One Answer

  1. If you do not take into account all possible concepts of intelligent design, then they are not “arranged”: this is how it turned out as a result of evolution. If we briefly describe the mechanism of evolution, then it is as follows: there are organisms of the same species, during reproduction, as a result of errors in DNA duplication, the offspring receive some new characteristics that differ from the parent ones. These signs can be roughly divided into three types: harmful, insignificant, and useful. Examples of harmful mutations include an albino deer, a male with a too (sic!) small penis, or a blind eagle. The first will be too obvious a target for predators and will be eaten, the second will not be able to mate with females, and the third will starve to death. As a result, none of them will acquire offspring and their genes (along with their traits) will not be transmitted. Examples of minor mutations are small changes in appearance, such as human hair color. Useful mutations help to get food (the ability to digest lactose in adulthood allowed individual populations to include an additional food source in their diet), survive in hostile environments (thick fur in northern mammals), or attract partners more effectively (bright coloring in some birds). Useful mutations increase the chance of leaving offspring, which means that they are more likely to continue their life in the next generation. The symmetry of the body is such a useful feature, it is difficult to accurately describe the advantages, but symmetrical animals can at least move more efficiently in space: our fish ancestors, if they were asymmetrical, would not be able to swim well, plus, most likely, symmetry allows for more economical use of resources.

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