6 Answers

  1. Atheists cannot even explain to themselves their own atheistic part. Such reasonable, intelligent, prosperous people from science, for the most part, accept the absence of God as the truth, although this is exactly what can neither be proved nor refuted. Did you know that neutrality is also a position? So definitely do not divide people into believers and atheists. People should not be divided into categories at all.

  2. ahem… there is quite a logical feedback loop with the world.

    I kicked the dog and it bit me.

    maybe not now, maybe later, just remembered – and bit.

    It's the same with people. if you hurt a person, they remember it. Maybe he has friends who want revenge, maybe someone else.

    You don't need any higher powers to convincingly prove that how you treat the world is how it treats you in return.

  3. No, I don't believe it. Impunity and injustice have always prevailed in the history of mankind. If everyone was rewarded for their actions, it would be great. Right now, if I break a man's skull in a dark alley for the contents of his wallet and leave no trace, I won't get anything. No lightning strikes, no bad karma, and so on. It is always easy to say, if a person has some trouble, that it is for something. After all, everything is not without sin, as they say. But this is just a fraud.

  4. First of all, there are different types of atheists. Glebych, for example, does not consider abortion to be murder. I'm counting. That is, I want to say that we do not have a single book for everyone, according to which we try to live.

    Personally, I do not believe that the evil done to another person will return to him.

  5. THEY DON'T BELIEVE IT, BUT THEY KNOW IT. That's the difference between an atheist and a believer. How do Atheists explain this? Logic, Vindictiveness, and vindictiveness of human nature.

    For example, Mr. X cuckolded Mr. Y and his wife. How do you think this EVIL will return to him in the form of what? In the form of a bottle hitting the skull, from Mr. Y, a cocktail with purgen, (arsenic, strophanthin, cyanide), in the form of a Glove hitting the face, and a challenge to the devil, or just a stab in the back, in memory of those horns, or maybe in the form of the very Horns that Mr. X's wife, out of habit, will instruct him with Mr. Y?

    With believers, it is also unclear.

    There was a priest who kicked out of the church, a woman (Dentist), for not having a headscarf, and he did it… using an extremely strong word.

    Just a month later, the priest got a toothache, and guess who he got an appointment with?

    They fixed his tooth, but he got a bill for it… astronomical.

    And that's what it is? Karma, payment for sins, or a CAUSAL RELATIONSHIP?

    So what did that priest believe in? That God will not accept a woman without a headscarf, or that His actions are infallible, or that nothing will ever happen to him?

    Or did he just want to assert himself at her expense?

    Was it God's will in their actions?

    But the evil still returned…

  6. There is such an ethical explanation for not “do not do evil to another” as:
    �- if you do a lot of “bad things” to others, then it becomes a habit for you (when you don't control yourself, you do “bad” more often than “good”).
    �- there are a lot of different people around you who can not tolerate a bad attitude towards themselves.

    As a result, if a person often does “evil” to another, sooner or later he will do evil to the one who punishes him (purely due to the fact that “doing evil”, “doing bad and not according to etiquette” from some point simply becomes a habit).

    Whether everyone understands such a relatively long causal relationship, I do not know.

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