2 Answers

  1. Snezana, good evening. I would like to note that in all professional areas this issue is far from simple. In my research and teaching fields, there are some similarities in providing clarity and persuasiveness of messages. In my opinion, many professional mistakes are related to the wrong interpretation of the subject. Indeed, if you do not clearly understand what the subject of speech is, you cannot make a business meeting or message convincing in the form of an article, report, dissertation, review, lecture, training, project, innovation and investment task, relatively small order, instruction to staff, etc.

    Existing practices based on professional jargon, everyday and everyday languages, and international slang are obviously wrong due to the lack of specificity of the subject. Therefore, they do not allow you to understand, describe, or evaluate the problem situation.

    In our business, we use the concept of “subject” as a process of changes in solving the scientific and practical problem of forcing innovation in enterprises, industrial and technological complexes and workplaces.

    We have developed a practice of defining the subject of various messages in the form of implementations of the scientific method by consistently performed techniques.

    Preparatory part for defining the concept of subject:

    • visualization of the problem and relevance of its solution;
    • structuring the problem and defining the object of research based on the depth and scale of expected changes;
    • conceptualization of the underlying design (paradigm) and selection of criteria for the effectiveness of changes;
    • formulation of hypotheses about the relationships between primary attributes and performance criteria;
    • choosing the method and processes of ordering reality (this is the subject of the conversation);

    Technical part to the application of the features of the concept of an object in scientific research, thanks to which the object receives a measurement:

    • selection of a set of mathematical models that reflect the relationships of primary features with performance criteria;
    • classification of primary signs of the state of the composition and structure of the object of study (secondary and indirect will give false or poorly accurate connections);
    • reduction of primary values of different dimensions and quality characteristics to a single dimension;
    • aggregation of primary attributes and performance criteria;
    • special rules for conducting experiments, observations, organizing and processing data;
    • special rules for checking models, predicting and confirming the convergence of results;
    • clarifying the concepts of object, subject, and systems of derived concepts in the corporate standard;
    • special rules for developing and using work recommendations for staff;
    • preparation of intellectual products for state registration and registration.

    The accepted practice allows us to use the concept of subject and the corresponding scientific tools for systematization of innovations, their integration into the industrial environment, designing a set of changes with predictable, guaranteed, measurable, confirmed and repeatable results.

    Details can be found in my publications in the public domain, on my page and VKontakte.

    Sincerely, Alexander.

  2. Dear Snezana,

    I'm not a rhetorician, but a teacher. And the answer to your question would be:

    Let's say I'm listening to a speaker. The speaker makes a speech…

    In speech, you can select the Object of consideration (for example: the speaker speaks about rhetoric as a way to influence the audience by building a speech work)

    In an object, you can select a Subject – a part of the object that interests me (the speaker or audience) for some reason (for example, a “speech subject” that is not understood by the speaker).

    So: we chose 1 Object and 2 Items (the part that interests me)

    Then I follow my logic, which has been used for many years….

    3 Problem: The speaker should understand the Subject, but he doesn't.

    4 Reason (there is an algorithm for identifying the reasons, but we don't go here yet)

    5 The purpose of my speech against the Speaker: to explain the reasons for their lack of understanding of the “subject of speech”

    6 Tasks: take the floor, praise the Speaker for the strong side of his speech and note the weakness in not understanding the “subject of speech”

    7 Topic: A speech with an indication of the strengths and weaknesses in the Speaker's speech.

    So, the logic of construction (article, thesis project, speech):

    Object – what did the Speaker choose from the World?

    Subject – what part of the Object did you review? and why?

    The problem (and the reason for it!) – how does it see the discrepancy between what is and what is?

    Goal – what goal does it set, what does it achieve?

    Tasks – how does it reach the Goal? or will it reach?

    Topic: a generalized formula that includes the subject, goal, and objectives.

    This is the logic I recommended to students who want to do an excellent thesis. That is, the best in terms of evaluation and practicality.

    I helped those who used it!

    All reasonable things!

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