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- Why did everyone start to hate the Russians if the U.S. did the same thing in Afghanistan, Iraq?
- What needs to be corrected in the management of Russia first?
- Why did Blaise Pascal become a religious man at the end of his life?
- How do I know if a guy likes you?
- When they say "one generation", how many do they mean?
Because they require changes not somewhere, but in the brain itself. To form a new habit, new neural circuits must appear, this does not happen at the click of your fingers. With each repetition of a new habit (exercise in the morning, etc.), the neural pathway becomes more fixed, and it becomes easier. That's also why it's so hard to change your habits. By the way, when you want to get rid of a bad habit, it is more effective to do it by introducing a new, good one.�
Of course, the same can be said about bad habits, but the problem is that they most often cause a rush of oxytocin from the first time and do not require volitional costs. It is not difficult to repeat them. In sports, the joy hormone is produced only during training.
When it comes to food – why it's easier to eat junk food – it most often contains addictive chemicals and flavor enhancers. It takes a while for the body to clean up and get used to them before a simple meal will seem delicious to you.�
And books… if they make you feel rejected, why force yourself? But I think you just didn't find your authors. Reading fiction is not equal to self-development (I don't really like that word, but it's clearer this way). Nonfiction still can, but also not a fact. Personally, for me, books are a pleasant pastime, I don't think about the benefits. Although it is a little bit there – literacy increases and the syllable improves. But if you're reading an uninteresting book just for this purpose, and not to find out how it ended, then I don't see the point.
In fact, this is not the case. You just think that all positive things require effort. There is no “law of the universe”, “law of balance” – nothing like that. In fact, there are a large number of wound-like things: positive or negative, requiring a lot of effort or little.
Let's look at the traditional square of all possible combinations of benefits and effort:
Harmful and difficult/uninteresting. For example, you can get silicosis (this is similar to asthma, because coal dust makes it difficult to breathe in your lungs) by working in a coal mine for 20 years. Obviously, there are such things, and there are quite a few of them. But they do not attract anyone, so people are not upset that such things are absent in their lives.
Harmful and easy. For example, smoking. Or overeating. Yes, a lot of things.
Useful and difficult. For example, sports or healthy food. (this is the category of items you noticed)
Useful and easy. These are the simple things that you have learned long ago and are constantly doing. Brush your teeth in the morning and evening. Wash your hands several times a day (and periodically wash your hands completely). Eat several meals a day. Go to sleep. Lock your door regularly (and almost never forget to do so). You learned Russian (by the way, it is considered a difficult language, but it was probably not difficult for you). We figured out how to lace up shoes, use a lamp, gas stove, spoon, fork, plate, tea bags, electric kettle, toaster, TV, computer, learned to confidently use a computer mouse, connect a smartphone to a new Wi-Fi, started our own e-mail. Confidently recalculate the change in the store. You can confidently find the kitchen, bedroom and toilet at home, and never confuse them (very useful, you will agree). Learn something new with the help of the Question. And much,much more.
The reason why you don't notice a huge number of simple and useful things that you know how to do and regularly do, is that you are used to the fact that it is normal, it is commonplace. Because that's what everyone does. And all this is done precisely because it is easy.
The second reason: time spent. Easy things are learned either quickly or interestingly. I am sure that you regularly learn something new, simple and useful (for example, you learned the way to some place you need). But since it took you, say, one minute to study, you didn't think much of it. Or: many people have learned to use a smartphone. But because it was interesting, you didn't notice the time spent. And vice versa: it takes months or years to complete a sport or career. These months and years, of course, are much more noticeable than fleeting minutes.
The third reason: the significance of a skill is subjectively determined by the amount of labor required to obtain it. Such valuable skills as the ability to lace up shoes, count money, confidently know your first and last name (as well as the names and surnames of several dozen other people), the habit of following the road and stopping before a red traffic light – all of them are not considered an achievement simply because all this is easy to do and everyone in their life has already done it. Meanwhile, these are really extremely important and valuable skills that are literally necessary for any modern person.
As you can see, your original statement that all positive things require effort is simply wrong. There are so many different things in life, with different combinations of difficulty and utility.
Man is an inertial being. Who sits on the couch – the body itself asks to stay on the couch, who goes in for sports-the body itself asks for loads. It is not the positive action itself that requires effort. It takes effort to change the body's habits. As soon as your body adjusts to new habits (which will require effort), this behavior will be reproduced easily, by itself. Habit is not even second nature, as they say, but the first, habits are a person.
As far as I understand human evolution, the fact is that we have always been ready to act in cases where it was a question of quickly rewarding pleasure centers. Something from the category of get together, hunt, eat properly, maybe have sex and rest as much as possible. This program has worked with our ancestors for hundreds of thousands of years, so that's all – just the basic needs and main goals of survival and reproduction.�
I want to say that for a long time we were “sharpened” for completely different goals and got used to them. For this reason, of course, everything is not so easy for our brain (and it is the main one in all these processes), and especially now, when the amount of necessary information is constantly increasing and you need to know a lot, and the brain is not very far from its primitive state.
And of course, you need to specialize in order to achieve tangible results. Either you spend hours learning programming while sitting on your butt, or you swing this ass in the gym and also spend hours. Everything in the world is difficult to manage, of course.
Perhaps because You(I) and the brain are not a whole and not synchronous. The brain wants one thing,you (I) another. Either you are the brain's tool if you don't have the willpower ,or the brain is your tool if you have the willpower.
this phenomenon has a metaphysical explanation – we live in a world that is twisted, which has lost its “ideality”. Plato also considered the world in which a person lives to be a curved projection of the ideal world. Well, in order to break out of the illusion, you need a fee in the form of effort, labor, sacrifice and trouble.
The Bible is even more interesting about this. Eden was a place of peace, joy, and all other good things for man, but when man was tempted by sin, he lost Eden. Since then, everything in the world is through pain, everything is through sweat and blood. Sorrow is a payment for sin, a lesson for a person, which manifests itself in everything from his birth, when it is bad for both the child and his parent, and ending with death. Between these two extreme points, there are still a huge number of difficulties and obstacles, including even the smallest ones related to maintaining yourself in shape, etc. Nothing in this world can be done without austerity. The kingdom of God is taken by effort. That's why it's boring, because man has fallen. It is easier for us to lie down than to sit; to sit than to stand. It is easier for us to fall than to rise, and it is this choice that the Creator gave man at creation. The law of universal gravitation is overcome by upward attempts. Both physics and metaphysics.