10 Answers

  1. There is a tn Law of God. It is more likely to be called a constitution. It contains a set of Christian dogmas, tells about the Christian sacraments and so on.
    The 1st part of the Bible is the Jewish legal code. Many Jews still take the precepts of the Holy Scriptures literally.
    Christianity is distinguished by the fact that the law is not written on stone tablets, but in the heart. So I don't want to call the Bible a legal term.

  2. The Bible is more of a collection of parables (precedents). The word/will of G-d itself most likely has the” highest legal force”. Instead of the constitution (basic laws) – the ten Commandments. Further on in terms of “legal significance” is already some “Law of God” and other scribbles.

  3. The question is very interesting and I, as a lawyer and a church chorister with 16 years of experience, became very curious. After all, if you understand: the Constitution is the Basic Law of the state, which guarantees the stability of the rest of the legislative framework. All other laws (Codes, laws, and bylaws) must comply with it and not contradict it. The exception is the norms of international law, but they also pass verification upon ratification. It is the Constitution that defines the political regime, the state system (in other words, a democratic republic, etc.), inviolable principles, the rights and freedoms of citizens, and their duties. There you can also learn about the political leadership, law enforcement agencies, and justice.
    The Bible is, rather, a free work of a lawyer. Yes, in it, of course, you can find both the commandments, and the basic concepts, and “why is roofing material in the sky”… BUT no more unnecessary water a la ” Are you having a critical day? Take the dove and sacrifice it!” Here, of course, I am referring more to the Old Testament. Yes, and the New One is not particularly different, except that it is more a collection of parables (yes, ” the moral of this fable is…”) and the biography of Jesus Christ.
    Collecting grains of the true “sections of the Constitution” is simply impossible, because holivar is coming, a versus battle a la “every word of Scripture is sacred!” and “but in fact only this is necessary and important!”. And here the laws in our usual understanding no longer apply: How can a “Constitution” that doesn't exist be officially interpreted?! Then you can look at the centuries-old experience of the Anglo-Saxon legal system. We recall that the United Kingdom cannot boast of having a single act of the Constitution, but somehow it has not yet collapsed. And all because there is a precedent, in other words, every case is considered as it was before, but taking into account modern trends (a hundred years ago they stole, and now they steal, but it is somehow unfair to hang people for stealing a cow). This ensures the flexibility of laws, their modification without changing the very essence. So it is in our case (it is good that now there is no need to cut pigeons)!
    To answer the question in substance: YES, I believe that the Bible can be called the Constitution of Christianity, BUT not in the usual sense and form. This is not a single codified act, but the totality of all and everything: the New Testament, the Old, the works of the Apostles, and so on and so forth. And this is not an imperative “reinforced concrete”, but a model for smart conclusions and … an opportunity to show “legal” skill:) It is not for nothing that so many “suits” of Christianity have now divorced: no one has canceled the rule “the law is like a drawbar: as it turned so it turned out” 🙂
    P.S.: I'm sorry if the answer turned out to be complicated and chaotic: what will you not do so as not to prepare for the final exams:)

  4. Must not. Christianity is a religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ described in the New Testament and has several major trends that are based on different understandings of certain things that are not recorded anywhere in the Bible.

    Most of the propositions that represent modern Christianity were passed down by word of mouth until the Ecumenical Councils established a standardized version. Many critics of Christianity therefore blame Christians for their behavior, as if Jesus did not do so; but the fact is that Christianity as a religion does not claim that one should act like Jesus.

    A religion based on the teachings of Christ is not identical with the teachings of Christ, and therefore the Bible is not a constitution, but a banal sacred cow. Compare: Socrates 'philosophy and religion based on Socrates' philosophy and life.

  5. I think this metaphor would be inaccurate.

    First, the Bible can be called Christian only in its New Testament part, in the Gospels: The Old Testament with its Pentateuch is, after all, a Jewish ideology and philosophy.

    Secondly, and most importantly, the Constitution is a legal source, a law of direct action, and the Gospel corresponds much more to the literary genre than to the legal one. It is quite reasonable to call the Gospel, as a work containing all the standard literary plots indicated by Borges, the prologue of all subsequent literature.

  6. it is better to say the constitution of the Kingdom of God, which is larger than Christianity and includes both Judaism and to some extent Islam, and even the relationship of the Creator with other nations – for example, take such a Covenant as the Covenant of Noah, where the covenant of God with every living soul is discussed.
    12 And God said, This is the sign of the covenant that I make between me and you and every living creature that is with you, forall generations forever

    18 And all the peoples of the
    earth will be blessed in your seed, because you have obeyed my voice.
    (Gen. 22: 18)

    Again , we need a lot of amendments to this “Constitution” explaining certain nuances and provisions, because many things that were relevant in the old days have moved to a higher level in the New ones, and so on.

  7. It is possible, very suitable. Even with a superficial glance, you can immediately see both the spirit of the law and its letter, when something is interpreted in the literal sense, and something in the allegorical sense, and there is no opposition to the text, that is, it is nominally observed.

  8. The Constitution of Christianity is the documents adopted at the ecumenical councils, because in the end only the ecumenical councils decided that there is a canon of the Bible ,at the same Council of Carthage the teaching of icon veneration and pedobaptism was introduced, so the sola script sank once again.

  9. The Constitution is a fundamental law of public education, it is a legal pact that regulates the relations of people in the country. In particular, the Constitution regulates relations between the authorities and state structures of the state, as well as citizens.
    Christianity is a religion, not a state. Even if we say that the Bible is the constitution of the Church, it will also be wrong. The church is now represented by many organizations: Roman Catholic, Orthodox churches (currently there are about 15 of them), Protestant denominations, etc.Each church has its own internal laws (canons), which are also not constitutions. Even if we take the creed and / or the decalogue, it is also impossible to call them constitutions. The symbol of faith does not regulate anything, it is a set of fundamental dogmas of the Christian faith. The Decalogue is the laws by which a person should live in order to be saved. In general, in all cases, it is impossible to say about the constitution.

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