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I think so. Energy. Information, perhaps. And the source of it all.
Although it may not be true. At my level of development, knowledge and understanding of eternity is not available.
As always in such matters, it all comes down to how to understand “existence”.
But I have already spoken out on this topic many times, I will not be clever, but just show my finger: is there a simplicity of the number three? Is it possible that it once did not exist? Is it possible that it will ever cease to exist? If you, like me, can't answer these questions other than “yes, no, no”, then you must agree that the simplicity of a number exists forever.
Other answers are possible in principle, but require very ambiguous assumptions. For example, the assumption that there is an omnipotent God and his omnipotence allows us to create a round square or a world where three is divided completely in half (and yet it will still be the number 3 we know, there will still be a division in half, and the result of this division will be exactly what we know as the number 2) – and this is
Another clear illustration is the statement “in Euclid's geometry, only one straight line can be drawn through a point parallel to a given one” – of course, a world is possible where such a condition is not fulfilled, but even there it is possible to discover Euclid's geometry, where it will be true – that is, even in this world this statement exists, although not yet discovered.
If you do not allow something to arise out of nothing, then there is always either a root cause that is beyond time or an infinite chain of causes in time.
If you allow it to arise out of nothing, then nothing exists forever.
Since, on the scale of eternity, the probability of any possible event is 100%, then everything that can potentially be destroyed or changed is not eternal.�
Any atom can be broken down into protons, neutrons, and electrons. Therefore, anything made up of atoms is not eternal.�
Protons and neutrons themselves can be broken down into quarks, and an electron can be collided with a positron, thereby destroying both (or turning them into photons, if you prefer).�
Photons can disappear when they are absorbed, and neutrinos and quarks can change, but in theory the proton, electron, photon, neutrino, graviton and their antiparticles can exist indefinitely if they are not specifically broken and collided with each other (and then the anion and proton are questionable).�
All other �particles (from those already discovered) have a limited lifetime and decay over time.�
The very existence of energy is probably eternal, as is the existence of time and space. But this is not yet accurate:)
Yes, it can. This is information. The media may disappear, but it is a different object.�
If enough care is taken to transfer, copy information, or save the media, the information will be eternal.
Time, as I believe, is a reflection in our consciousness of a chain of events, the duration of processes, and movement. In this case, eternity can be considered as an infinite chain of consecutive events connected by cause and effect, or an infinite movement in space. A sequential chain of events can be infinite, and in the case of its looping, when the final consequence turns out to be the cause of the initial link in the chain of events. Another infinity of events can be represented as the beginning of a chain of other events superimposed on one incomplete chain of events.Even if our universe is not eternal, it may well be that its demise can give rise to a new universe. And if not, then there may be other universes in the universe that will not allow time to end.
There is such a position — in order to call something existing, there must be a consciousness that reflects this object in itself. If, for example, all living beings in the universe disappear, can such a universe be called existing? In such a world, there is no one to record the existence of anything. That is, something exists when there is a contact of consciousness with it. And consciousnesses are not eternal. Consciousnesses exist as mutable processes. These processes are assembled from elements that make up a new structure every moment. These momentary states can be conditionally linked, like the frames of a movie, and then you will get the illusion of constant consciousness. It turns out that in space-time, if there is something, it is only at one moment, and after the smallest period of time, something else appears in this place. Therefore, with this way of looking at the world, nothing eternal exists.
Everything that belongs to the material world, i.e. exists in time and space, cannot exist in itself forever. Corruption is an unavoidable property of relative existence.
Eternity is a property exclusively of Absolute being. And only it can support the eternal existence of relative being.