One Answer

  1. Vlad, you should start by defining your primary goals.

    1. Do you need to learn programming or learn specific technologies to get started faster? The former is more valuable and versatile, of course, but will require more time.

    2. Find books or courses. There are good free courses on stepic and coursera. Start with the basics of computer science.

    3. In the coursesooks, you will learn the basic approaches and PL (programming languages). Procedural languages, declarative languages, object languages, and functional languages. It would be nice to get acquainted with all the concepts.

    4. Next, you need to study data structures and algorithms. Various simulators, training sites, and platforms like leetcode are suitable.

    5. Learning about development environments. Write code, run it, debug it, and use quick / smart keyboard shortcuts.

    6. Working with the file and operating system. Read, edit, and write.

    7. Performing some kind of training trial projects.

    8. Introduction to version control systems. Create accounts on gitlabgithub and upload your training projects there.

    9. Study of databases and data warehouses.

    10. Study of web services, client-server architectures.

    11. Mastering modern frameworks.

    12. Testing code and programs.


    then – as you progress and gain experience

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