3 Answers

  1. According to statistics, most of the inhabitants of the Earth consider themselves to be of one or another religious denomination. Maybe billions of people are wrong? Let's get this straight.

    There are three major world religions: Christianity, Islam, and Buddhism. But in general, there are many more of them – several thousand. Why are beliefs so different? The reasons are historical and geographical.

    As a rule, religious canons are adapted to the climate.

    For example, the Orthodox year corresponds as much as possible to the calendar of agricultural work. Or fasting in Islam, when you can eat only after sunset, according to one version, is associated with the conditions of life in the desert.

    As for the historical aspect, religion evolved from paganism to monotheism, and then to atheism-the denial of the existence of God. Despite the secular nature of modern states, politicians still benefit from having a religious organization. It is no accident that Karl Marx called religion “the opium of the people.” The concept of a strong central government and religion are very similar.

    Alternatives: atheism, science, or … hobby?

    The scientific worldview is difficult to understand, while religion is accessible even to children. In order to believe, enough feelings and sensations. And the human psyche always tends to choose a simpler option.

    Even non-believers have some substitute for religion in their lives: work, vocation, passion, family – something that they serve and worship in one way or another. Again, it all comes down to rather primitive psychological laws: we need to hope for the best, otherwise we will not be able to stand it.

    In the modern world, a person still cannot freely dispose of his life and death, little depends on him. Therefore, there is still room for fear and fantasy. If we don't control anything, then someone else is doing it, like God. In this sense, humanity is not too far removed from the Middle Ages.

    So, religion will be needed as long as the superpowers are fighting for primacy, as long as the world is not united in some common goal.

    I do not want to show excessive pessimism: humanity is still striving for unification. The Internet and social networks are proof of this. On the other hand, if the world remains multipolar and has a huge number of languages and peoples, then this is more good than bad.

    Then globalization is impossible even in the long run, which means that religions will continue to exist for a long time.

  2. Because the contradiction between religion and modern realities is a myth. This hypothesis was very important to previous critics of religion, but when modernity arrived, and religion did not die out as they assumed, many of them decided to ignore reality and continue to believe in their ideas about religion. But reality has clearly shown that religion is not inherently connected with any temporary circumstances, that ignorance and poverty are not its necessary conditions, and so on, and finally that it is not at all what many of its less discerning critics thought it was.

  3. Man is mortal and intelligent. Knowing that you are mortal causes fear and pain. Religion, which explains what will happen THERE, is a drug, a painkiller, helping to come to terms with the idea of death. Therefore, religion has always been and always will be.

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