4 Answers

  1. If by dreaming we mean fantasy in general, and not just the projection of desires, then this is evidence of our freedom. We, our consciousness, behavior, etc., are not determined by the surrounding circumstances or the signals that represent them. We have to make choices in the face of a lack of information, in the face of frightening uncertainty. To overcome this uncertainty and fill in the gaps, we immediately start generating the necessary information on our own. However, this generation itself is just as much a free irrational act as it is simply a choice of action without sufficient reasons. True freedom is conscious uncertainty. Therefore, for example, today we call a strong-willed person someone who acts decisively, despite all legitimate but insurmountable doubts. Trying to overcome uncertainty leads to even more complexity, which means even more uncertainty and freedom.

  2. In the brains of humans and animals, there is a brain area called the pleasure center.

    This zone is responsible for pleasant feelings when we perform actions that are correct according to the brain's version, such as eating or having sex.

    The feeling of pleasure is activated even when we just think about a future reward, thus prompting us to take action.

    So, consider that daydreaming is an upgraded version of this mechanism.

  3. Human thinking differs from animal thinking by the presence of a second signal system and, as practice shows, abstract perception. This is reflected in the fact that thoughts and feelings are processed in special parts of the brain that only we have.
    In this way, information that is constantly received from the outside is processed, sorted, and urgent tasks are solved. The ability to dream, as indicated here, is only part of a huge analytical system in our head, which, constantly processing information, can predict further actions for many moves ahead.

    If we consider daydreaming as a fantasy, i.e. thoughts on the topic ” what would have happened…”, then this can be considered as a way to logically interpret similar situations that occur in life, to prepare for them in the light form of mind games. By processing various possible events in this way, running through different scenarios, the brain protects itself from a large mental load in the future, as if calculating options for action in this or that case.

    If we consider dreaming as thoughts about the future, real or, again, assumed, then such a dream can serve as a form of understanding one's plans, desired actions.

    In any case, while dreaming, a person is aware of their desires and figures out how they can be realized.

  4. Without the ability to dream, a person's desires and aspirations for action are lost. If you don't have a dream, you don't have a goal to reach. Therefore, fantasies and dreams are very important for a person. It is they who encourage us to perform important actions, to self-development.

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