8 Answers

  1. Just make a reservation-I mean a photon moving at its” nominal ” speed – the speed of light in a vacuum

    Yes, from the” photon point of view” it was absorbed by some object, immediately after its own emission, and it does not matter that for an outsider it could be a relic photon born billions of years ago. Due to the motion at the speed of light , the reference frame associated with the photon is degenerate and therefore all intervals in it are either zero (the path of the photon) or infinity (the points where the photon could not get). Thus, the cause and effect for a photon are simultaneous

  2. The photon does not fly through space, it does not pass the distance gradually, it is transferred from the source to the receiver. The travel time for a photon is zero.

  3. It is impossible to go to the reference frame associated with the photon, and at the same time use the theory of relativity.

    Relativistic time dilation is an effect of special relativity. According to its postulates, the speed of light does not depend on the reference frame in which it is defined. In the reference frame associated with the photon, its velocity is zero. Thus, the principles of relativity theory are violated. This means that we cannot speak of any relativistic eects in this frame of reference.

  4. The state of a photon is described by a wave function, i.e., the probability density of encountering a photon at a certain point. You can't talk about a” point “on the” route “of a photon – you can only talk about the probability of detecting a photon, and this probability is “smeared” across space. In this sense, the electron seems to be located simultaneously in different places, but this interpretation seems useless to me.

    This has nothing to do with speed – the same applies, for example, to electrons moving at a low speed and at the same time showing wave properties.

    The cause and effect of a photon are not necessarily simultaneous, but they will necessarily be separated by a time-like interval (in “classical” physics, this simply means that the cause must be earlier in time than the effect, in relativity it is a little more complicated).

  5. So according to Einstein.For me, so he flies to himself as much as necessary and this is not an instant.There is the speed of light �a well-defined quantity.And to check how long the faton exists at this speed, you would need to check it yourself .I do not think that an astronaut who flew at the speed of light for some time, returning to earth, will show us a clock on which the hand did not move at all.For mathematics is one thing and reality is another.The spacer's clock will show the same time as on earth.For another option is mysticism.This is an absurdity, a paradox,a nonsense,it can't be.Time and distance are real.And it's not clear how we count down� .They are not made of rubber.

  6. 1) Suyazov -if the photon time change is zero, then where did the “redshift”come from? Photons lose their original energy, so there is also time for them?! 2) Tkachev-watch films based on the poem”Shahnameh”. In one of them, div says to Rustam, ” I'm here and not here, I'm everywhere and nowhere.” It looks like a photon might say so, too. 3)

  7. A photon has a velocity of 1.
    Time cannot go on or stop-the passage of time is our relationship to time, this is 2.
    Something located at all points of the route, plus at all time points(winking smile)it has no speed, tE. kE. There is no way to move where and when.
    3 Causes and effects survivals in this case, it's like a cigarette and a Daddy's belt, go know what was the cause and what was the effect.

  8. According to Emil Akhmedov youtube.com/watch?v=kBr67dSpoaY

    then the photon's own time does not really change. Compression of time and shortening of lengths, this is one of the opportunities for humanity to fly to neighboring stars in very real time, and not many millions of years. In the lecture, he said so – ” the proper time change of a photon is zero.”

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