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Most often-those that we did not finish listening to.
And short.
The most likely ones are those that you like.
And we like those songs that have familiar elements.
(up to the point of plagiarism).
By the way,this is exactly the trap that modern show business has fallen into.And with it, the listeners. (
Such melodies appear in our head involuntarily, so it is not yet possible to study in detail what exactly is happening in the brain at this moment.
The most intrusive tunes activate not only our auditory cortex, but also a part of the motor cortex associated with movement. An important role of rhythm is to make a person move. Obsessive melodies make us move more strongly than others, so they are harder to get out of your head.
The average duration of a passage in your head is 15-30 seconds. The melody should not be too complex and contain a lot of repetitions, the voice should be male, but high.
Based on these characteristics, one of the most haunting songs is Queen's We are the Champions.