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Because of the high plasticity of the child's brain. The brain grows intensively and develops until about 20 years of age(boys and girls have different periods, but I averaged them out.) Accordingly, in childhood, neural networks are very intensively rebuilt, and the cerebral architectonics change. Synaptic contacts responsible for long – term memories change-this is inevitable. And how much you need to learn, understand…Therefore, childhood memories are often fragmentary, archaic, and distorted (so-called false memories).
The consciousness of a little man is “turned off”at the stage of his “milk” development.This protects the subsequent gradual evolutionary entry into adulthood…As a rule, the kid” joins ” actively in the study of the surrounding space from the age of 2-3 years with his “therefore”, “hosyu”, etc..Nature, as it were, gradually “connects”the awareness of a person in this world and its radical difference from the animal world…
Even Jean Piaget, a researcher of childhood at the beginning of the 20th century, came to the conclusion that young children do not remember themselves. He even advocated that they could be operated on without anesthesia on this basis. Of course, this is not true, because stress does its job-it affects the body, on the psyche, but this is not the point right now.
A child under 8-9 months of age does not separate himself from his mother. He is fused with it. The first encounter with the fact that it is visible occurs during the period of attachment formation, then there is “alien anxiety” – the child reacts to a stranger, because for the first time he understands that he is visible. Since then, he remembers what happens to him.
Two scientists believe they have discovered the cause of what Sigmund Freud dubbed “infantile amnesia,” and why we can't bring those memories back. They said that the rapid growth of cells in the memory center of our brain in the first years of life means that key connections between existing cells are destroyed. As a result, the memories that are stored there become impossible to get.:)
Maybe it depends on the beginning of understanding the world completely? Awareness of actions, consequences, and life experiences. For example, as a child, we did some actions on a kind of “automatic machine”, and over the years we began to understand what lies and truth are, what we like to do and what not. My opinion is based mainly on this hypothesis.
So it is inherent in human nature, memory develops at the moment when a person begins to learn to write and read, and it is believed that from this moment a person begins to remember his life. There were no cases when someone remembered their birth.
In psychology, there is such a concept as “childhood amnesia”. It was introduced by the well-known Sigmund Freud when he discovered that his patients could not remember anything before the age of three. He explained this fact through the prism of his theory(that is, everything is connected with the sexual nature), but modern experts say that this is due to the lack of development of brain areas associated with memory in children.
Because the ” I-concept “(self-image, self-awareness) begins to form only from the age of THREE. And early childhood is the period of development of a child from ONE year to three years. If each of us tries very hard, even if only briefly, but remembers some episode from childhood, when he was about three years old, but later than this age it is difficult to remember anything, because until the age of three we exist on an unconscious level. Hence, the beginning of memories depends on the beginning of the formation of self-consciousness.
In fact, everything is simpler. We don't remember early childhood because young children don't have that thing in the brain that's responsible for long – term memory-the hippocampus. It is usually formed by the age of 2-3 years, and that's when we start to remember something.
I'm not an expert, but it seems to me that in early childhood we don't have the tool to capture memories in the way we do as adults. For example, “I went to the sea”. There were already clear concepts of the sea and travel, there was an understanding of one's own Self. And when you're a small child, there are only images and impressions that you can't verbalize yet. The child encounters certain moments for the first time, and he does not yet have the tools to remember them. Although, on the other hand, many people remember such moments that they should not remember. I remember being in the hospital when I was a year old, although I shouldn't remember it by any means. And I remember the first time a plastic truck was taken away from me. I think that only strong emotional experiences are captured, of which there are not so many in childhood. Something like that)
The fact is that memory is the storage of decoded information. The human brain works like a computer, conditionally decoding and decoding information received from neurons throughout the body. At birth, the child is not yet able to decode and save the received information for further reproduction, because the mechanism has not yet been formed. Simply put, brain cells have not yet learned complex combinations with 1 and 0. Our memory “saves” every day, as if the security camera was working all the time and was scrolling through gigabytes of video files that were stored in a certain place on the hard disk, but repeated frames would be erased automatically as not important. The brain does not copy repeated combinations, but deletes them. We usually remember something unusual, strange, or impressive – the brain stores it as a separate file.
By and large, when We are children, up to 5 years old, we are just learning, we build our character and our beliefs, look at the world and begin to socialize. And we work on a sub-and unconscious level. You can bring out childhood memories with the help of hypnosis, or sometimes, they can come up in dreams.
I remember myself very early, about a year or a year and a half ago. Mom chewed my cookies and choked hard, started to choke, and at home just the two of us! I hit her on the back with my palms as I ran, and a piece of food stuck in her airway flew out, saving her. She remembered that, too.�
It seems to me that people remember an early age, when events are associated with stress, they are imprinted in memory.
1 There is a theory that we don't remember our childhood because we didn't know how to talk.
The fact is that a person often connects their feelings with words, as soon as we start talking a little, it becomes easier for us to remember.
And in general, a person thanks to speech still gradually comes to an awareness of himself, his thoughts.
2 brain cells renew quickly
3 there is no long term memory saving function
4 intensive neuron harvesting
The question is really interesting and scientists are still scratching their heads.
In the first years of our lives, we learn to distinguish shapes, colors, sounds, smells, grab, point, pick, search, hide, sit, lie, walk, sympathize, laugh, fold, break, predict, and think abstractly…
The list is actually much longer. And we remember it all our lives.
So what if we can't remember one of those surprisingly sunny days?
I can't guarantee the accuracy, but I've heard that we are born with an underdeveloped brain (with a smaller head;big head = not a very healthy mother; evolution is the same).
And by the age of 3-5, memory also develops.
In the answers to the links above, they explain mainly psychology, but, in my opinion, this is rather the lack of a physiological possibility than amnesia.
Vivid images and impressions can persist from an earlier age.
And to remember an event and tell about it (to realize it, to tell it to yourself), you need speech, language. Language is a tool for understanding and” coding ” feelings. Without it, you have experienced feelings, sensations, you remember them, but you can not express them. Express, dig, discuss, they say, I saw a dog, it barked, its fur was fluffy. Instead, a vague, distant image-sensation.
In addition, I want to note that sometimes they bring early memories that are actually the memories of their parents accepted and mastered as their own. This is a fact proven experimentally, people can even begin to count (remember)in adulthood what happened to them is what they were convincingly told.
Someone subconsciously tried to forget and after a while he did it, because the head is a vessel, but even it runs out of space and we just throw out unnecessary things.
A person begins to understand something mainly from the age of 4. At the age of 4, he already understands what is happening and what he is doing. It is impossible to remember anything before the age of 4. But from the age of 4…
There is an assumption that this is due to the lack of speech in infancy
We can't remember anything until we can think about it, talk about it with others
Infantile amnesia – the inability to remember childhood events before about the age of three – is a well-known phenomenon. Which is observed in all or almost all people.
There are many explanations for this, for example, the brain (hippocampus and other parts) has not yet matured enough to fix memories, as well as many other memories.
Ha, up to 3-4. I don't remember anything but a few vivid events, up to 5-6 years old, moreover, I am almost sure that a significant part of my memories from a later period, up to 9 years old, are memories restored from photos and stories of my parents. For the vast majority of friends, childhood begins at about 4 years old, except when they had younger siblings, with a difference of a year and a half. Apparently there is a certain moment of growing up, and it just happens every three years. My child, smartly remembers everything just from the age of three, but not earlier.
This is infantile amnesia.
It covers a longer period (up to 7 years or so). The exact reasons are not yet known. Obviously, this has something to do with the formation of the human intellectual system.
To the question ” why?” I've already got some great answers.
I want to write about my “first” childhood memory. Somewhere between 1 and 2 years. It's quite distinct.�
I remember standing in the crib (the one with the high handrails) and looking at my mother. She is standing in front of some bright spot on the wall (a painting or carpet) and holding the lid of my pot in her hands and fooling around, making a hat out of this lid (yes, it sounds idiotic). My “thoughts” were: “Why is she doing this? This also covers the pot. It's not used like that!” It wasn't expressed verbally in my head like it is now. More like some kind of cause-and-effect relationship that was broken, and I wondered what was going on.
It seems to me that this is due to the lack of speech skills.�
For example, we remember our 10th birthday-cake, candles, gifts, we know all these words, what they mean, we can freely match any item with the name “cake” and determine whether the first one corresponds to the second. Having seen different “cakes” twice in our lives (one of them in infancy), we will not be able to compare and compare these episodes, because we do not know the main characteristics of the “cake” and this name itself, for us it will be “a moment in life when we saw something”-only in an even more simplified form, since the concepts of “moment”, “life”, “see” – we also do not understand. If we are not able to give a clear name to the process, we cannot associate it with similar processes, remember it, and use the assigned names to handle the information received.
That is, yes, we saw something, but what exactly and when is not clear to us, because we did not know the words that could characterize what we saw and, accordingly, compare it with similar processes already known to us, explaining the essence of what was happening in the past. Therefore, it turns out that the early stages of childhood are stored in memory, as a lump of incomprehensible images that is not structured in time and that consciousness never turns to as unnecessary.
Well, why… people with a phenomenal, so-called eidetic memory remember their early childhood (up to 3 years). Memory, like any other cognitive process, has its own development. This process is long, but leads to persistent qualitative changes. Over time, we expand the amount of memory, develop the relationship of memory with other mental processes, in particular with emotions and feelings. The memory of a small child is comparable to that of a phone with sooooo little internal memory enabled. RAM captures some memories, but a larger amount goes to the formation of skills. That is, rather limited resources are spent by our nervous system according to the principle of dominant functions. It is necessary to teach the child to speak, form a vocabulary, teach him to walk, teach him to use objects. Saving a huge amount of memories is an extra burden. However, if we try harder, we can recall early memories that are jerky and not quite clear (our perception in childhood also does not shine), some smells, words, phrases, melodies, sensations. These are the beginnings of our emotional memory. Also, in the matter of memorization, a big role goes to parents, if they constantly operate on recent or long-standing events in their conversations with the child, in stories, and the child unconsciously keeps these situations in memory.�
Most often, the first memories date back 2.5-3 years, there are cases of fluctuations from 8-9 months to 5-7 years.
Well, first of all, we remember, but not on a conscious level. The memory remains in our bodies (do you know what sand tastes like? And how do you know?), in our learned movements (we learned to crawl and walk, stand and fall just then, in early childhood), there were some fears and aspirations (for example, we remember that curling up in a ball and crawling under the blanket is the way to calm down. But this is the memory of the intrauterine period). And consciousness as such is formed just by the age of about three. That is, we cannot remember something consciously because there was no “consciously”, there is nothing to remember.�
And secondly, in early childhood, the formation of connections in the brain is proceeding at a tremendous pace. Children are born with a huge potential for adaptation. During the first years, the child adapts to the world in which he finds himself, and remembers what is useful, and what is not useful, forgets. Connections are formed and then immediately broken up as unnecessary. So now, by the way, they are already talking about fashionable early development as a useless thing if the child does not actively use the acquired knowledge after that. He can learn all the artists of the Renaissance, but if his life is not fully connected with art and these artists are not the heroes of fairy tales that read to him at night, then in six months there will be no trace of this knowledge. So here's the second answer: we don't remember a lot of things because we didn't need them and forgot them.�
With age, the rate of these changes decreases. And at a certain point, connections can no longer be formed and fixed normally, and therefore in old age many people do not remember what happened yesterday. But they remember what happened in their youth, when the mechanism of forming connections worked as it should. And their body still remembers skills from early childhood (walking, talking, etc.).
Well, I would not say so categorically that they are missing..
For example, I periodically give my parents and relatives some descriptions of events, and in the end it turns out that this is my very early childhood.
For example, I described the bathroom in great detail where my parents bathed me. As a result, it turned out that this was my first swim in my life (that is, at the age of 2 days). I couldn't see it anywhere after that, because my parents moved to a new apartment a day later and no one ever visited the old one, where I was brought from the hospital.
That is, I can safely say that I remember myself from the age of 2 days)
Memories are like diary entries. And to keep a diary , you need to know a certain language. Our brain doesn't know any other way to encode information. While the child does not speak well enough to describe what is happening to him (for example, ” My mother and I are walking in the park. Green grass all around, the sun is shining”), he won't remember this scene. Richer speech – brighter memories.
I don't know about you, but my memories of my conversations with foreigners are “stored” in Russian, although we spoke, of course, in English. It's just that the native language is the most convenient encoding for the brain.
In childhood, neurons die intensively in the brain, constantly being replaced by new ones that form new nerve connections. These processes actually erase the memory, replacing it with new information. When we grow up, the death and formation of new nerve cells in the brain significantly slows down, almost to the very level of “nerve cells do not recover”. Therefore, the best thing we remember is what happened to us already in the adult state, when all the same neurons with the same connections are used.
How much earlier is your childhood ? I remember some moments when I was two years old, I remember because my sister was born, and I was in the hospital at that time
We don't know for sure. Freud, for example, coined the term “infantile amnesia.” In his opinion, the brain is not able to remember the first 4-5 years of life, because (drum roll) the child experiences strong sexual urges towards their parents.
Now it seems that it is generally accepted that clusters of neurons responsible for storing memories begin to form at 6-18 months, but the inability to remember something is explained by the inability to connect events and memories with words/speech.