5 Answers

  1. I can advise you based on my experience, tell you where I get my inspiration, and you will already try what you will be close to at the moment.

    1. View works by other artists.

    Looking at the works of other artists, looking at details, colors, compositions, and so on, you involuntarily “get infected” with the desire to draw, because this way you learn new tricks and techniques for yourself that can be applied in practice.

    1. View interviews with artists.

    As a rule, these are very inspiring stories, a lot of useful information, new knowledge, and often artists share their chips that simplify their work.

    1. View videos of other artists ' Speed painting processes.

    It is also very useful and inspiring, and you immediately want to go and put something new into practice.

    1. If the problem of inspiration lies in the lack of ideas, then contests and challenges will come to the rescue.

    Since there are specific tasks, it will be easier to generate ideas in a limited topic. The advantage will be the opportunity to win (contest) or challenge yourself (challenge) and enjoy the outcome.

    1. You can limit yourself and set yourself a framework in which you need to generate an idea.

    For example, set a limit to draw a picture using only 3 colors and its shades.

    1. Visiting beautiful places, traveling, nature trips, visiting museums and theaters, going to the cinema, and so on.

    It would seem that there is no place to get ideas for work, but… beautiful places can be sketched or photographed, and then embedded in the picture. In museums, you can learn the ideas and techniques of the old masters. In the theater, you can get inspired by the theater itself and make art on this topic or the theme of the production. Well, after going to the cinema or watching a movie at home , you can draw your favorite fanarts with your favorite hero (games can also be included here)

  2. Peter, look for inspiration in your life.
    There is such a thing if you sit at home and do nothing ( but this is the most striking example), then inspiration will not come.
    And vice versa, a person who lives a bright, rich life has something to say. Only it may not be right away, this does not mean that you returned from a hiking trip in Australia and immediately created a masterpiece.
    This can also be used as savings for future work. Then you need to look for something special for you personally, something that you may later disagree with.
    Like this.

  3. Peter, look for inspiration in your life.
    There is such a thing if you sit at home and do nothing ( but this is the most striking example), then inspiration will not come.
    And vice versa, a person who lives a bright, rich life has something to say. Only it may not be right away, this does not mean that you returned from a hiking trip in Australia and immediately created a masterpiece.
    This can also be used as savings for future work. Then you need to look for something special for you personally, something that you may later disagree with.
    Like this.

  4. 1) Look around.Maybe not immediately ,but you will see “it”.You'll catch it like a butterfly in a net.
    You'll get shot.
    2) Review your work.
    Just review something.
    3)Remember the best moments associated with these works.
    4)Find the best jobs .Try to understand why they became the best.
    Key points.
    The mood in which they were created(works).
    5) A change of scenery is also important.
    Take a visit, for example.Or far away,for example, on vacation in an ex-country.
    Go to the park for example:feed the birds on the pond.Or ,as a last resort, follow your heart…wherever your eyes look.
    6) Do what you don't do in everyday life.
    Move away from any rules, principles.
    7) It is advisable to be alone for a couple of hours – no less(as much as possible.The more the better if possible.).
    8)Do a good deed.You will feel like a real battery, like a boomerang.But!!! work without self-interest.Otherwise, it doesn't work!!!!.From the good you have done, it will be easier for you, and it will also be useful and better, if not easier.
    9) Buy your own creative materials.Not required .wait for them to finish.Just for the mood.If your finances allow, buy at a higher price than you have.there will be at least euphoria from the purchase.Amid the euphoria of the purchase, you will want to try out new purchased materials.
    Just buy something in stock sometimes.Periodically.Different quality.Different directions.
    Even if a lot of materials are accumulated,even if they are similar in quality or direction ,but at any time you can try it all right there in your work.
    I wish you all a good mood.I wish that torkalo and realized, all that was conceived.😁☀️👍

  5. View the works of other artists, for example, on the same deviantart, go to exhibitions, read books about artists. I am inspired by success stories from films about artists.

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