2 Answers

  1. I understand that by dialectically borderline thinking, the author understands the unwillingness to develop the ability to reason and think logically, which leads to an unwillingness to accept a different point of view than his own. Of course, limited thinking is primarily associated with the fear of the unknown. Death is the greatest and most terrible unknown. To overcome it, you need courage, “the ability to allow”. It is easier to imagine either the complete absence of something after death, or a very simplified theory of Hell and Heaven that someone will punish, or someone will reward. The most difficult thing is to accept your responsibility for everything you do in life, and the need to work out the consequences of your actions after this life. For some, this thought is painful, because they want to get complete peace after death, for others it is joyful, because they want constant improvement. It all depends on spirituality. The soul wants peace and the Spirit seeks eternal knowledge.

  2. I am not philosophically savvy enough to answer such a question-but there are enough statements of famous philosophers on this topic.So, Schopenhauer said that from a philosophical point of view-we are a naked desire for life,and there is no other meaning in life than this desire.From a philosophical point of view, both life and death are illusions,but no one has canceled the animal instinct.Everyone will still be afraid of death and try to prolong life by any means-except perhaps the highest-level individuals, like Marcus Aurelius or Plato.Such people are always in the minority..

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