5 Answers

  1. Those who talk about “randomness” usually heard the ringing, but they were not able to reproduce modern biology from this ringing-which is not surprising, it would be much more surprising if anyone could reinvent it in their own head.

    What was that ringing sound they heard? That the appearance of life is the result of a combination of circumstances, those very conditions. They could have developed differently – as it happened on other planets, but they developed in such a way that the appearance of life turned out to be quite natural.

    In the history of life on Earth, there are two unlikely events that might not have happened – the emergence of a complex eukaryotic cell and the emergence of a full-fledged mind in humans. Everything else is quite natural.

  2. And who says by accident? It seems to be the opposite now the main theory is gradual evolution based on genetics (random mutations) and non-random natural selection. There was also an information theory of the origin of life.

  3. Randomness is where it came from, what it came from,and in general our definition of life is based on our variation, but there may have been another life based on other principles.

    When they say: “life arose by chance” – it means that for the emergence of just such a life, it is here that a lot of coincidences are necessary.

    You are correct that some life in the universe must have occurred with a probability of – > 100%. The most fair definition of life, which I adhere to in the last paragraph: “an object that is capable of self-copying and is complex enough to cause errors when copying.”

  4. Only those who know very little speak about the randomness of life.

    The universe shows us examples that life is not a random event.

    There are a lot of unmanageable events in the universe. But only the variety is random in it.

    For example, there are a lot of galaxies in the universe. There are a lot of stars in them. Near which there are a lot of planets.

    Every galaxy, planet, and star is not a random event. This is a pattern.

    This pattern also applies to life. The universe is designed in such a way that all microscopic substances, chemical and physical connections are established by themselves, without stopping creating events and mixing with each other.

    Chemistry leads to the creation of proteins, complex molecules, and complex compounds. All this leads to the creation of life.

    Even those who think that life came from a single ancestor are naive or stupid. In one point of the Earth, for example, from a single molecule. This is so stupid that it goes against absolutely all the facts that we know about the universe.

    All the diversity of life, the appearance of coronaviruses, bacteria, the diversity of galaxies, stars, planets, molecules and proteins in different places, at huge distances from each other, literally tells us that life is just another pattern in the evolution of matter in the universe. And there are no other options here.

    Otherwise, there would be no diversity. We would have one planet, one galaxy, one star, one photon, one protein.

    Life is like photons. They simply appear because it is preceded by a million regular events in the entire universe.

  5. The idea that life arose by chance is promoted by materialists, and this hypothesis is not the prevailing one in the world. Now there is a struggle between the two main hypotheses of the origin of the world (I am talking about the philosophical understanding of the question) and, in fact, life on Earth – these are theistic and pantheistic theories. In the first , life has arisen and develops at the will of some higher intelligence, in the second, this higher intelligence is distributed in all objects and phenomena and controls them. That is, almost no one talks about the randomness of the origin of life. And we must clearly understand that those who still adhere to this theory actually think so because of a lack of knowledge, we must somehow justify the situation.

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