13 Answers

  1. You can find a job in any situation, yes, you will be paid a little, but it's better than nothing. Collectors immediately nah. If you have nothing to take, they will soon leave you behind, well, damn it, lose weight if you eat a little from lack of money)

  2. I'll go to the nearest Magnit and get a job as a cashier + cleaner + merchandiser. From the first salary I will give part of the microloans, from the second-the rest. As for food, I will arrange with my superiors to lend food before the first paycheck or deduct it immediately from the salary.

    If it doesn't work out, then I'll find another option – putting up ads, for example. There is a daily payment. All earnings are only for food and loan repayments.

    I'll be Tolstoy for now.

  3. If the event described above occurred, then the person went to this purposefully. Just as purposefully, you can develop this situation further: parasitize, borrow while they give, hide from collectors, gain weight and feel a pleasant ache in your chest from exciting prospects.

  4. I didn't do anything, I wouldn't pay back my debts, because if two conditions were met::

    • the amount of debt exceeds 1.5 million rubles;
    • evasion is intentional and malicious.
      �The maximum penalty can be very serious – up to 2 years in prison.

    Bottom line: you can lose weight in prison. Profit!

  5. Negation of one to the other. To get fat means to eat high-calorie (mainly from simple carbohydrates) food, which means that “I” still have money for food. So there is still work to be done… But let's say. I would choose the option of declaring myself bankrupt( yes, cases of declaring bankruptcy of individuals are not uncommon) and in this case, all microfinance companies will be required to either release you from the loan( but the issue of selling all your property in favor of the microfinance company will be raised), or choose a convenient schedule or other way to repay your loan to the debtor more conveniently. However, you must meet the condition that you have more than 300 thousand rubles in arrears.

  6. You should start by looking for an unofficial job, there is no income, which means there is nothing to write off debt from. Over time, the statute of limitations will come for all debts and you will not owe anything to anyone. yes, it will be difficult for a while, but this is the most competent approach to the problem that will help you live a normal life.

  7. Oh, ребята guys, �I was at the “take all” jobs.�

    They don't actually pay everyone there.�

    I sat in a call center-hourly rate �about 100 rubles per hour + a percentage of happy respondents on the other side of the wire. Extremely exhausting work. �

    “Legal assistant” in the office is almost the same, but you still need to quickly solve a legal problem and convince the respondent that his case is a pipe, if he does not contact “our office”.�

    I worked as a realtor for rent in Inkom-the wolf's legs are fed and that says it all.

    For microloans, except for “Money Manager” (these buy call printouts from phone companies and start calling EVERYONE you've ever called) – score. If they yell,they yell and pull away themselves.�

    As for the weight – to find a salary where you need to move – posting ads or the same real estate agency. In six months, you won't recognize yourself.

  8. If the amounts are not too large – urgently sell the most valuable and sought-after property (start with zomboyashchik). Pay off your debts and leave some money for food. Get any available job that is more than 50% likely not to put you in a coffin or in a hospital bed within a month. If the amounts are large, but they do not take a tolerable job – sell the housing and move to a dacha plot, to a wooden hut with a push on the street. There is running water, electricity can be carried out, grub grows right on the site. You can live. Part of the released funds should be used to pay off debts, while the other part should be used to improve the country house (first of all, to insulate it, conduct electricity, and decide on the most profitable and affordable heating method). Stock up on future products (cereals, canned food). Dig a basement and use it as a refrigerator (if it's summer). Put a rumor on the SNT, which is not averse to earn extra money on neighboring plots. Plow in the garden beds for money, at the same time lose weight. Later, spread a rumor that you work well with your hands. Start working on the repair and improvement of neighboring huts. Earn credibility with your neighbors in the SNT. Eventually, someone will offer you a normal job. Then you will only have to save up money, sell the cottage and return to the apartment. Or continue to live in the country, having already built more comfortable housing.

  9. What to do-find a job first! For example, in St. Petersburg, cleaning a 1-room apartment costs 2000, if 2 per day – already 4000 times 22 working days….and if you make cleaning cheaper than others, you will quickly gain your own circle of customers. Insert the usual small leaflets in the door – go and print them out on a sheet of 20 pieces fits: fast current cleaning of apartments at the cost of: 1kmn-1500, 2kmn-1800. Regular customers get discounts. The main thing in this life is to do something, and not stand and be stupid and wait for someone's pity. Only myself! And if not in St. Petersburg, then accordingly the prices there are different, life is cheaper.

  10. Eat less,lose weight,because I ate everything .Maybe even in expensive restaurants.))And give out microloans,do not take them anymore., better macro-loan, there is not so predatory.

  11. I probably would have found a job on the Internet, given the circumstances. And first of all, I would practice on the website builder and here is a great site for this: https: //prohoster.info/hosting/constructor

  12. Google “individual bankruptcy”. And of course, you must have a job+a part-time job. Yesoi where you live there is no work – first go bankrupt(that the BMW stopped dripping and generally that it would be easy to breathe), and then go on a shift in the Moscow region

  13. To get started, I'll make out the number that the collectors call as a paid one. after that, I'll get comfortable in the chair and watch a movie
    kolektory call I try to keep them on the line longer, they call again, etc. and the number is paid and kolektory themselves pay my �microloan with their calls )) profit! ( works especially well if you're a psychologist )

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