Denial of praise indicates that a person has an internal ban on perceiving himself as good and worthy.
At such moments of praise, a person triggers an unconscious attitude about their own “badness” and “unworthiness”.
This attitude and style of behavior are formed from childhood, when significant adults inspire the child with the idea of his low value, belittle his achievements and often criticize rather than praise.
Therefore, an increase in praise for such a person in adulthood will only increase internal resistance, because denial already works in them on an unconscious level.
And to help such a person, you need deep work with their deep attitudes, children's scenarios, and the ability to show self-love.
This person needs to learn to praise themselves and start appreciating their abilities. As long as you're self-conscious about your abilities, others may start taking advantage of your ideas, work, and results. Yes, it's like Impostor syndrome.
Recommendation. Analyze your abilities. skills, abilities and victories over a lifetime, since childhood. And you'll realize how cool you are. And the analysis will help you internally improve your self-esteem.
This is called “impostor syndrome”. A well-known psychological trick in which particularly competent people often think that they are just lucky, because they simply do not believe from their height that they can cope with a difficult task with such ease
This means that the person has low self-esteem and lack of confidence in themselves and their abilities. We need to praise this person more often, so that he gets used to thinking well of himself.
Yes, out of pride! Isn't it obvious that praise from the lips of ignorant, rude, tasteless people is offensive to the mind and talent? If you want to praise me, then first of all ask yourself the question: are you worthy to give me a rating? Don't you think that the approval expressed by the bear is a caricature?
Denial of praise indicates that a person has an internal ban on perceiving himself as good and worthy.
At such moments of praise, a person triggers an unconscious attitude about their own “badness” and “unworthiness”.
This attitude and style of behavior are formed from childhood, when significant adults inspire the child with the idea of his low value, belittle his achievements and often criticize rather than praise.
Therefore, an increase in praise for such a person in adulthood will only increase internal resistance, because denial already works in them on an unconscious level.
And to help such a person, you need deep work with their deep attitudes, children's scenarios, and the ability to show self-love.
I give examples of such steps in this video:“How to love and accept yourself”
This person needs to learn to praise themselves and start appreciating their abilities. As long as you're self-conscious about your abilities, others may start taking advantage of your ideas, work, and results. Yes, it's like Impostor syndrome.
Recommendation. Analyze your abilities. skills, abilities and victories over a lifetime, since childhood. And you'll realize how cool you are. And the analysis will help you internally improve your self-esteem.
This is called “impostor syndrome”. A well-known psychological trick in which particularly competent people often think that they are just lucky, because they simply do not believe from their height that they can cope with a difficult task with such ease
This means that the person has low self-esteem and lack of confidence in themselves and their abilities. We need to praise this person more often, so that he gets used to thinking well of himself.
Yes, out of pride! Isn't it obvious that praise from the lips of ignorant, rude, tasteless people is offensive to the mind and talent? If you want to praise me, then first of all ask yourself the question: are you worthy to give me a rating? Don't you think that the approval expressed by the bear is a caricature?