2 Answers

  1. Because “some people” think that it is impossible to combine: “God created the world in 6 days, and rested on the seventh” and the theory of evolution (after all, in evolution everything is longer, more complex and confusing). Without realizing that in the first case it is only a myth, and in the second case scientific knowledge. If you ask: can a Christian believer believe in the theory of evolution and remain a believer, then I will say, undoubtedly, yes.

  2. A person has to believe in something. If not in God, then in science. If you imagine the situation that an atheist does not believe in any of the available points of view of the origin of the world, then there are two options: either he has some point of view (everything can be), or he is simply not interested in this topic. But again, the latter option is unlikely, since if he did become an atheist, then he probably thought about the origin of the world.

    Purely personal opinion.

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