3 Answers

  1. Even if initially everyone spoke the same language, then spreading out, people transformed the language, it acquired distinctive features peculiar to this group of people. Latin gave rise to the Romance group of languages, Italian, Portuguese, French, the Slavic group of languages also, having a common language, became very different. Even in Moscow and St. Petersburg, there are differences in the language, curbs and curbs )

  2. According to the biblical legend, after the Flood, all people spoke the same language. And then they became proud and decided to build the city of Babel and a tower to the heavens to perpetuate themselves. For this, the Lord made everyone speak different languages, no longer understand each other, and were unable to continue building.
    And if you don't touch religion… Look, people don't all live together in a single group of 7.6 billion people, but in separate groups in different parts of the world. A new object or phenomenon has appeared – you need to come up with a name. Naturally, it will be different for everyone. And in one area, for example, a Christmas tree grows – the word is there, and in another it does not grow – and no one knows the word. And even if the name was borrowed, it will not remain in its original form-it will change due to the peculiarities of the local dialect, sometimes even beyond recognition.

  3. Actually, we are not a species of individually intelligent animals. Our cultures/subcultures are reasonable. And we are only able to maintain incomplete copies of these subcultures in our heads for a while.

    We are moving more and more from the evolution of the genotype, from the natural selection of individuals and populations, to the evolution of culture, the natural selection of competing subcultures.

    This shows how important the task for these subcultures is to somehow differentiate themselves from their” competing neighbors ” and stand out from them. Cultures try to isolate themselves from others with their own language. Subcultures – with their own slang and jargon. A culture that has lost its language, its linguistic specificity, is on the verge of complete destruction, just as an individual who has been flayed is on the verge of death.

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