17 Answers

  1. Philosophy originated not only in Ancient Greece, but its own distinctive schools appeared (and have been preserved in many places), for example, in the East: in China, Persia, India. Greek philosophy was lucky, and thanks to Alexander the Great, it spread widely throughout the Ecumene, from the Western Mediterranean to India. It also took a dominant place in the minds of European civilization and has come down to our time.

  2. There are three classic answers to this question.

    In short, it's like this:

    1. Myths of other Greece contributed to the emergence of a rational explanation of nature.

    2. The Greek civilization faced problems that only knowledge could solve. When knowledge became too much, philosophy appeared as an attempt to combine them in a general picture of the world.

    3. The polis society has created conditions for the emergence of a special type of people-a specialist in knowledge and debate. Beautiful and persuasive speech became appreciated, and this allowed us to give a place to the philosopher in society (traditional societies do not tolerate such cultural critics).

  3. Before the philosophers, the Greeks had sages, namely “seven wise men”, although in reality there were more. They did not justify their reasoning in any way, but only gave out ready-made wisdom: they left high-sounding phrases in which everyone finds their own meaning; as Schopenhauer noted about such things, the author writes words, and the reader must then invent a meaning for them. True philosophy begins with proof. He was not there until Thales of Miletus. He was the first person who not only said that “everything is water”, but explained why he thinks so. I will add that neither in Babylon nor in Egypt did they know the scientific proof, as a major expert Leonid Zhmud convincingly proved. The reasons why it was the Greeks who began to reason, and not just rant, are very extensive. First of all, it is the popularization of the ideal of leisure and free time. The Greeks did not believe that anyone who is engaged in intellectual work should justify himself for it, no, they believed that this is a valuable thing in itself, moreover, it is, in their opinion, the only pastime worthy of a free person. Only a life of constant theorizing was considered authentic by them, while practice was practically synonymous with slavery.

  4. Scientists have different opinions on this issue. Some believe that European philosophy appeared in Ancient Greece with the advent of iron. With the advent of iron tools, social life changed in such a way that philosophy appeared.

    There is another opinion that the competitive spirit in Greek life gave rise to philosophy. Public discussion of laws or Olymic Games are competitions. The life of the Greek polis is also a struggle of different parties. In disputes, truth is born. It was in this atmosphere of controversy that Greek philosophy emerged. The desire for freedom and the polis system gave rise to the denial of authority for Greek thinkers in the form of gods and mythology.

    There are scientists who explain the genius of the Greeks by their genetics and special brain structure. There are scholars who write that the Greeks borrowed the wisdom of the ancient Egyptians and Babylonians.

    Be that as it may, the solution to the problem can be found in a complex way: there is no single reason, but there are many different factors that led to the emergence of philosophy in the modern sense in Ancient Greece.

  5. Greece is one of the countries with the best climate to live in. Philosophizing takes some time. Where humanity was first able to free a part of the population from food production and intellectual professions, including philosophy, emerged.

  6. There are some questions that you can't answer.

    For example: what is consciousness; how did life arise; why does the world in which we exist “allow” ourselves to be known, etc. No, of course there have always been and will always be those who try to answer these questions (and the arguments go on forever).

    Why is it better not to answer the question about the origin of philosophy?

    We are already in a world where the phenomenon of the “Greek miracle” (including philosophy) has happened, irrevocably happened. And it also appeared, approximately at the same time, in Dr. India, Other China, And Persia).

    We are already in the paradigm of Greek thinking (we have become “Greek” irreversibly). And we cannot innocently ask about the origin of Greek thought without seeing the fact that we are asking within what we are asking.

    A competent attitude to this kind of thing is as follows:

    1. We accept that this has happened so irreversibly;
    2. We look at what happened through the prism of the text we create;
    3. And the beauty of Greek philosophy begins to emerge (if the text we created turned out to be successful).

    In this way, we allow that which is greater than us to manifest itself. The Greeks called this greater ” being.” And not just “being”, but “being existing”. And within such a release in us, we understand Greek thought better.

    PS. At one time, Niels Bohr suggested that biologists refuse to find out how life arose (according to the Reddy principle – living const in space). And then we will better understand the nature of the living (looking at the already irreversible phenomenon of the living).

  7. The word philosophy itself is ancient Greek, but this does not give reason to believe that philosophy originated in Ancient Greece. Hermes Trismegistus – – – Egyptian philosopher much older than all the famous philosophers of Greece. By the sixth century BC, the Chinese were successfully practicing Qigong in their quest for health, longevity, and immortality. One of the greatest philosophers, Lao-tzu, who lived in the sixth century B.C., wrote his famous work-the treatise of Daode-ching, using five thousand characters. For this reason, I believe that philosophy was born much earlier than in ancient Greece. With respect.

  8. Before you ask such a question, you should ask the question: “Where do the firewood come from?” When did the works of ancient philosophers become known? Who “discovered” them and under what circumstances? Then it turns out that for many works nothing is known, and for those that are known immediately there is a suspicion of a medieval forgery. What did the ancient authors write on? Any information carrier other than a rock is a thermodynamically unstable system. That is, it self-decays over time. The most stable material is paper pressed on a screw press with silicone filler. It can, under ideal storage conditions, lie for up to 800 years. But such a paper appeared only in the XVII century. Other materials do not live longer than 200 years. And in conditions of dampness and other things-and 20-30 years is a lot. Who wrote and copied the works of these ancient people? Where are the traces of the production of writing material in incredible quantities? After all, more than 200 thousand works were stored in Pergamum, and in Alexandria – more than 600 thousand. None of these questions can be answered by science, which is nothing but fantastic fiction. And at the same time, everyone so confidently declares :” But in Ancient Greece, the philosopher Diogenes, sitting in a barrel, wrote 49 volumes of philosophical reasoning!” Aren't you ashamed?

  9. This is a product of urban civilization. When people lost the ability to communicate with the World and the universe, the urban lifestyle began to develop thinking – that is, the theorizing of minds, disconnected from the energies and forces of the World.

  10. What is philosophy? In fact, this is the thinking of a man of urban civilization, detached from his origins, from the wisdom of Mother Nature. That is, the creation of an idle mind in the conditions of polis/cities

  11. Perhaps it was decided by a Higher intelligence or Providence that it is in this part of the world and at this time that all conditions should appear (“Every Hellenic should reflect on the fact that the area occupied by us, the Hellenes, is almost better than all others in its beautiful properties”, Plato, the ancient Greek philosopher) and at the same time many and many capable of intellectual advancement, spiritual uplift, feeling and consciousness,

    And if it descends to earth, then this is exactly what many, many ancient Greeks wanted again. After all, what goals they set for themselves! They began to sincerely wish (to themselves) “to become the best?”, and therefore “we must be wise and reasonable to become worthy people?” (Plato). And Aristotle (ancient Greek philosopher) so he writes, who ” honors the mind, apparently, is arranged in the best way and is most pleasing to the gods.” Which was both a consequence and a reward for that.

  12. Philosophy has always been attracted to the knowledge of the worldview, anthropology, and above all, the knowledge of the meaning of life. Therefore, the philosophy of antiquity is the knowledge of the cosmos (cosmology). The philosophical schools of antiquity are a classical academy that considers theories of ontology, the supersensible world, and also there are philosophical and Gnostic branches that consider questions: theories of knowledge, the causes of evil, ethics. The philosophy of the Middle Ages is a matter of theology. During this period, the philosophy of scholasticism appeared, which considered the issues of proving the existence of God, metaphysics, epistemology, social philosophy, the doctrine of time, and a little later the philosophy of the Renaissance and, accordingly, philosophical schools : Renaissance humanism, the Florentine school. The Modern period is the period of anthropology. Therefore, there are corresponding philosophical schools: positivism, empirio-criticism, neo-positivism, French enlightenment. Philosophy of Modern times: Marxist-Leninist philosophy, existential psychoanalysis, personalism.

  13. Philosophy is a system of views on the world. In other words, when a person began to think and learn about the world, then philosophy appeared. And as a science, it was formed not so far in the past, because science is then a science when its object, subjects, goals and methods are known. So whether in Ancient Greece or China, or wherever, philosophy existed before.

  14. Philosophy, as a science, originated in European countries, during the heyday of the sciences.This is the Middle Ages.

    More advanced than ancient Greece, modern tribes do not deal with questions of philosophy, for the simple reason that they have a more acute problem – the problem of survival.

    The delegation of Greece, the priority of the emergence of the science of philosophy, is connected with the statement”Everything new is the forgotten old.”

  15. Philosophy originated in Ancient Greece, not anywhere else. And not understanding this just shows the level of awareness about what philosophy is. There was no philosophy in China, India, or anywhere else. For some reason, religious worldview, moral norms, and “rules of life”are confused with philosophy. But the philosophy is not limited to this.

  16. The answer is available in any textbook on philosophy. The most well – founded is Bertrand Russell's History of Western Philosophy. In the East, they “philosophized” much earlier, but there was no incentive to develop abstract thinking. The difference is in the political structure that gave rise to democracy in Greece and, as a result, the formulation of different points of view and the need to justify them, that is, to prove them

  17. A whole complex of factors contributed to the emergence of philosophy in ancient Greece. A favorable climate that allows you not to lead a continuous struggle for existence; a large urban population, not burdened with endless monotonous work; a socio-political structure in which each citizen had a certain status-all this allowed the cult of knowledge to arise, the desire to develop and develop, to create and understand. This gave rise to the need for the emergence of a certain system of cognition of the world and ordering of this knowledge.

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