30 Answers

  1. Everyone likes to give advice and teach. This is a very good and simple way to show yourself smart, competent, experienced, in a word, standing above the trainees.

    And it doesn't matter that it didn't work out for him – he's already burned himself, he knows where and on what rake he shouldn't step – he won't do it again. It is better and safer to share “useful” experiences with others.

  2. NEGATIVE big life experience is a considerable value, which correctly teaches “how not to act – in order to avoid mistakes.” Such a “loser” may well give good advice that correctly ” teaches others from their mistakes.”

    POSITIVE life experiences can happen – just a ” happy combination of circumstances.” Such a “lucky person” will not teach others.

    The PROVERB – “a smart person learns from other people's mistakes, a stupid person learns from his own” – illustrates an important argument on the topic of the question.

  3. This is not psychopathology, but rather natural.

    Your own inability or unresolved issue actualizes not only search activity, but also inventing possible solutions, your own methods.

    And since a person is a “social being”, he tries to connect others to the solution, and regardless of his altruism or selfishness. It's not helping or teaching (although he probably thinks so), it's projecting:

    important for me, so for others as well

    it helped me, and it will help others

    I couldn't, but someone else can

    – and so on, โ€”

    and this is the intended participation in the general action. Often, however, with the exception of their own practical implementation of their ideas. The Moor does its job…

    Those who can't โ€” or can't โ€” are motivated to teach or help are usually significantly more motivated than those who can-or do, have already done.

    Not to mention those for whom this is “not a question at all”. As in the case of people who have never lost weight ๐Ÿ™‚

    Moreover, it is good and correct to use such motivation. In the general case. It is only important to integrate “teachers” into the learning system.

    By the way, “incompetents” (if they can still do something) not only are they better motivated; they're also much better at explaining things. The master is sometimes not very clear what the “plug”is. He has passed it long ago; and even if with difficulty, he may not remember his difficulties.

  4. Other authors have already written a lot about what people like to teach in general, and that many comrades who have failed to solve their own problems have a really strong theoretical base and considerable experience in the field of “how not to do” – and they are worth a lot. And I agree with that. Moreover, I have often met situations in my life when a” shoemaker without boots”, figuratively speaking, was able to perfectly teach another person how to sew beautiful and durable boots.

    It often happens that such a person is simply someone's commercial project. That is, those who promote and promote it don't really have a task to teach someone something, but they have a task to make money on a relevant topic. Then this person is required to have completely different competencies than those declared in the “training program”. It should be bright, charismatic, flexible, inspiring confidence to the majority, proficient in the word, etc. But professionalism and positive personal experience in the field in which it is sold is the second thing. There is-well, no-not terrible. High-quality PR works wonders – otherwise such people simply could not work, no one would “buy” them.

    And there is one more nuance, which, it seems, no one has said yet. If we see a person who, being incompetent in a particular area of life, is happy to “teach” others, then there is a high probability that he is – sorry for the slang-so treated about the audience. I.e. compensated. He gets the feeling that this is how he solves his problems after all.

  5. Many people like to teach, not only clumsy ones. To teach is to feel like a useful and necessary member of society. It raises your self-esteem and self-esteem. And that means feeling superior to someone else-I'm more knowledgeable, skilled, and advanced.

    And in order to teach – you do not need to be a super-duper genius. I can only pass for a virtuoso for the entrance, but I can teach the very basics of playing the guitar without any problems. As well as a lot of other things. The main thing is to understand your own level and the level of the student.

    And as for personal success , you can learn something from your own failures and failures. Well, at least, how not to do it. Another thing is whether a person can learn something from their failures. Unfortunately, not everyone has such a talent. There are plenty of fans who constantly step on the same rake…

  6. The original question was about “clumsy”, but the explanation to it turns out that the author meant that people have their own problems (these are not necessarily “clumsy”, i.e. people who do not know how to do something).

    If a person has or has had a certain problem, they are often inclined to teach others how to solve such a problem. But this is a fairly common blunder. Why?

    The fact is that every problem has a cause. But seemingly similar problems can have VERY different causes for different people. Only if it turns out that the reasons are similar, THEN you can give advice to other people.

    For example, there are many reasons for obesity. There are even more reasons for failures in your personal life (and divorces). But a person with a bad experience thinks like this: “You and I have similar problems. I did this and that, but I couldn't solve it, so don't do it the way I did.” Or maybe he will also add (already as a wish) “… and do this…”. But the causes of problems are often different, and therefore the methods of their “treatment” are often different. A person with a “rich negative experience” is quite a big danger. He believes that he has a reason to transfer his experience to others and teach them on this basis.

    Example. The man got married early. Failed. Quickly divorced. Then he married again and again – again unsuccessfully. I found out for myself (!!!) reasons for failure and never remarried. And he passes on his negative experience to others: don't do this and that. And for another person, it may well be that this is exactly WHAT you can and even need to do. But if he believes a” wise negative experience ” person, he will ruin his life. And the “experienced adviser” will console himself with the classic phrase “I wanted the best….”

    Conclusion: if you are not able to do something, then you should not always categorically give advice (especially, impose them, referring to your negative experience) to others, what THEY should not do or how THEY should do it.

    The ability to find the causes (or even better, some kind of root cause) of problems is very important. But you need to be able to do this…There are methods for this , but there are also many pseudo-methods.

  7. As long as you learn by yourself , you can teach others. You're interested. When you have already learned, it becomes uninteresting to teach. As an option.

  8. The answer to the question is much more interesting:

    Why do people listen and pay for the lectures of clumsy people?

    And even more interesting –

    why does it bother me so much that some famous teacher-coach gathers thousands of viewers, even though I don't even think about broadcasting from the stage to the applauding audience?

  9. The original root-essential need of a person – in creativity-creation. Man is inspired by God's world, the original nature, the fruit of God's creativity. When he fails, he envies God. But he can't do it because of his godlessness. Yet successful creators know that it is not really they who create, but God through them. As soon as a person wants to be God himself, he will only know his own mediocrity. And then a person goes to power. Being a god in someone's eyes is an alternative to creativity. The teacher feels such anticipation: someone will consider him higher, and himself lower. Someone's highness is based on someone's readiness for lowness.

  10. They want you well.
    Those who make a lot of mistakes know the most common mistakes and give advice to nice people on how to protect themselves from them.
    If benevolence is a pathology, then yes-pathological.

  11. I will add my own ambiguous answer to the category.
    Some people with the same obesity could take a very long time to solve their problem, through various trials and errors. We got acquainted with the experience of those who were able to overcome this ailment, but they themselves did not make a profit, except for the information base. Some really do become professionals in their craft. Many of the psychologists and pick-up coaches became mastadons because of their expressive failures, which they fought hard against.
    Another thing is that sometimes people are looking for a” philosopher's stone”, a” pill ” that will solve their problems without much, or least, effort, without trying all the techniques and adhering to certain views.
    They can blindly search for the impossible, but also learn about diets and everything else….
    Something like this)

  12. Zadornov also said that we believe pimply cosmetologists and fat nutritionists.

    What's so strange about that? Morals to others are always easier to read than to act.

  13. There is an Eastern proverb – ” Don't watch what your teacher does, do what he says.”

    There are people who can really know the ways and methodology of achieving this or that good. But for certain reasons, they can't do it on their own. Theory is something that can be taken from these people….Still, it's WHAT they say that matters, not WHO says it. Be able to filter out the garbage and look at the thoughts of a person impartially, then you can learn even from children. And there is nothing shameful about it.

  14. And why exactly incompetents? Maybe they're losers? But that's another problem.
    This may be a trick of the eye. This obese person can take care of himself and has already lost 20 kilograms, or even more-who checked?
    A person with three divorces can get married for the fourth time, and the one whom he teaches to do this, would like to do it at least once in his life!
    A bankrupt person does the right thing, trying to make money, because he needs to catch up and therefore he chose a well-known topic, because they learn from mistakes and he is already aware of something in this matter, there is an experience, albeit negative, but this is enough not to repeat their own mistakes.
    So, it turns out that all the presented personalities from the above examples not only theoretically, but also practically know what they are talking about, and therefore they are specialists!
    And so, obviously, it is not bad at all when the teacher has already stepped on this rake himself, which means that he can no longer repeat his own mistakes and teach others not to do this.

    But that's not the point of your question
    .”Why do incompetents like to teach?”
    I will say that everyone likes to learn, not just the clumsy ones. They sincerely believe that they are well informed on this issue.
    They sincerely want to help the person who needs this knowledge. And often it really helps one way or another, sooner or later, if, of course, the information is reliable, truthful and useful.

    There are various reasons why a person is clumsy when giving advice. But one thing I'm sure of is that he thinks he knows what he's saying and genuinely wants to help. Someone may say something in order to increase their self-esteem in their eyes and in the eyes of the audience.

    And then, I stated above and I will repeat again that not necessarily a person who is a theorist can also be a good practitioner. He may be a good inventor, but he does not have the time and desire to do practical things, and his health and life may be completely neglected. This is bad, yes, but there are such people, losers, shoemakers without boots. And not because he doesn't know how to do what he teaches others, but because he doesn't want to or has some other understandable reasons that we don't know about and may never know.

  15. Because giving advice and teaching (which is the same thing) is a subconscious desire to manage the other. Clumsy people are especially successful in this desire, because clumsy people feel a desire to get rid of the status of “clumsy”, an attempt to assert themselves and explain to others what they have not explained to themselves. So they strengthen the belief that they are not so clumsy at all. Well, that's right : God controls everything, and if he created man in his own image and likeness, then why shouldn't man also control something or someone?

  16. What you would like to achieve, but couldn't๐Ÿ˜Ÿ We studied everything theoretically, but it didn't work out.. Yes let them teach๐Ÿ˜‰ Maybe someone will get bored, and he will be grateful to the teacher.
    Then he will be a teacher๐Ÿ˜ƒ

  17. Perhaps it's because they don't have the courage to take action in their lives. They also don't know how to communicate) And when they say, “as it should be”, in their brain processes occur, similar to if they themselves developed. But we understand that this is an illusion. But they are getting better at living-according to their feelings. I believe so from my own experience and observations.

  18. Clumsy people are clumsy because they can't draw the right conclusions from their mistakes and identify the causes of failures. However, advising someone else still allows them to look at the situation from the outside and understand something for themselves. In other words, at this point they are learning by themselves.

  19. This is not a universal rule. It happens this way, it happens in a different way. For example, why do people like to ask questions with the point of view they impose? Is this not the realization of the desire to teach mentioned by the author of the question?

  20. They believe that, by default, they are right. It is impossible to convince such horned animals, so it is better not to even try. They also like to teach, but they don't want to learn on their own

  21. Why does an obese person give advice on losing weight, a bankrupt person gives advice on how to get rich, and a person with three divorces gives advice on how to build a personal relationship? Is this some kind of psychopathology?

    is weight loss advice from an anorexic person better?

    does someone who has been provided for all his life know anything about wealth?

    a person who couldn't even get married once is a relationship specialist?

    in addition, those who own the corresponding secret .. the secret of wealth, health, and personal happiness .. will they always want to share it?

    of course, the number of failures does not indicate professionalism, but it highlights a person's INTEREST in a particular topic .. and although there are some amateurs who would rather not exist .. but it is precisely a person's interest in something that should not be confused with skill ..

    if another person is looking for training, and the amateur, because of his interest, is ready to share the experience of failures with anyone who wants, then this is primarily the problem of the person who is being led to it .. after all, it is the student's HUNGER that brings him together with the unfortunate teacher.

    and the experience of failure is not subject to jurisdiction .. only the next hopeless attempts are subject to jurisdiction .. and going into teaching is just a DEPARTURE from such attempts, while maintaining interest .. that is, the loser himself does everything correctly and honestly.

    I know what death is.

    I've read books about her,

    I kissed my grandmother in her coffin,

    And I've seen a chicken carcass many times.

    And I know a lot about love.

    I've seen loving dogs,

    And I saw pigeons on the roof,

    and how a man offended his mistress …

    and how she walked down the street crying.

    at the same time, those who share the belief that a nutritionist or trainer should be fit, secretly do lepsuction and put implants, so that their appearance corresponds to the promise given to clients (students) ..

    doesn't that happen?

    a shoemaker without boots-is that what anyone is afraid of? so why be afraid of fat weight loss specialists? … in the end, you should be guided by reviews (real ones), and focus on how many people the teacher helped to learn something, and not on what he can do or was able to achieve himself. if he knows how to teach how to lose weight, and his students are successful, then this is exactly what the client needs .. rather than adopting the teacher's personal problems.

  22. Hello You probably forgot that there is a popular expression Who has what hurts he says about it and if there was a connection with the ancestors I would know the basis for this expression And so it remains to fantasize

  23. When they say it, they are first of all talking to themselves and want to explain it to themselves, but out loud.

    They teach and think for themselves: but this is possible? Thinking out loud, it turns out, thinks: what is it missing?. for the sake of credibility.

    In this way, he wants to talk about convincing others in order to find a logical solution for himself..
    He needs to confirm his thoughts aloud through the word, with his intuitive sense of the truthfulness of his conviction..
    Words spoken out loud with faith are fixed) and require their fulfillment, like oaths, for example..)

    Reasoning convincingly – he will believe to the end and bring the matter to mind … because in reasoning the truth is born…

  24. The reason on the surface is the optimization of medicine . When, due to a lack of funding, only the violent ones were left in closed medical institutions, and those who did not pose a serious danger to society were released , all these former “Cleopatras” and “Caesars” immediately mastered the Internet and launched all their violent energy into the network .

  25. I'm sorry if you don't like the answer.
    Moving on to the answer. The fact is that you have off-scale feelings of ENVY. (we all love to teach and are always dissatisfied with how to teach in schools)

  26. Bulat Okudzhava:

    “Anton Palych Chekhov once remarked,

    that a smart person likes to learn, but a fool likes to teach.

    How many fools have I met in my life,

    It's high time I got the order.”

    Well, let me add a little clarification to Bulat Shalovich.

    When a smart person teaches, he has a certain goal: to earn money, prepare a shift, and direct students to perform some important tasks for him in the future. Smart planning. And it won't train everyone.

    A clumsy (fool) will teach everyone in a row to gain weight in society. Because it was not possible to do this in other ways, and the teacher is a respected person. And weight in society gives, as a rule, and material well-being. It is satisfying to eat and fools like it.

  27. That's right. Bosses and teachers are very often targeted by those who have not made it in the profession. There is an aphorism: “Who knows how to work, he works. Those who don't know how – teach you how to work. And those who don't know how to teach them how to work teach them how to work.” That's a very good idea.

  28. A person may well not be able to build relationships with people, that is, not be able to communicate, not have friends, be shy, and so on, but give good advice.

    For example: a person doesn't have many friends, but they can understand why and what to do to avoid getting into their situation, and they can understand people quite well, since they have more time to analyze them. He's an observer, but he doesn't have any friends. It remains a lot of practical skills.

    Any experience is experience. What is positive or negative teaches us to live.

    There is such an expression, I don't remember anyone saying it – 'what doesn't kill makes you stronger'

  29. Because they are most likely theorists, not practitioners. If you have any knowledge , you don't have any experience or skills. On the one hand, theory is inseparable from practice, but in fact it turns out that only what is done in practice is important, and theory can not always be implemented. However, a high-quality theory allows you to achieve mastery when applied in practice. In any case, each person has a choice: whether to apply theoretical knowledge in practice or not. “Incompetents” – perhaps just experts who, after studying the theory, decided to abandon the practice. Students can only hope that the theory is of high quality and can be practiced. Masters should be considered people who have mastered both theory and practice well.

  30. If we discard the piles of information about the reasons for the current situation of people and look more broadly , then the reason is the same:”a woman sits on the throne of power.” In other times and epochs, you wouldn't have asked such a question. A woman is always a compromise. She allows and forgives all the meanness of her children. This is how its nature works and therefore it should not be allowed to take power, unless your goal is to degrade this society.

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