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Well, then, probably, all of humanity would live exactly the same way. ) Rather, on the contrary: first they began to live in the same way, and then a single language emerged.
Afrikaans originated in the 17th century as a dialect of Dutch in the Republic of South Africa. If you are interested, there is a continent and a half between the Netherlands and South Africa. It took approximately 200 years for this dialect to become an independent language. Today, a little more than a century after gaining “independence”, this language, although similar to its progenitor, but the differences are already visible to the naked eye.�
Look at other languages. Spanish, Portuguese, French, and Latin. They all evolved from the same language, but now they are so different that it may be difficult to find a common denominator at first. Or Arabic languages. There is a literary one that has the Qur'an written on it. And there are dialects, and in Morocco, for example, Arabic has only a name and a written language in common with Arabic. In other words, it is already an independent language.�
The conclusion is that a common language has relatively quickly acquired a huge number of dialects, sometimes so different that two people from different places would no longer understand each other. A little more and these dialects would have formed into different languages and we would have returned to a huge linguistic diversity.�
Today, the situation is slightly different. The Internet and transport destroyed the distance between people. As a result, people are divided not so much by language (which is less affected the more languages a person knows — learn languages), but by interests. Accordingly, slang does not arise geographically, but depending on the social circle. Slang, which is firmly established in everyday use, becomes part of the language. This is how dialects appear, which would be spoken by people in different parts of the world. And there is a new division and another linguistic diversity.
Then programming languages would be built on this one language, schools would not teach a foreign language, the composition of medicines and cosmetics would be clear, Esperanto would not be invented, and instead of a bunch of languages, we would have a bunch of dialects. It would come to the example of old Germany, where dialects were so different that Germans from different lands could hardly understand each other, because in each part of the world the language would change under the influence of slang, jargon, social status in society, and since we are also divided into a bunch of countries, there would be changes in the language of individual countries. In a hundred years, a common language would break up into many, many dialects, which would take longer and longer to move away from each other, and in a millennium (for example) there would be many different languages on the planet:).