2 Answers

  1. Glucose is the main source of energy for the brain. The nervous system consumes about 20% of the circulating glucose in the blood. The special sensitivity of the central nervous system to hypoglycemia is explained by the fact that, unlike other body tissues, the brain does not have carbohydrate reserves and is not able to use circulating free fatty acids as an energy source.

  2. Dear Yevgenia, A decrease in blood glucose levels of less than 2.8 mol / l is life-threatening, with hypoglycemic coma, its concentration can be less than 2.2 mmol/l. A decrease in glucose levels below the physiological level primarily affects the state of the central nervous system. Its supply to brain cells decreases, which leads to their energy starvation. As a result, all metabolic processes in the brain are disrupted and neurological symptoms develop (from feelings of anxiety, anxiety, inappropriate behavior and disorientation in space, convulsive syndrome to complete loss of consciousness and coma). If timely help is not provided to the patient, then as a result of prolonged energy starvation, brain edema develops, and hemorrhage in brain tissue appears. Ultimately, this leads to disruption of the structure of brain cells and their death, which leads to the death of a person.

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