11 Answers

  1. Personally, I agree with Voltaire in this statement.

    In agreement, I proceed from the fact that at the Eternal Council, God, the Most Holy Trinity, sets Himself the task: – : … let us make man in Our image [and] in Our likeness …”

    Immediately after the adoption of this decision: – “… God created man in His own image, in the image of God he created him … “the rest: -” … God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it … “, in the wisdom of God, Who is the Son of God, Jesus Christ, to create person now in the likeness of God … with the participation of the person himself … in his free will!

    And just in this case, Voltaire's conclusion about the Existence of man is absolutely appropriate. Here the very experience of human existence testifies that in our temporary life: – “There are no accidents — everything in this world is either a test, or a punishment, or a reward, or a foreshadowing “- for these “accidents” are milestones in the instruction of a person on the path to salvation.The Path of Life's Truth … eternal!

    What is the essence of Voltaire's love of freedom?

    Voltaire was not an atheist, as a true son of his time, nor could he deny the existence of God and the necessity of religion. His catchphrase is widely known in narrow circles:

    • If there were no God, he would have to be invented.”

    But he believed that a person should have the right to come to God himself … of your own free will! Through their own conclusions and based on their own life experience … just through the chain of these accidents!

    That is, he believed that evidence for the existence of God should be obtained empirically, and not by blind faith. Yes, and imposed by Catholic absolutism!

    One of these experimental ways was sociology for him-he believed that only religion, as a Way of returning a person to God, can restrain the people, and only the help of the church will help the government to keep the third estate in check.

    The basis for accusing Voltaire of God-fighting was his philosophical works, in which he considered the Catholic Church and its absolute power over the world to be the cause of all evils in society. He believed that this particular church destroys freedom of conscience and freedom of speech.

    The philosopher's appeal from a letter to Alembert (1760): “Crush the reptile!“- it was directed against Catholicism and the absolute power of the Jesuits.

    Realizing before his death that the Catholic Church would try to take revenge on him for all the attacks, Voltaire formally confessed and took communion. But the Archbishop of France, Christophe de Beaumont, considered that the repentance of the heretic was clearly insufficient, and refused the philosopher a Christian burial. What really got back at him! Relatives of the philosopher took his body to Champagne, where he was buried.

    However, God corrected this annoyance-revenge for the Truth!

    Such disregard for the world-famous person who made his Homeland famous caused indignation among the general population. In 1791, the philosopher's body was solemnly imported to Paris, where it was again buried in the Pantheon, which served as a tomb for all famous people in France.

  2. Of course, “There are no accidents” everything in this world is interconnected, has a causal relationship. In turn, the cause is an action that has many options at its “stages” – the choice is yours. But the consequence is the consequence, everyone has the right to determine in their own way. That it is a test, a punishment, or God's grace, a reward or God's punishment, a foretaste or an inevitability. Which, in turn, will be the reasons for your further actions. Everything depends on you and on the “Will of God”.

  3. I totally agree . If you intelligently and rationally analyze all the events of your life , then you come to the understanding that everything is going according to someone's brilliant plan . And if you do not resist this force very much, then it will bring order to your life and bring you to harmony .

  4. Voltaire's statement I would reduce,
    compress, narrow, to a single word, with a very
    broad meaning for life's conflicts, trials,and stretched,
    spread out over the entire period of
    any person's life.
    This word,the term-FATE!
    My personal life experience within my
    limits confirms this.
    A lot has been passed,experienced,
    seen and experienced something.
    I believe that there is a Destiny,but I will not say that everyone has one!
    With your reasonable or unreasonable behavior, you can change the course of fate to some extent,but I think not radically!
    When something changes globally,
    radically, then what happens can
    be considered, interpreted as unexpected
    for us, but nevertheless a manifestation of
    The fate of an individual, and sometimes
    the fate of states and even continents
    and parts of the world. (Examples include Atlantis, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and the Russian Empire. States-the United States, the Baltic States, Ukraine, Poland-there were
    times when they did not exist at all.)
    There are many other examples.
    Interesting “temporary swing” –
    From the point of view of global well-being, it is very interesting to know
    the time periods of such changes!
    Knowing fate, I think, is impossible, with its
    exact turns and events.
    And predictors of fate and events
    are not always accurate, although in some cases there are coincidences!
    And according to Voltaire-both trials, and punishment, and reward, and a harbinger-this is what I have encountered in my life.
    You can't describe everything and not everything will be clear!

  5. Quite)
    Circumstances have shifted. In a bundle. And often those people or events that we gathered to pass this or that lesson of fate had to work hard) It turns out that we shape the circumstances of our own lives. With more or less awareness. Being initially conditioned by either parent scripts or imprints. Either by karma, or by the consequences of their decisions. Therefore, there are no accidents.

  6. It all depends on how you generally understand such a thing as randomness. And also from your worldview. If randomness is something like lucky or unlucky for you, then Voltaire is right. If you believe in Fate, then there should be no such thing as chance for you. And continue in the same spirit. You can continue for a long time.

  7. Only with the first part of the statement: “there are no accidents.” But there are exceptions to any rule. All other statements are either wrong or limit the infinite variety of life.

  8. Ask a random person to choose your fate and it will definitely be an accident for you. If you don't believe me, ask Schrodinger the cat. He didn't choose his friendship, either.

  9. It depends on whose point of view and how to look at it.
    From the point of view of a person who wants to understand the world through a simple formula, it is possible and so.
    And from the point of view of a large stone lying somewhere, not at all.
    Here it lies. Is this a test, a punishment, a reward, or a harbinger?
    And even for you, the fact that it lies there is a reward, a punishment, a test or a harbinger, or maybe even madness?

    All great thinkers were at least a little bit of that-peek-a-boo:)
    But seriously, any regularities work only within certain boundaries, within their own framework.
    Why? Because the patterns found (discovered) by people in the form in which they are described by these people exist only in our imagination.
    In “nature” everything is much more complex, larger, more mixed.
    It is we who need short, clear-cut formulations, because our brain is not able to process large amounts of data at once.
    Well, at least our education goes along such a path that it is necessary to analyze in order to process something.

    If you look at this phrase from a linguistic point of view, it may seem stupid at all. Accidents, that is, what happens , do not exist. Ha. Then you and I don't exist either. Nothing ever happens to us.

    Let's return to the complexity of “nature”. Every little thing in nature occupies its own limited space and “does not break its head” about what is happening. And “civilized” people always want to expand the boundaries of their habitat, influence, power, opportunities, with some persistent greed. Therefore, they need to constantly philosophize, search, dig, put everything they find on the shelves in the storage of stocks.
    But in “nature” everything is different. In “nature” everything is piled up in one huge pile, but in this pile, oddly enough for us with our scanty operational amount of thinking, everything works perfectly and in an orderly manner. But this is “not our” order. To our “filing cabinet” brains, this order seems like chaos.
    Yes. These are the features of our thinking, which is formed by our bodily capabilities. If we could live in a den and eat raw fish, then we wouldn't need all sorts of civilizations with their philosophies and scientific laws. They'd make dams for themselves, like beavers, and raise fish in them. So much for a house in the bushes and lunch in the pond. They would live in packs like wolves or monkeys and guard their territory.

    In general, when thinking about accidents, it is important to stick to boundaries – handrails that limit the area of regularity, so that you don't accidentally fall out of your mind and burn down your low-volume operational thinking.

    Maybe that's what happened to Voltaire?
    On the one hand, he criticized believers, and on the other hand, he argued that what is happening is not random – there is a certain universal Law that stands behind any randomness.

    In short, it doesn't matter if everything that happens to us is accidental or not. It is important how we choose to perceive it for ourselves – as a push to degradation or as a push to development.
    Maybe this is what Voltaire wanted to say – that you should not miss an opportunity for development; that you can turn the systematic use of randomness into a fate-a pattern of your development?

  10. I totally agree. Tests are given to us in order to determine whether we are worthy of a reward or punishment. And to choose the right path to the reward, premonitions are given. But man, in the pursuit of personal well-being, has forgotten how to read these omens. And constantly stepping on the rake, having received the next test, blames everyone for his punishments except himself, which distances him from the reward.

  11. This expression is too categorical…

    I agree that most accidents are the consequences of a causal relationship triggered by the person himself, so on the one hand, you can say “YES”.

    HOWEVER, don't allow for the possibility of His Majesty's “ACCIDENT” somehow… shortsighted or something…

    Yes, and the terminology itself,” PUNISHMENT”,” REWARD”, depends more on the perception (Which for one is a Nishtyak, for another is” God's Punishment”), but” Test”, or” Harbinger”, may well be a manifestation of that very” Case”, that is, it is an Accident.

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