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I am inspired by the biographies of strong personalities who overcome obstacles and achieve their goals.
At the same time, these are people who have noble, unselfish goals, but are aimed at the well-being of all mankind
The “Andy Warhol Philosophy (From A to B and vice versa)” is very inspiring. First, because this book was written by him. Secondly, because it touches on very personal and vital topics.
And another book, not exactly a biography, but based on real events. A literary duo of Burroughs and Kerouac, one of the very first things they wrote, especially together – “And the hippos boiled in their pools.”
There's this guy. Stephen Hawking, born in 1942, is one of the most influential and well-known theoretical physicists of our time, the owner of a shitty cloud of awards for scientific achievements, the author of tons of all sorts of reading material (some of his books became a bestseller, and are still in the first positions), the father of three children. Back in the early 60s, when he was just turning twenty, he began to slowly lose control of his body. By the early seventies, he was sitting in a wheelchair, almost completely paralyzed. Only a few fingers and some facial muscles remained mobile. In 1985, as a result of pneumonia and a series of major surgeries, he lost the ability to speak. Only the index finger of the right hand retained some mobility. Later, he also refused.
At the moment, Stephen has only one facial muscle of the cheek. Everything! Nothing else moves. So what? But nothing. Lives, works, and writes.
A sensor is installed opposite his cheek, with which he can communicate with the outside world, giving out up to 50 words per minute through a complex program with his cheek. He wrote all his most famous books in this state. In 2007, he flew in zero gravity on a special plane, and in 2009 he was going to space! Totally paralyzed dude! Into space! Something didn't grow together there, but it could. He makes films for the BBC, produces TV shows, gives lectures, and participates in political events. And all this while moving one cheek. Cheek, Karl!
Alcohol, smoking, coffee, tea, delicious food, hiking, thousands of small pleasant things that we do without thinking-nothing. It's like being trapped in a motionless prison of his body, communicating with the world around him by tapping into the wall.
It's just a fucking feat. For me, it's much easier to die in battle in the name of any bright ideas. I think that this is much less heroic, because it's fast, and only once. It's much harder to live your whole life – for many years, not to break down, not to go off the rails, performing a feat every day, opening your eyes every morning, and living until the evening, not being able to wipe your ass, look out the window, smile, being a freak who is creepy to look at, and at the same time do this…
Compared to that, all our little troubles aren't worth a damn. Every poor kid is five times richer than this guy. Given the very existence of Stephen Hawking, I feel painfully ashamed of all this whining about fictional problems. No money, the guy is not behaving like a gentleman, at work chmyryat, something is missing I don't know what, grew a potbelly – all this bullshit…
I am inspired by strong personalities who knew what they lived for, sought success in non-material activities, and were sincere. There are more than enough such people in history:
—-Musa Jalil (1906-1944) – poet, war correspondent.While in a concentration camp, he organized many escapes of prisoners, for which he was executed by guillotine . Author of the cycle of poems “Moabit notebook”, also written in conclusion.
—— Ann Lister, lived in the mid-19th century. One of the first openly lesbian women, her lifestyle was scandalous by the standards of her contemporaries: she changed several mistresses starting in her teens , later lived with a companion, and achieved success in the financial situation of her estates by developing coal deposits . She died in old age, having caught a cold while traveling with her spouse in the Caucasus.
—– Kolchak, Alexander Vasilyevich (1874-1920)-Russian military and political figure, naval commander, oceanographer, polar explorer.
—–David Livingstone (1813-1873) was a Scottish missionary and an outstanding explorer of Africa.
Discoverer of Victoria Falls; established a reputation as a committed Christian, a brave explorer, and an ardent fighter against slavery and the slave trade. Livingston quickly learned the languages of the local population and gained their respect. He also completed a grandiose journey-crossing the African continent from the Atlantic to the Indian Ocean. Livingstone was the first to establish that Africa is a continent that has the appearance of a flat dish with raised edges to the ocean.
—-Catherine de ' Medici (1519-1589), Queen of France from 1547 to 1559, wife of Henry II, King of France of the Valois dynasty. As the mother of three sons who occupied the French throne during her lifetime, she had a great influence on the political life of France. For some time, she ruled the country as regent.
—– The Apostle Paul (A.D. 4-64) is the most prominent preacher of Christianity.
Paul's influence on Christian theology cannot be overstated. The following tenets belong to him: Jesus was not only an inspired prophet, he was the Son of God. Christ died for our sins, and his sufferings can save us. In order to be saved, it is not enough for a person to simply follow the biblical precepts; they must accept Christ. Then, if he accepts Christ, his sins will be forgiven. Paul also formulated the concept of original sin (Romans 5: 12-19).
Paul's great influence on the development of Christianity can be explained by the following three points: 1) his great success as a missionary; 2) his “Epistles,” which form a significant part of the New Testament; and 3) his role in the development of Christian theology. Of the twenty-seven books of the New Testament, Paul is credited with authoring at least 14 books. Although modern scholars believe that four or five of these books were actually written by other people, it is clear that Paul can be considered the primary author of the New Testament.
——- Cornelia Johanna Arnolda Bohm (1892-1983) was a Dutch Christian woman who founded an underground organization during the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands.
Thanks to her work, many Jews were saved from the Holocaust. Later she was awarded the title of Righteous among the Nations.
—— Anna Yaroslavna (born according to various sources: about 1024 [2], about 1032[3] or 1036[4][5] — 1075/1089) — Wife of King Henry I of France and Queen of France.
—— Catherine of Siena (1347-1380)
Italian religious activist and writer of the late Middle Ages, who left many letters and a mystical work “Dialogues on the Providence of God”. She was engaged in active political and peacemaking activities. She led an extremely ascetic lifestyle and had visions. Canonized by the Catholic Church, she is one of the most revered holy women in Catholicism, and is recognized as one of the four female Teachers of the Church.
By the end of the 14th century, Catherine completed the transformation of Italian into a literary language that Dante had begun at the beginning of the century, proving that the vernacular — volgare — can also be a language of theology and mysticism. She was also the first woman to be allowed to preach in a church for the first time in a long time, breaking the Apostle Paul's covenant that forbade women to preach and address congregations.
It is true that lessons from the lives of great people help us and change us, the main thing is just to choose your own path! So in this article it is well written about how biographies of famous personalities help in achieving your dreams: http://pg-project.ru/dreaming_is_not_harmful
Gnaeus Domitius Corbulo. I first heard about him in the sci-fi movie “HALO 4: Forward Until Dawn”, and somehow I was interested in him (despite the fact that in the film the facts of his biography were somewhat distorted). After digging around on the Net, I found some information about him.
Gnaeus Domitius Corbulo was a very talented military leader who participated in the Roman-Parthian War during the reign of Emperor Nero. The troops under his command repeatedly emerged victorious in battles. Very often he neglected his status as a commander and spent time together with ordinary soldiers, for which the latter respected and trusted him very much.
At a certain point, he did not agree with the policy of Nero regarding Armenia conquered by him (Corbulo) – in his opinion, the emperor violated the agreement with this state. When Nero learned of this, he summoned Corbulo to Greece and gave orders to kill him as soon as he left the ship on land. Corbulo, as soon as he heard of this, drew his sword from its scabbard and, shouting “axios!”, pierced himself with it. Axios is translated from the Greek “I am worthy”, another version – “deservedly”
So what am I talking about? Corbulo knew perfectly well that he had an army ready to follow him to the ends of the earth. He could easily have marched into Rome and overthrown Nero – his men would have followed him. But at the same time, the general understood that in this way he would cause mass riots in Rome, a coup, a revolution. And he decided that it would be better to give up his life than to lose his men in the overthrow of the emperor and the people who would die in the subsequent civil strife. Very correct decision, as for me. Not everyone will do this.
By the way, Nero was killed less than a year after Corbulo's death. Cause of death: dissatisfaction of Gaius Julius Vindex with his economic policies. Draw conclusions
Duff McKagan, bassist of the classic “Guns n' Roses ” line-up, wrote a wonderful autobiography, “It's So Easy (And Other Lies)“, in which he revealed many of the secrets of one of the most important rock bands in the world.�
In short, this is the story of a young punk from Seattle coming to California, where he is waiting for sex, drugs and rock ' n ' roll. The success story of GN'R from one of the main figures in the group.
But what struck me most about this book was Duff's desire to change his lifestyle. Trying to recover from many years of drug use, he began to engage in eastern martial arts, ride a bicycle, run marathons. To fill the gap in his education, he went to university, graduated, and now writes financial columns in various publications from Playboy to the WSJ.
Duff is cool!
I was impressed by the “Thirst for Life” biography of Vincent Van Gogh and his correspondence with his brother Theo. How bitterly he paid for his genius with complete alienation from people, how his “otherness” helped him in his work and how it prevented him from living.�
I was also impressed by the biography of Aristotle Onassis.
Two examples come to mind:
Pavel Durov, after reading the book “The Durov Code”.
Vladimir Nabokov, the only Russian writer who wrote brilliantly in English.
They are inspired by the biographies of those who were able to rise from the very bottom to the top in spite of everything: poverty, innate and acquired physical disabilities, circumstances… Of the US presidents, the most prominent are Lincoln and Franklin. From history, such as medieval Japan-Toyotomi Hideyoshi. A person rose from the very bottom, which was impossible to do in principle at that time, to the top of power. Moreover, he did not have what is now called charisma at all – he looked like a monkey. Of our contemporaries, Dikul, who lifted himself out of a wheelchair, made himself physically out of any material. Also, all the women who have gone down in history, not only devoted themselves to the arts, sciences, politics, but also to one-time actions. An example is Charlotte Corday.
Janusz Korczak. This incredible person and writer inspires me to do the most important thing in life – to be a good person and help those who need help. Janusz's whole life was a real suffering, but all his actions are always filled only with love for people, children and life. Everything he did was beautiful and inspiring. I wish there were more people like him in our world.
All the people who went from being poor to being outstanding, rose from the bottom to the top, made themselves, didn't complain to anyone, but did something, overcame their difficulties because of their character, or who help people, missionaries.
They inspire me:
1) Ian Dury, who, despite the consequences of childhood polio and serious disability, was able to create a successful rock band and write dozens of hits;
2) Yukio Mishima, who was able to become the author of a dozen non-conformist novels in 45 years of his life, as well as a whole bunch of consumer goods, with which he earned a comfortable life, and at the same time master (with success) a huge number of hobbies – from bodybuilding to conducting. And life also ended loudly, in accordance with their views;
3) Steve Jobs, who managed to maintain a revolutionary vision of the world even after being fired from his own company.
There are a lot of people worthy of imitation, I wrote only about the first three that came to mind.