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Recent Questions
- Why did everyone start to hate the Russians if the U.S. did the same thing in Afghanistan, Iraq?
- What needs to be corrected in the management of Russia first?
- Why did Blaise Pascal become a religious man at the end of his life?
- How do I know if a guy likes you?
- When they say "one generation", how many do they mean?
It doesn't matter. What matters is how you live now. If you now live happily and happily, then if there is no posthumous existence, then you will live your only life qualitatively. If there is a post-mortem existence, if there are some connections between your Self now and the Self in another new form, then the consequences of your present joy will pass through these connections into a new life. That is, if your consciousness is now attuned to joy and happiness, then in other possible forms it will be happy.
I don't think there is an afterlife. Time exists only in my mind, in my brain. At the moment of death, the brain and consciousness stop and time stops.
But I don't believe it, I think so,because based on the information I've found in my life, this is the most logical theory. If there is any new information that makes a theory about an afterlife more logical, I will reconsider and change my mind.
Our consciousness, in the beginning, was organized spiritually. And only later, on the foundation of the spiritual, consciousness was organized in this natural matter ( in the body). In the body, spiritual consciousness manifests itself as faith. Faith is literally the knowledge of our spirit.
So do I know (or believe) spiritually that there is an afterlife? Yes, of course I know! Just like all people, because everyone without exception has the knowledge that they had when they were spirits. But not everyone in this life applies their spiritual knowledge or faith. (Just as they apply natural knowledge in any field). In their damaged minds, they are like builders who build their edifice of inference without a foundation. Of course, sooner or later, it will collapse, no matter how perfect the structure of this building was inside. But why, then, do so many people not apply their faith? When we apply faith (or the knowledge of our spirit), it begins to grow. And any belief in good things is drawn to God. (Belief in bad things, on the contrary). For example, faith in love, beauty, friendship, and a good goal will eventually lead to a natural knowledge of the Supreme Creator. Most people do not believe it, because it is much easier to live by the impulses of your natural nature. Natural impulses are always transformed into their own kind. Therefore, people who live like this always have a one-time meaning in life. For example: I've had a beer, I need fish to go with it, and then fish and beer, I've watched TV, or played a game of dancing, and so on ( in fact, it's still more addictive and worse). Their lives are slipping away like sand through their fingers.
Living by making faith (knowing your spirit) the foundation of your life is much more difficult. When you believe, you need to organize your own motivations. Moreover, natural impulses become obstacles in this process. In the end, you need to direct the power of your natural urges in the right direction. For example, Pavel Durov, the founder of “Telegram” and “in contact” advised: 1. Do what you like. 2. Give up the garbage you eat, drink, and smoke every day. 3. Learn foreign languages. 4. Read books. 5. Spend every weekend properly. 6. Set goals.7. Learn to type blindly on the keyboard. 8. Ride the time. 9. Give up computer games. 10. Stop reading the news. 11. Learn to get up early.. 12. Try to surround yourself with decent, honest, open, intelligent, and successful people.13. Get involved in sports. 14. Do unusual things. 15. Get rid of your junk. 16. Forget about the past. 17. Don't be afraid. There are no insurmountable obstacles, and all doubts live only in your head. This is a classic example of applying faith in a good goal, and transforming the power of natural drives to achieve it. The goal of life is to develop one's consciousness. ( I share the concept of consciousness development here).
After death, the level of our knowledge in the combined spiritual and natural organization will become the basis for the next stage of consciousness existence. There are several gradations of this existence. But you can only get the possibility of infinite development of consciousness after death by living together with your Creator.
The universe did not come into being by chance, it was organized by the Creator. But the intelligences, some of which live on earth in the form of a human, arose by chance, without the participation of God. God organized their development. Therefore, any mind ( on this planet, a person) can develop in its consciousness indefinitely. God was once a man, too.
Believers claim that the universe was created by God. And who created God? If no one created God, then why can he come into existence on his own, but the universe can't?
The conditioned soul in the human body is flawed. The tendency to deceive, imperfect feelings, the tendency to make mistakes and fall into illusion. Therefore, the opinion of an ordinary person cannot be accepted as proof as the ultimate truth. His point of view is not supported by serious arguments, it is just another opinion of an ordinary person. Only God and His pure devotees, the great liberated souls, are above error and delusion. They are beyond the modes of material nature and beyond illusion. So their opinion is unmistakable and as good as God's own. Vedic literature such as the Bhagavad Gita,Srimad Bhagavatam,and Jiva Dharma describe the nature of spirit and matter. It is said that the soul, because of its spiritual nature, is different from the material body and is eternal. The second chapter of the Bhagavad Gita is called “The Science of the Soul”, where this topic is discussed in more detail. Just as a person puts on new clothes after throwing off the old ones, so the soul takes on a new body, leaving the old and useless. I believe in the words of the scriptures, the words of sadhus and great Mahajanas, as well as my spiritual master. All of them confirm that consciousness is primary and inherent in the soul. So definitely yes. I believe in life after death. If we do not accept the opinion of the wise, then we will be guided by the opinion of fools. Any opinion without proof is just a point of view. Or mental speculation. The evidence must be convincing and must be obtained from a reliable source. Not subject to errors. So the Vedas teach!
What difference does it make who believes in what? It is there, just like tomorrow after sleep, but only for units in billions who will start living like a human being. And the way it is, it's not about religious, esoteric variations. Believers Don'T Know. The knower DOES NOT believe.
yes, and I believe that a person remains himself and continues to exist. It is quite possible that he keeps in touch with the world of the living and can help them or appear just like a ghost… Anyway, I think so….and I think that he is getting younger and he is 30-40 years old there, but he appears to us as we remember him…this is my opinion…. I do not believe in reincarnation categorically, since animals and, especially, plants do not have a mind, and a person does not remember his past life… so he must be born in a place where the doctrine of reincarnation is preached, find a Teacher and use it to remember and work out… but what about those born among those who deny reincarnation or who have not heard of this teaching at all?! And if he admits it, will he be able to remember all the past lives for which he is suffering in this life?! It is unlikely, and therefore – will not break out of the Wheel of Samsara….
The question should be clarified, because it has 2 completely opposite answers, the meaning of which depends on the context.
There is life after death. This is the resurrection that God promises. The question of who will be raised up is another topic (see Acts 24: 15).
There is NO life after death. If we consider it as another life in the process of death. Ie the afterlife DOES NOT EXIST (see Ezekiel 18: 4).
After death, life ceases. For someone forever. For someone temporarily, see point 1. Understanding this question is linked to understanding what the Bible teaches about this state of death. This is not being, a complete absence of consciousness, activity, or even traces, since the process of death involves decomposition into the elements of the earth (see Ecclesiastes chapter 9 verses 5,6 and 10).
Man did not create a single living cell by himself , the mystery of the universe will never be known to us, all we do is transform the material created by the Creator, what is there to intrude into the questions of the soul, its structure and essence, this is not according to our poor minds in comparison with God's plan
Well, yes, there is not life in your understanding, heaven is a sump before a new incarnation (information processing), Hell is the erasure of individual experience-eternal oblivion – of the individual Self. ( Who succumbed to the temptation of Satan) Well, I was there when I was 22 years old, of course I didn't understand anything, but I remembered it. At the age of 40, I was already told in a voice that I need to learn and not lie to myself ( take responsibility at least for your life!!!) Last time you asked:- “What are you afraid of aliens do not be afraid, they are more afraid of you” I did not understand: “And you forgot the cosmic laws” – ” You have energy (will to develop) and no one can do anything to you against your will (with your consent).”For this reason, Satan tempts and seduces to get your energy, On Earth only man (the son of the creator has the energy of the creator)
It is not a question of faith, it is a question of knowledge. Faith is needed where knowledge is lacking. You need to know what I am and what I am not in reality, then the question of life and death will disappear by itself. If we consider ourselves a body and a personality formed on the basis of this body, and living in a hostile world, then we are dead, because our body is already doomed to death at the moment of birth and every day of life only brings this moment closer. An entire planet inhabited by the living dead. It's sad to think of ourselves as someone we're not. Such a “living dead” needs to believe that he will not completely die after all. That something will remain. That gives him some comfort. But still, he won't know if it's true or not until the body dies. A life filled with suffering from the impending death and a death that will nullify everything that was dear to him, all his imaginary achievements and victories.
Here the choice is: either continue to live as a “living dead” until you become a “dead dead” or solve the question of life and death, as long as life allows you to do so. What preceded the birth of the body, and what remains after its death, is right now, during life. If this is recognized until the life of the body is finished, then death will no longer touch us, because we will know ourselves as something that has never been born and cannot die. And the so-called life and death are just a manifestation of our unlimited ability to transform.
Whether there is life on Mars, whether there is life on Mars, no one knows yet!)))) I see life as it is! Five minutes after death, we'll know everything!!! Flattering yourself with some hopes is empty. The main thing in life is to die well!!!))))
Subjectivism further.
If we don't see it and can't understand it with our consciousness, it doesn't mean that it doesn't exist.
Pretty much anything can exist. Hades, Xibalba, Norse Valhalla, Heaven or Hell, absolute nothingness, reincarnation, etc. For example, the most popular one. These are all adaptations to a certain nationality, in order to influence a person. Do you want to feast with Odin at the same table? Go ahead, cut down hundreds of enemies and do not let go of the weapon at death. After all, then it was held in high esteem. Do you want to go to Heaven? Lead a righteous life, as the covenants bequeathed to us.
On the other hand, if we can't contemplate it, explain it with our brain (which is very difficult to go beyond its own framework of thinking), then this does not mean that it does not exist.
Yes, it would seem that to believe in something mythical and fabulous, especially in our modern age , is sheer stupidity. But, why not? If for you these are crutches in life, then at least believe in Kukulkan. Who cares?
I personally believe in life. The way I feel it and the way I live it. If only because my body can't sense anything else. And I am content with the abilities that nature has given me. Ability to think and feel. I don't care what happens after death. Whether I put my heart on the scale in front of Anubis or end up in front of the Jigoku Gate, I really don't care. In any case, it will be much more interesting than “absolute nothing”.
I'll improvise.
I wonder if anyone notices the paradox in the question? Death is the cessation of life, by convention. It is another matter whether we go into non-existence, into dust, disintegrate into substances, or there is some transformation, something energetically subtle (soul), passes into another form, not even life, no-existence. Life is on earth. Then the next question. Ah, where does this existence occur? In the subtle world of fields? Or are we returning to earth in some body? What for? The cycle of the soul in nature? Something, I don't believe in all this: in reincarnation, in heaven and hell, in eternal bliss, in eternal torment. It doesn't make sense. Although, I would like to find a loophole for the eternal presence of myself as a person in the universe.
What do you mean, “believe it or don't believe it”?
Here you can only know from your own experience.
My own experience, as well as the experience of hundreds of thousands of other similar people, gave me the knowledge – THERE'S LIFE THERE.
It's stupid to believe. Nothing but my own experience.
Do you believe in death after life? I do not mock,do not try to insult,and do not be rude.There are absolutely sober arguments on this topic.Referred to as the second death.
At the age of 9, I had something with my heart (a sharp smell appeared, my breathing stopped and I fell unconscious (I don't know, apparently it quickly let go, there was pain in my chest in the direction of the collarbone ) Neither my school doctor nor my mother took me seriously. Well I was thinking:”I'll probably die.” And suddenly a voice:- “That you are afraid of death, do not be afraid, you will not feel anything and your father and mother will be the same” – ” And here? This doesn't happen, and I don't want it to” And only 50 years later I heard about the proof of the existence of parallel spaces. I still don't know which one I live in right now?
I believe it, but it's no less scary to die from it.
Although in depression, the instinct for self-preservation seemed to be asleep.
I recently read the book “Soul Journeys”, I recommend it. And it is easy to read, and even explains the injustice of life a little.
Life is the basic concept of biology — an active form of the existence of matter… Therefore, after the so-called death, there will be anything but life…
No, I don't believe it, and I can explain why. On the basis of the belief in the immortality of the soul, and the afterlife, many religions have emerged for every taste, in different interpretations and what happens to it then, contradicting each other. But that wasn't always the case. According to the Holy Scriptures, the word” soul ” — the Hebrew word nefesh and the Greek word psyche-is found hundreds of times in the Bible. How are the words “soul” and “souls”used in the Bible? Most often, they mean 1) people, 2) animals, and 3) the life of people or animals. Here are some Bible verses that show that the word “soul” is used in these three ways.
1) People.
“In the days of Noah… a few, that is, eight souls, were saved from the water” (1 Peter 3: 20).
The word “souls” in this verse undoubtedly refers to people. In Exodus 16: 16, the manna commandment is written, it says:
“Let everyone collect… [manna] according to the number of souls each one has in the tent.”
As you can see, it was necessary to collect mana according to the number of people in each family.
Also, when God created Adam from the earth, he became a living soul,
And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul. (Genesis 2: 7)
Adam himself became a soul, and in some translations ” and man became a breathing being.”
For example, the Apostle Paul compares the physical body of Adam to the spiritual body of Christ,
Thus it is written: The first man Adam became a living soul, but the last Adam is a life-giving spirit. (1 Corinthians 15: 45)
So the Soul is the soul body, it is the physical body, and the Spirit is the spiritual body. Other examples of how the words “soul” and “souls” in the Bible refer to a person or group of people can be found in Genesis 46:18, II Nav 11:11, Acts 27:37, and Rom 13:1.
2) Animals.
Animals are also souls.
About the creation of animals it is said:
And God said, Let the earth bring forth living creatures after their kind, cattle, and creeping things, and beasts of the earth after their kind. And so it was. (Gen 1: 20, 24).
As you can see, domestic and wild animals and birds are also “souls” created from the earth, the soul is a physical body. Also in Gen. 9: 10, Lev 11: 46, and Num 31: 28.
3) Human life.
The word “soul” sometimes refers to a person's life. God said to Moses:
..Go, return to Egypt, for all those who sought your life are dead. (Exodus 4: 19).
What were the enemies of Moses trying to do? They wanted to take his life. When Rachel was in pain giving birth to her son Benjamin,” her soul went out ” (Gen. 35: 16-19)
At that moment, Rachel's life was cut short.
Jesus spoke as much about the soul as about life,
There is no greater love than if a man lay down his life for his friends. (Joah 15: 13)
Jesus here speaks of himself, he gave his soul for others, that is, he gave his life. In another verse, Jesus clarifies that before the word soul, it is life,
I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. (Joah 10: 11)
In all these Bible verses, the word “soul” refers to the life of a person, animal, or the person or animal itself.
When they say that the soul is immortal.
Immortality and eternity are two different gifts from God. According to the Bible, only God has immortality, and later God granted immortality to Jesus as a reward. He who has immortality has life in himself, and therefore cannot die. However, Adam and all his descendants were to live forever only in paradise on earth. This means that he, as a soul – a physical body, was dependent on the source of life, God, on food, water and air. This is evident from the only law of God that says:
“but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat of it, for in the day that you eat of it you will surely die” (Gen 2: 17).
God said to Adam or a living soul, ” You will die by death.” How long do you think Adam would have lived on earth if he hadn't eaten the fruit? Right forever. But when he broke, according to the law of God, he had to die, so it happened, Adam stopped living, because life is a gift from God, and death is the absence of this gift.
“For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life” (Rom.
If Adam himself became a soul at creation, then he died after sinning and became a dead soul. This confirms another verse that the soul, or man, is not immortal, but dies.
“The soul that sinneth, it shall die….” (Ezekiel 18: 20)
As we can see, the soul will die, not the immortal spiritual something separate from the human body, but the person himself, the physical and mortal will die.
Later, the Apostle Paul explained why people die when they were supposed to live in paradise on earth forever. Because because of one man, Adam, all inherited sin and death.
“Therefore, as sin entered into the world by one man, and death by sin, so death passed on to all men, because in him all sinned” (Rom 5: 12).
But this was not the way God intended it to be. And God wants to correct this situation and will definitely do it through the means of Christ. But this is a slightly different topic, if you wish, you can discuss it.
Therefore, when they say that the soul flees, is reborn, or that the soul is in this place, or in that place, or that the soul was weighed and it weighs, for example, 000 … 2 g. I always remember what the Bible says. The soul weighs as much as a living or dead person weighs. The difference in body weight after death is explained by the fact that some of the moisture has evaporated along with the heat. And clinical death when a person has eaten something, it is not death, the person is still alive, this medical term misleads many when the brain is in a state of hallucination because who died, can not tell anything. The Bible does not need to be interpreted, it needs to be allowed to explain itself. Jesus said that the word of God is the truth,
Sanctify them through Your truth; Your word is truth. (Jn. 17:17)
Did you learn something new?
I believe. Moreover, I believe that it is after death that real life will begin (more precisely, after the resurrection of the dead). We are only strangers and strangers on this earth..
I believe in reincarnation. There are many facts that prove it. Read the book “We Don't Die, We are Born Again”by Brian Weiss. And many things in life will not be so frightening.
I believe in Jesus Christ, and he died and rose again! And He said that God has no dead! All must die and all rise again! And everyone gets what they deserve. I feel sorry for all the unbelievers.
No, I don't believe it. I love science fiction, but not to this extent. All religions are designed for one purpose only: to manage a herd of animals called humanity. At the same time, I believe, and with good reason, that humans, like all living things, are created artificially. I don't know the purpose, not yet. But I'm working on it. I'll let you know after the cremation, if I may.
That's exactly what you can't believe in, so it's in science. Science is the study of all areas of our lives and ourselves, and it is based on it that most deny everything that is not proven. But science is false, and every time it is different. Previously, people seriously believed that the earth is a plane, but now we are told that the earth is round. Who knows what science will say on this topic in another 1000 years. Perhaps we can look beyond the boundaries of space. Now science is not able to do this. Biology and all the other teachings about life and death are based on a science that is not able to explore even the nearest planets, not to mention the universe and the universe, and man himself has not been fully studied and there are miracles that science cannot explain. So should we believe in the science that says we are all mortal? The answer is obvious. The best minds of people are simply not capable and not designed to understand the universe, it's like telling a bug about the Pythagorean theorem, the wrong scale of the brain. You can believe in what is unproven, you can't believe in what is proven.
Life after death is the transfer of your DNA, in other words, children. In the same way, animals (plants) live forever, constantly reproducing and being reborn into new creatures.
I do not believe.
Do you believe in life after the death of bugs, flowers, and pets?
How do we differ? In the same way, we were born, live out our allotted time, die, and that's it. There will be nothing “there”. But we will not be able to think about it, because we will no longer be there and we will not feel anything, just as we did not feel anything before we were born. After death, there will only be pain for the relatives and friends who will suffer from our death.
Life after death is made up out of fear of death. “How is it possible that I won't be here?”As it was not before, so it will not be after.
Reincarnation is possible, but we will also not feel anything even if it is in another body. Feelings are chemical reactions in the brain. No brain – no emotions, memories, experiences. And the soul (a bundle of energy, in my opinion) is not intelligent.
How can you believe something that can't be verified?
No one came back from there, which means that there is no life after the death of a person. There is the life of subsequent generations, but not those who have passed away.
Good time of day. No, I don't believe it, I only believe in what I see. I can see other people, nature, sun, water, but I don't see life after death.
And in general, all this was invented in order to control people, people are easier to manage if they believe in it. Entire states have been overthrown by faith, but there is not a single proof that either the same God exists or there is life after death.
In general, I could write for a long time about this, but there are more important things to do. My advice to you is not to believe in something that has not yet been proven.
All the best.
I believe in life after death… because. In the words of the Apostle Paul, ” If Christ is not risen, then our faith is in vain.” And He's risen!. And every year we all, even atheists, celebrate Easter . And every week in all countries ends with a Sunday, or “bright day”, or”sunny day”. Creation is in the hands of the Creator. This is no longer a belief, but a firm knowledge and belief.
I believe.
From the Bible:
St. Paul's Epistle to the Hebrews 11-1
“Faith is the fulfillment of what is expected and the assurance of what is not seen.”
John 11: 25, 26
Jesus Christ said : “I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me, even if he dies, will live.”
“And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die.”
Hebrews 10-31 ” It is terrible to fall into the hands of the living God.”
There was an experience of leaving the body and returning. (meditation, yoga).
I didn't want to repeat it.
It's easier to answer this question like this: Do you believe in meaning? If so, then to eternal life too, because everything that is not eternal is meaningless. (Regarding this statement, let me explain: let's say a soldier fought in the war, he gained experience and respect among colleagues. But now they've all lost all sorts of memories; does it make sense for a soldier to participate in a war? No, it doesn't)
Naturally, this is just my opinion.
What is the condition of the deceased?
THE BIBLICAL ANSWER: “The living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing, and there is no recompense for them, because their memory is forgotten. Whatever your hand can do, do it with all your might; for in the grave where you are going, there is no work, no reflection, no knowledge, no wisdom” (Ecclesiastes 9:5, 10, Synodal Translation).
Simply put, the grave, according to the Bible— is where people go after death; it is a symbolic place or state in which all consciousness is turned off and all activity ceases.
Even ” as a child “I felt like a” hundred-year-old ” old woman . I �was struck by the story of Jesus �Christ , �as it sunk into children's � consciousness that I just � an” obligation ” to make the same �choices in their �life, this was �very hard. Weird �somehow �me no �convinced and insisted( �child �seven years �or so and the non-religious family �and grandmother �read �tales �us for the night, not � sacred � Scripture).From this I concluded �that �once very �long � all e already �in my �of life, and there �it �I � not �chose, so �me � returned �here �back. Since then, I believe that there is no choice…There are �work , which �needs �to be done �is �numerous � copy � one person , �in which � saved �all � data �and settings �for �continue �this �work .
Work on yourself and your mistakes . There is no death. There is a state of weightlessness and non-existence, it is desirable and unattainable.
I believe in the immortality of consciousness, a view held by followers of the yogachara or chittamatra teachings in Buddhism. I believe that the mind has an immaterial nature, and it can be of several levels, from the most superficial formal, to the deep and sacred. However, in some sutras it is written that the process of transformation of consciousness that it experiences between incarnations is quite complex, including the superstructure that we consider logic, and which we value very much, in principle, can disappear and reappear. When reincarnating as a turtle or elephant, human habitual logic disappears, but consciousness in its highest manifestation remains the same. And the position that consciousness simply disappears forever after death is inconsistent for two reasons. Firstly, it would be too easy to get out of Samsara and the Dharma teachings and the great paramitas would not make any sense. Secondly, the nature of consciousness has no beginning or birth, so it cannot end. There was once a Lokayata school in India, and its adherents were materialists who denied the afterlife. But this school broke up and proved its failure many times in debates. There are, of course, sutras in canonical Buddhism, where Nirvana is directly referred to as the complete destruction and cessation of life processes and the energy of birth, but these sutras should not be interpreted literally.
From a conversation between two caterpillars.
I think that fairy tales about butterflies are unscientific nonsense! We just pupate and that's it!�
I agree! I have yet to meet a single caterpillar that proves that it will become a butterfly!
Try to imagine the following picture: let's say you have lost all your senses (charm, touch, sight, hearing, and tactile sensations). You don't feel anything, absolutely. The only thing that keeps you in this world is your consciousness.�
Consciousness is not eternal even in life. When we sleep, we lose our sense of space and time (so sleep “feels” like a process for a couple of minutes). When we faint, we also stop feeling the sense of spacetime. When we're in a coma, it's the same. When under anesthesia-similarly. It follows that consciousness works only when our body is working properly.�
At the same time, if at least some part of our brain is not working properly, then a person will not be able to ask questions. He will think about other things altogether.�
I mean, man is a fragile creature. Any damage, even if it is cured, distorts our perception of reality. That is, the senses and consciousness. If we lose both, we will be dead, even if we are still biologically alive. And when we die, therefore, all this will stop working forever. And our life can be perceived as a good case where “the stars came together”.�
You can call me my mother's atheist, but I tried to give a reasonable answer, and not – ” there will be nothing, accept it.”
Belief in life after death is unavoidable. To say the opposite, you must first give a clear definition of life and its boundaries. Since they don't exist, life is just a word that doesn't mean anything in particular. This is a subjective feeling: I think, so I exist. To stop believing in life, you need to stop thinking. So Pythagoras believed in an afterlife. Parmenides rightly observed that nothing begins or ends: everything was always there, and Empedocles taught about the cyclical circulation and rebirth of all things in the world. So death is just as much a part of life as any other.
No, I don't believe it. Not just because I think it sounds silly in the 21st century. Not because in the entire history of mankind there have been thousands of religions with their own vision of the world. Not because there are a huge number of plot holes in the same Christianity. Not because it looks like a desire to avoid the inevitable.
I just don't need to believe in an afterlife. This belief does nothing. Yes, I also have a fear of death from time to time. But I find no solace in the afterlife.