4 Answers

  1. A person tends to strive for what is already familiar, understandable for him. For some, suffering, various kinds of drama, is a comfort zone, a habit in which it is “cozy” and “warm”. You can't put up with this habit, you need to break the wrong scenarios, and for this you need to have the inner strength to look inside yourself and not run away.

  2. To feel loved, probably. At such moments, you want someone to come and calm you down. For me, this is generally an erroneous judgment. We don't want to suffer, we want to see ourselves protected from it.

  3. I think that suffering for many people is the same addiction as alcohol, drugs and so on. Periodically comes withdrawal and even if everything is fine, you find a reason to suffer. You provoke conflicts, scandals, tantrums. But at some point you realize that you are tired, you are trying to get rid of this addiction, to heal. Someone succeeds, someone does not. But understanding that you like to suffer is already 50% of success. I know it by myself.

  4. Human consciousness is a constant balancing act out of a sense of duty and freedom. An important mechanism of debt is the feeling of guilt, guilt before: parents, children, partner, boss, society, the world…

    For most people, the sense of duty and freedom are mutually reinforcing. That is, one is very difficult to feel without the other. Like hunger and satiety. You can get pleasure from satiety only if you get hungry, and vice versa, if you periodically do not eat enough, then the feeling of hunger will not be pleasant, but painful.

    When such a person has too much good, pleasant things in life, he begins to feel that he needs to “suffer a little” in order not to get fed up, not to lose taste from these pleasures, so people with a more or less high degree of awareness think.

    Less conscious people just start getting depressed, paranoid, inventing illnesses or creating difficulties from scratch – and that's when it becomes a problem.

    This is their way of “paying” for pleasure, balancing “duty and freedom,” living for themselves and for others, but because they are not aware of this process, they get stuck in this swamp of the obligation to suffer and spend their entire lives doing it.

    They choose a job they don't like: “someone has to!”, choose people they don't like “can't stand it, can't stand it, can't stand it, can't stand it, can't stand it, can't stand it, can't stand it, can't stand it!” …familiar words? So half of people live like this, think like this, and most importantly get very angry when someone refuses to live like this.

    Unconsciously, they expect the universe to see their suffering and reward them, but the universe just looks at it and thinks, ” lol.”

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