One Answer

  1. Oddly enough, this is a very complex question.

    The very first Roman temple is the temple of the Capitoline Triad (Jupiter Capitoline). The foundations of it have been preserved:)

    That temple of Vesta in the Roman Forum that you put on the cover is also one of the oldest. The first building of the temple was built in the V century BC. e., then, unfortunately, it was destroyed and rebuilt many times ( 390 – the invasion of the Gauls), in 64 it burned out during fires. Actually, what we see now is a third-century building (with plus or minus assumptions about ancient materials, foundations, etc.)

    The next most ancient site is the Cloacina sanctuary in the Roman Forum, of which only the foundation remains (but it remains!). It dates back to the 5th century.

    The fact is that in the imperial era, all temples were somehow restored or renovated.

    If we put the question straight, then, apparently, the most ancient of the preserved ones can be considered the temple of Saturn on the Forum. The first mention of it is 480 BC, but the last time it was rebuilt was only in 42 BC.

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