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Two reasons.�
First: four of the five organs of perception are located in the head, only kinesthetics are evenly distributed throughout the body. Therefore, it is most natural to subjectively localize “yourself” in the head. After lying down for a couple of hours in a warm bath with a salty solution in complete darkness and with no sounds, you will begin to clearly feel that “I” is not in your head, but everywhere ) Along with thinking. And then other glitches will come )�
Second, you have been taught since childhood what the brain “thinks”, and it is inside your skull. So you don't just feel like you “know” what you're thinking with your head…
If you were taught from an early age that the brain is located, sorry, in the buttocks, then in adulthood the phrase “Think f…y!” would not cause you anything but intense feverish reflection )
Pavel is wrong. The fact that we now feel the thought process taking place in the head is a modern cultural tradition due to the development of science.
In ancient times, although people paid tribute to the head (still eyes, ears, mouth), but the meaning of the head and, especially, the brain did not understand. There were all sorts of speculations about thoughts. Rather, thoughts were linked to the soul, which was a complex material and non-material concept. The soul was linked to breath and blood (in many languages, the connection between the concepts of soul-spirit-breath-wind is recorded). Also, the heart was connected with the soul and thoughts, which still remains in the cultural tradition (at least the connection of love and heart).�
Aristotle, for example, suggested that the brain is needed to cool the blood.
But in the Middle Ages, scientists (not all people felt, but scientists understood) already understood that the brain is connected with the control of the body, with the mind.
So, for example, in this classic picture, an operation is already underway to improve mental abilities by removing stones from the head:
Indeed, why shouldn't people feel that the thought process is going on in their head, if that's where – what a surprise-it happens? In the so-called brain, to be precise.
Here you can still philosophize in the style of Pelevin: WHO feels that the thought process is happening in the head? The thought process itself and feels? Or something else?
People generally tend to feel themselves in the head.
The head contains the eyes, ears, sense of smell, and taste.
Due to the fact that there are so many sensors, it seems that “YOU” are in the head.
In fact, nothing prevents you from imagining “yourself” in the leg)
But the bottom line is that if the head is cut off from the body (God forbid), then it will continue to think.