6 Answers

  1. The meaning of life in philosophy is the same as everywhere else. This is what a person is willing to live and die for. Meaning is expressed as the highest value and as the ultimate goal of human life. The ontological nature of meaning is transcendental, that is, neither subjective nor objective, but can manifest itself in any of these ways.

    Classifications of meanings have existed since ancient times. There is the Indian purushartha, there are Chinese lists of happiness [fu], there are ancient and medieval lists [for example, in Boethius and Thomas Aquinas], there is a list of William Franken based on English-language philosophical works of the XX century. There is a generalization of these classifications.

    These classifications are compiled for various purposes, including those that are included in these classifications [for example, out of curiosity, for pleasure, to help people, etc.]. The latter is compiled primarily in order to search for new meanings.

  2. Man is twofold and has two forms of life in him. The life of the organism (biological) and the life of consciousness(informational).
    Both of these forms have their own goals .
    Biological life is the process of executing a genetic code program. This is a completed form.because it “knows” how to overwrite itself and live forever.
    The information form of life is incomplete because consciousness has not yet learned to preserve itself and live forever. This form of life is now in search and this determines all our activities as humanity. We all willingly or unwittingly seek opportunities not to die, which is the engine of human progress.

  3. Probably not – ” what is the meaning of life?”,

    but still – “what is the meaning of life?”

    The meaning of HUMAN life


    The essence of HUMAN life


    There are many meanings when the meaning is incorrectly defined initially and you have to look for new meanings,

    and then again and again, again and again – to search.

    The higher middle and lower meanings are Demagoguery.

  4. Philosophy creates a language for seeing the meaning of life. And if you have mastered the language of competent philosophizing, then the effect of seeing the meaning of your life will not be long in coming. If you want to master the language of metaphysics (philosophy), come to the Zen channel “Socratic Conversations”.

  5. The meaning of human life lies in happiness, which depends on the right decisions and, accordingly, actions of a person. These rules of life are taught by the moral law of religion and the ethics of philosophy. Violating the rules of the law, a person exposes his life to suffering, loses value orientations, and, accordingly, the meaning in life.
    Happiness is a matching of one's own essence, through the experience of self-discovery. Happiness is a state and as an experienced method through awareness of one's goal, values, meaning of life, and purpose. The ethics of philosophy says that a person who thinks correctly is a virtuous person, because he makes the right decision. The property of the essence is good, and its purpose, purpose is aimed at doing good, love, mercy…, since the essence was created by God (in philosophy, the idea). So, for example: the virtue of the eye (idea) is that the eye sees well, the virtue of the horse is that it jumps quickly, the dog guards well, and so on. Each entity has a specific set of properties (an essential idea). “Happiness is the activity of the soul in accordance with virtue,” says Aristotle. Happiness is a state when a person lives virtuously. The soul has functions: plant, animal, and intelligent. The rational is the dianoetic function of the soul. The ethical feature of the interaction of the mind and the animal function of the soul is that thanks to which a person develops the ability to control his body, feelings, and passions. But this property of the soul is inextricably linked with the free choice of a person(freedom, free will). Knowledge and goodness are good, and goodness is wisdom. A wise person does the right thing. The peculiarity of ethical virtue is a way, an option, to find a reasonable, golden mean of the ideal essential property. So, for example: the property of the essence of a man is courage, courage. But the realization of this property can be decided as an act of cowardice or senseless courage. The virtue of generosity: may have the extreme solution of a generous act, like extravagance, or avarice. In the extremes of a non-rational decision, there will no longer be a virtuous act or action. The main condition of philosophical ethics is to find a reasonable solution to curb feelings, which are always extreme in human behavior. Pleasure, enjoyment is not true happiness and makes a person weak and unable to resist predilections, because it causes unreasonable attachment and desire for pleasure, pleasure that does not make a person happy, but can lead to diseases and death. Therefore, philosophy and religion teach a person how to correctly and objectively evaluate the system of values and their meaning, and, accordingly, the meaning of a life position. The moral law of religion and philosophical ethics give a complete and correct idea of pleasure, enjoyment and help a person find the right path to happiness.
    Therefore, dianoetic (reasonable) virtue includes some conditions and depends on the participation of other people. A person lives in a society – this is his natural state. Therefore, any virtue performed by a person always depends on the external environment, society as a whole. Now, it is precisely this rational feature of the soul that distinguishes a person from an animal. A person discovers complete happiness in the knowledge of truth, which is realized in contemplation, i.e., in the pure knowledge of Truth, since a person finds complete happiness in union with God (the paradise well-being of a person). God as a Self-thinking Mind. Paradise is an Image of our existence, both past and present. God is timeless and abides forever. For God, there are no concepts: yesterday, today, tomorrow. These concepts belong only to our space-time. God is Good and Necessary for the existence of our world. The One is Good, the Mind is a lesser Good, and the Soul is an even lesser good (Plato). God is in Eternity, where everything is unchangeable and permanent. Therefore, “God does not exist” is a logical contradiction. In God, to exist, to be, to Be-these concepts are identical. Not to be, not to exist, is the absence of existence. If God is an Entity, exists, then His attributes (Absolute Mind, Absolute Logos, Absolute possibilities) are identical, since He is the Creator of the world, Unchangeable, permanent. Therefore, if we deny one attribute, we deny both existence, being and non-being (I. Kant). . The theory of contemplation of truth gives us a reasonable understanding, cognition and, accordingly, the correct solution to a particular act, as well as the correct awareness of the meaning of life. If a person's virtue causes dependence, then it is not self-sufficient, since it has no value realization and puts a person in dependence. Because there is a value scale and a person is always on the way to solving this value dilemma, on which his happiness depends. Happiness is the knowledge of God, since the one who strives for God, in the experience of pure contemplation, has the experience of pure thinking, and therefore the course of correct decisions to actions and actions, so the goal of a person is to restore his God-likeness. In the highest good, it is impossible for a person's will to contradict the “categorical imperative”. One of the postulates of I. Kant is: achieving happiness in an infinite perspective is possible only if God exists. Kant explains this by saying that the happiness that a person achieves in this infinite perspective is the state of a rational being in the world when his entire existence takes place according to his will and desire. “Strictly speaking,” Kant writes, ” morality is not a teaching about how we should make ourselves happy, but about how we should become worthy of happiness.”

  6. There are thousands of philosophers. They have even more opinions. Comparing these opinions and analyzing them is an empty idea. Each philosopher offers a different answer. Some of these answers are true, some are false. And the point is to do good and fight evil.

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