing of soul and spirit, of joints and brains, and judges the thoughts and intentions of the heart” (Hebrews 4: 12).

    The Bible has strengthened many people's faith in God and their determination to do the right thing. Listing the sins that lead to death, the Apostle Paul praised people who have changed not without the power of God in their lives.:

    “And such were some of you; but you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God” (1 Corinthians 6: 11).

  5. And the dust will return to the ground as it was, and the spirit will return to God who gave it. Vanity of vanities, said Ecclesiastes, all is vanity.
    Ecclesiastes or the Preacher 12:7-8
    As a dog returns to his vomit, so a fool repeats his folly.
    Proverbs 26: 11
    Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own understanding.
    Proverbs of Solomon 3: 5

    • A person who does not recognize God, hopes for a person, for himself or for his relatives, and many do not think about what their support is, they rely on chance. (we have certain expectations, someone is looking for happiness in people who can satisfy our inner emptiness, because of this, frustration occurs and in the future we are afraid to build trusting relationships, we must understand that there are no ideal people who will be true to their words, for this you need to learn to “forgive in advance”, this is stated in the Bible, I know that for many this is a dark forest, but having understood these issues, life will be better) .� Having no relationship with God, life is based only on material things, meaning is built in the material world, (peace of mind, what kind of soul are you talking about, I'm soulless) a person lives only for a period of time, not including eternity.
      (thanks to the acquired things, a person attaches importance to himself, fills the price, wants to raise his status in the eyes of other people, it's good when there is a desire to comprehend the top, but it's worth thinking about why you are doing this) Such a person is not constant in emotional terms and in his actions he depends on public opinion, but does not think about how God looks at him. (Look at the life of Jesus, His qualities, how He passed his trials, why he needed God, try to set an example for yourself) For a person who lives by temporary values, the significance and the whole meaning of existence is built on external images, earthly wealth, he lives without taking into his field of vision the whole life, including eternity, he uses only a part. There is no fullness in such a life. A period of time is enough for him, but what is all this wealth for if you use only a small part of your life ?
      At the moment of the collapse, the collapse of the foundation on which a person's life is built, what he exists for, temporary pleasures, circumstances go against him : The house burned down, money ran out, there is no job, the mouse broke, the wife filed for divorce… (sometimes the person himself is to blame for such a catastrophe, showing frivolity to the elective action)
      At such moments, there is no place to take support, he does not know who God is and did not trust Him with his life.(God's promises are made in the Bible) At critical moments, a person either begins to search for God, or starts swimming freely. Experiencing difficulties without God's help, a person is looking for support for recovery turning for help (to people, entertainment) using different ways of consolation, the choice is huge, but the outcome is always the same. Replacing God and eternal life with nothing will not work, there will always be something missing and you will take everything that the world offers, but you will come to a broken trough.
      When you accept faith in God and say I am a Christian, you don't automatically become sinless with a halo over your head. You admit that your life is sinful and this sin is not just a fiction from the book of “Bible fanatics” , it is in your life and it prevents you from living. Only self-acceptance can help you accept forgiveness when you recognize that you need it. Thanks to Jesus, who died on the cross for our (My) sins. Forgiven not for performing religious rites or executing laws ( success is a movement from one failure- – – – to another. this is how our whole life works ). It is the decision I made to live with God every day after that-or, without Him, a meaningless existence filled with hypocrisy and deceit, which do I choose today ? And I have to make this choice every day. (Blessed are the poor in spirit, for to them belongs the Kingdom of heaven .Matthew 5:3)
      I know a lot of Atheists who believe in themselves, in their own strength, they do not believe in God, they believe that all of humanity, just a species of mammals, is the main goal, to reproduce and preserve their species.
      When we talked about moral qualities, I was told that this is a relic of past years, our experience. But I see that we rarely do what our logical chain tells us, based on past experience. We don't stand in the same balance anyway. I know from my own experience that we humans are hurting ourselves, creating problems and a difficult life, and for so many years we have not learned not to kill ourselves. In general, there are many other things to add, many contradictions, everyone has their own theory. I believe that if you are an Atheist, then in the “religion of Christianity”, there is an instruction for this life, it will not prevent you from becoming a happy Person. Everyone has a choice of what to believe, you can believe in God or believe that there is no God. Knowing that man is capable of global transformation, I cannot believe that there is no God. My hope for a better world is the Lord.
      The most important question is whether there is a price for humanity, if we are an accident ?
      Why do I want to know the truth so badly and I'm not happy with any compromise ?
      And why am I able to ask myself these stupid questions !?
      The Bible is a guide to life, it talks about finances and how to manage them, what a family is for, reveals the relationship between a man and a woman, it needs to be studied and learned to apply, but Without accepting God's forgiveness it is impossible, only in the Lord you can find strength in this “not real” life this is a great work for which we have time (:
  6. To have an ideal. To have confidence that, regardless of the observed reality, everything can be corrected and done as it should be: everything is fair and everyone is happy.

  7. how does it not affect you? Very much even affects. To compare my godless life and my life with Christ is Heaven and earth. Of course, I don't mean that now I ride like cheese in butter, no, there are still difficulties, difficulties, my life is not completely devoid of problems, struggles and even a certain amount of suffering from time to time, but there is a place for joy, comfort, inner freedom, confidence, calmness, balanced state, etc. My problems and difficulties are solvable, they are not the “eternal curses” that have operated in my godless life. This is what concerns internal goods. But also a lot of worldly benefits have come into my life and are still coming – just as Christ promised, for those who will seek the Kingdom of God and his righteousness, everything else will be added.�

    13 You bless the righteous, O Lord; you crown him with favor as with a shield.
    (Psalm 5: 13)

    24 Whatever the wicked fears will befall him, but the desire of the righteous will be fulfilled.
    (Proverbs 10: 24)

    31 Thus is the righteous recompensed on earth, much more so to the wicked and sinner.

    Maybe you are looking for and want ultra-radical life changes, such as believing in God and immediately finding yourself in Paradise, in a life of complete bliss – so of course this is not and was not intended. To reach Paradise, it is necessary to go through a certain path of preparation for it. However, for those who embark on this path and follow this path, their quality of life really changes. I would even say more precisely-they come to life and begin to understand that before that they did not live, but were dead and only now came to life, resurrected.

  8. It is strange that the respondents did not mention the main motive of faith in God – fear. It is he who is the fundamental factor of faith in God, in that something incomprehensible, omnipotent, represented in various images by human thought. The fear that motivates people to believe in God is the fear of life itself, with all its complexity, manifestation, and character. It is strange, or maybe not, but for some reason a person wants to believe first, rather than understand the reason, the nature of this desire. It is easy to verify that fear is the dominant factor. As soon as you have a need for faith, try it, do not miss the moment, take a closer look at what this desire is caused by. Just do not lie to yourself, do not fantasize, let this feeling be, come out, show. Until you see it, you are a blind man who deceives himself to avoid pain and suffering. However, autosuggestion, a powerful thing where the false becomes true, is a real phenomenon in the human mind. Therefore, it is difficult to convince a believer that his Faith is conditioned by fear, and that the image in which he trusts is the product of a restless mind, his ghostly phantom. Faith, of course, comforts, calms, inspires hope, gives strength, confidence in a just future, in a favorable outcome. It is for people one of the most important components of the culture of human civilization. It cannot be so easily written off and thrown into the dustbin of history. It is an important, necessary element in the formation and development of human consciousness. Perhaps, after some time, Faith in God will disappear, lose its relevance, as a result of revealed, new circumstances, facts that are obvious and unsubstantiated, related to human consciousness and human nature as a whole.

  9. Believers believe that God influences their lives and is constantly present in them.

    In general, people have a need to idealize reality: This is achieved not only by believing in gods, magic, or horoscopes, but also by believing in the fair structure of society, in accepting some values as absolute. There is no rational basis for this – these are all emotions: it is very difficult to accept the meaninglessness of life, the lack of value for your life and the lives of those you love, and the inevitable death and oblivion for all of us. It is even more difficult to find your own personal meanings in life with this understanding.

    And, by the way, life is far from shit. By and large, life is “no good”: we make it ourselves with shit or honey

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