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Socialist doctrines were adequately formed at the beginning of the XIX century. This time can be characterized by two processes, the totality of which created the conditions for the emergence of socialist thought:
In fact, socialism appears as a logical continuation of liberal ideology in opposition to capitalism. If liberal philosophers in their works put the political freedom of the individual as the primary value, then socialists in their teachings also added equal economic conditions and their maintenance by political institutions.
The essence of original socialism is most clearly expressed in the work of one of the early utopian socialists, Charles Fourier, “The New industrial and social world”: “We must create a new social system where everyone would be happy, where everyone would be in harmony.”
It was with Charles Fourier and his colleague Robert Owen that the formal development of socialist doctrines began, leading them to a modern form.
The term “socialist teachings” itself comes from the Latin “socialis” – “social”. At the heart of all socialist teachings is the eternal dream of people about justice, embodied in social equality. The emergence of socialist doctrines is directly correlated with the end of the Renaissance. While religious consciousness prevailed among the peoples inhabiting Western Europe, it accumulated people's need for social equality and gave a religious answer to this request.
During the Renaissance, the religious consciousness of Europeans was shaken and the need for social equality was no longer answered in religion. The Renaissance was a turning point in history when the sincere religious worldview of the Middle Ages was destroyed. The first in the galaxy of socialist teachings was the teaching of Thomas More with his “Utopia”. Then came the teaching of Tommaso Campanella with his “City of the Sun”.
As the atheist worldview grew in the Modern period, the demand for social equality grew more and more: the teachings of Jean Mellier, Gabriel Bonnot de Mably, Etienne Gabriel Morelli, Gracchus Babeuf became the answer to this request. In the 19th century, Henri Saint-Simon and Charles Fourier continued their work, and on the other side of the English Channel, Robert Owen began to implement socialist ideas.
Awareness of the injustice of the social world order, the understanding that it will not work to change it in the conditions of the capitalist world order, and an attempt to create (invent) a society of social justice and universal equality.
Of course, this caused quite the expected discontent and attempts at confrontation (up to deadly) on the part of the capitalists, who were the main beneficiaries in the previous social system.
Communist ideas have existed for a very long time. Ask, for example, the fate of Mazdak, a Persian figure of the beginning of our era. For 30 years, he successfully built communism, until he was executed. And the idea is clear: someone has liquid soup, and someone has small pearls. Equalize everyone!
The ideas of socialism and communism are the beginning of the creation and use of a scientific worldview in the form of assumptions and conjectures of ancient philosophers and classics of m/l. The scientific worldview has stopped developing due to the difficulty of its qualitative development and transformation into a constantly developing science. All natural sciences have classifications of the studied objects of nature, which they constantly refine and therefore successfully develop. Philosophers explore the natural relationships of general concepts/categories, but they do not have a natural classification. That is, they do not know the exact SYSTEM of human language, which consists of constant natural relationships of general concepts. In the mind of each person there is a remote and perverse similarity of the system common to all languages, which he uses in his reasoning. Since the number of possible distortions of the interrelationships of concepts is not limited by anything, this is how a pluralism of primitive worldviews is formed. The scientific worldview can be developed qualitatively in the form of conclusions from the analysis of the human language system.
There are two reasons. 1. Objective conditions of the hostel that do not meet the requirements of justice imposed on them. The proposed rules and regulations excluded freedom and equality. 2. The search for solutions to remove social conflicts, the endless work of human thought, progressing from idealism / utopias to materialism/Marxism.
One well-known group decided to seize power all over the world. Any strategist knows that in a war with approximately the same weapons, usually a large number wins. There are certainly not rare cases when it is not the number that wins, but the skill, but these cases are much rarer than winning by numbers. In addition, at that time, politics was an untilled field, and no one knew how it would turn out and what to do. And this group decided to fight with the majority.
And since at that time, most of the population was forced to engage in physical labor, due to the fact that our civilization was just beginning to develop, and did not have time to develop production technologies. It was the group that decided to lead the working class, since there are much more balos in their ranks than in other segments of the population. They divided society into classes, and began to pit them against each other. For this purpose, they invented a study. And they began to wait until, according to this teaching, the short-sighted from the working class, to put it mildly, will bring them power all over the world, “on a plate with a blue border.”