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In terms of electrical activity, there is no difference for the brain between sleep and reality — it reacts to any form of thinking in the same way. Moreover, for him, there is no difference between reality and imagination: an active representation in front of the” mind's eye ” as you, for example, eat ice cream, will cause an influx of serotonin, the pleasure hormone, in the body, as if you were actually eating it.
This is why things like autosuggestion, self-hypnosis, and so on work. For the brain, reality, which is perceived through the senses, takes precedence over imagination for the reason that it contributes to the accumulation of experience — in reality you can get burned or get into an accident, but in imagination you can't, so it is obvious that external impulses should be processed by the brain first.
However, dreams, for both humans and animals, are the same reality, only produced by themselves “from within” consciousness, and not under the influence of thinking or external impulses. Your body chemistry reacts to dreams in the same way as it does to reality — and you really get upset, scared, or happy about the dreams. Sometimes this emotion is so strong that it persists for a long time after waking up.
Animals dream and react to them in exactly the same way as humans. The reason why we quickly (most often instantly) forget a dream, apparently, is that for the brain, sleep does not matter, since it does not bring any new experience from the outside, does not expand knowledge about reality, and therefore is useless for later life.
You may see in a dream only what you saw/imagined/realized in reality, but there is nothing new there.
Scientists have proven that a person dreams every day, but when he (the brain) is very tired, the dream is simply not remembered by the person. This can be said to be a protective reaction of the body, which is triggered in order for the consciousness to rest.
Animals also have the ability to dream, as they also have a brain. And accordingly, all the information received during the day is re-formed in the form of nocturnal dreams.
There are several theories about what dreams are. Sigmund Freud believed that dreams are reflections of repressed desires and hidden aspirations of people. Psychiatrist Alan Hobson attributed the occurrence of dreams to random electrical impulses in the brain regions responsible for “emotions and” memories. Proponents of the reverse learning theory believe that dreams are a way for the brain to get rid of unnecessary associations that are formed during the day. Surprisingly, pets can also dream. British scientists have proven that animals dream of events related to their daily life.
Moreover, dreams can also be lucid. Lucid dreaming is practiced by many people around the world. There are even a series of books contributing to the OS. For example, in Carlos Castaneda, you need to present your hands on an internal monitor. And so go for days and nights. According to this principle, the arrival of the OS will take from one year, approximately. And managing your dreams is worth it!))) This is the second real reality