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Such people have a special personality type. They are often prone to mental turmoil, internal suffering. If you look at famous artists, many of them suffered from mental disorders. So the reason for sadness can be different. It can also be caused by mental illness.
sdrassit… artists. poets and so on. people are not of this world. mutants of consciousness… I'm like that myself. and when it is completely impossible to possess those and in the form that we want, we try to have at least a conditionally material representation of the ideal: we draw at home, paint pictures, compose poems. but “you will not be fed up with songs” from this and eternal sadness for the loss of the unattainable.
Not all artists are sad. It's like saying that all Russians are piggies. The artistic profession is most often chosen by people who are more silent, observant, and visual. A lot of attention is important for an artist, and such people have already developed it by the time they choose a profession. Outrageous extraverts also do well in painting, especially in expressive, shocking, and modern ones. Moreover, they are most often both marketers and curators for themselves, due to which they are actively promoted. Artists are completely different.
To what was written in the answers above. Creating from pain is simple, but not eco-friendly. It is better to treat yourself with creativity, learn joy through it, and be a happy and self-sufficient person.
I'm a God-given writer myself. Here, artists have a lot of buts in their condition… lack of recognition in the sales market, lack of understanding of their environment.The lack of means of subsistence is a problem for the poor, aggressive inhabitants of the city… I'm living in Israel. I bought a magazine there where there was a Japanese article called ” The Disease of Genius.” That is, these people are seriously different from ordinary people. They have many quirks – Bach liked to embroider, Mussorgsky drank, Repin was abstemious in spending. He wrote letters to friends and, in order not to spend money on stamps, he himself delivered these letters to the addressees. I am also often saddened by the philistines ' misunderstanding of me and their aggression, lack of material resources, etc….If we were like ordinary people, what would we be able to give new people? We should, I think, according to God's plan, be different from all others. We put our lives on the altar of “burnt offerings”, that is, art, almost gratuitously for All people… Read my books, written by God's grace, on the Prose website.<url> Larisa Rozena 1 (required 1). There are 14 spiritual and secular books. I have the blessing of Patriarch Alexy II for books, and with the support of the Kremlin, I wrote a story about the country's leader. If you read it and want to write to me, I'll give you an email, because it's in Prose.<url> is not registered, they don't write answers. Just make love, don't write nasty stuff. There is a lot of evil in this world without us. With the heat of L.
Eternal dissatisfaction with your creations, hence the depressive state, the feeling of emptiness of being. Hence the melancholy playfulness. That's what I've been doing since I was eighty,and I was full of hope in my youth
Because.that for them there are no more secrets in female beauty.This is a joke.of course!Or maybe not.The fact that they all have bipolar disorder in general-I somehow disagree with this.Then everyone is bipolar.
And why should they be happy? There are few brilliant talents. Mostly ordinary artisans. There is no normal profession. You can't earn a lot of money from drawing, and you don't want to earn money, you're a genius :))) and I want to eat, drink and live beautifully right up to the gnashing of teeth. Experience tells us that even geniuses are sold dearly only after death… In short, one melancholy without end :)))
If Van Gogh knew how much his daub would sell at auctions, he would cut off his other ear, or even his entire head by the roots…
Because a true work of art is created only through personal experience. And it's probably more accurate to say that not all artists are artists.