3 Answers

  1. Vitamins for brain function – the need is clear, but formulated a little incorrectly from the point of view of physiology. You could say simply-B vitamins for a month. And not a couple of vitamins and magnesium for them, as they sell in a pharmacy, but a solid complex.

    Stabbing is useless enough. Because no vitamins ever enter the blood directly. If you read about the fact that the B vitamin complex caused an allergy, it is for this very reason. An unnatural way of entering the body!

    By the way, the synthesis of these vitamins can be adjusted by improving the intestinal microflora. Normal flora is able to maintain physiological values. Therefore, people with bowel problems also have chronic fatigue, impaired memory and attention. It turns out that it is better not to solve directly with the activation of the brain, but to see what lies at the root of the disorder.

    There are natural substances-lecithin, omega-3 acids, coenzyme q10-they quite significantly affect the assimilation of information.

    Of the safe “preparations” also natural-Alfamaxiel-affects the nutrition of nerve cells through improving microcirculation (this is an ultra-pure extract from larch). Noticeable after 7 days,

    Also – Biolan amino acids in capsules (just do not confuse with powder). Follow the instructions carefully: the capsule is not swallowed, but the powder is poured onto the tongue for rapid absorption.

    If you take imported ones, that is, Japanese peptide extract from asparagus, has a strong protective effect on nerve cells. It's called Restartium Antistress.

    But the reasons for the decline in memory and attention should also not be forgotten: time to sleep, physical activity, nutrition and the state of microflora

  2. Try drinking phenotropil. It gives a very good result, which immediately becomes noticeable.

    A really strong nootropic that justifies its price.

  3. Vitamins and / or nootropics are all nonsense. I tried different ones myself – no result. There is also no result because it is impossible to measure it. Nootropics are like homeopathy.�

    For your question, the solution is banal – to maintain immunity, eat right, rest and give the body a moderate physical activity. Then your brain will be fine.

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