11 Answers

  1. A few objections to the top answer: 1. Feature with these performers suggests, the so-called “experiment”, in today's 2046, it is impossible to keep this very mask of anger of 2008, plus the promotion of these performers to the masses, which is promoted by his name (he should help talented MSIs, right ?) 2. The song on STS was not put on the air and Oksimiron on the box was not highlighted in any way, as well as the director Mikhail Idov, his long-time friend. 3. Urgant is the only TV show where he planned to come even in the track “Lie Detector”, and also there on the show he said that he would not go anywhere else. 4. If you like the quality of tracks, which is constantly growing, then why do you need to “pick” in the budget ? He has to borrow money for all this somewhere. 5. The tracks “Madness”, “I'm bored to live” – were the promotion of LSP to the masses, but no more, which suddenly became hits, and “Girl fucked up” – several tracks in one single path with the rest of the album tracks, plus “stupid mokroschelki” are unlikely to appreciate everything he reads about, they will not understand.

    And finally, I repeat, if the quality of tracks continues to please or even delight, then what kind of “rolling” can we even talk about?

  2. No, because last year Oksi's creativity rose to a fundamentally new level, which Gorgorod took. Even if the tracks from this album sound accessible and interesting to the widest audience, these tracks are more likely not about changing the genre, but about a successful attempt to bring something stylistically very unusual to the plane that everyone understands. There is no doubt that Miron needed to grow up as an artist to record such a record. When there is a rap album in Russian that tells a story that is completely inscribed in the world literature in a language that is quite similar to the language of postmodernism, and it also turns out fresh — well, it's just cool. In my opinion, there are a lot of shortcomings in Gorgorod that can be argued about, but let someone else from Miron's colleagues do the same — then you can at least compare them.

  3. Previously, I did not listen to Miron, I considered him an upstart, and his work was just a show-off.I formed this opinion because I once saw a clip where he was shocked to read about his coolness and pi*daity, and that everyone else is nobody ( to put it mildly). Then in the network, I came across a video where the two of them get a lula from Zhigan( I think everyone saw this video), and after that he was remembered for many years as a guy who got drunk .

    But one day I came across the track “Where we are not” and it changed everything, I saw a talented guy with deep lyrics, not cutting the ear rhymes, amazing sound and excellent sound quality. It became popular, attracted a large number of viewers at concerts , and the video with the concert report gave me goosebumps. I became interested and I started listening to more and more, of course not all the tracks were to my liking, but they were enough to love his work.

    I especially like his collaboration with Porchy, who has amazing beats and an interesting flo.�

    I'm currently watching e

    Myron's work is very interesting and it seems to me that all the changes in it have taken place for the better . Rolled down ? No! In my opinion, this is a Success !!! Bravo Oxy, bravo!!!

  4. For 8 years, and 4 years that I listen to him, I can say frankly -he has slipped. Previously, he, along with his former friend Schock(a German rapper with whom Miron was on the same label Vagabund, but broke up because of skazndaoa), sent all the norms of morality to hell. They were invited to the largest rap resource,and they sent everyone there. Previously, oksimiron's songs were for a fairly narrow circle of connoisseurs of hard flow, scabrous punches and mamoebstvo. now it has expanded its audience from 50,000 people 4 years ago to almost 1 million today. It is clear how. With underground came out to the masses, with their own girls and performances of songs with pop singers

    At a concert in Moscow time, where there were 8 thousand people, he asked who likes old tracks more than new ones. 50 people shouted. I'm one of them

  5. I'm not an expert in rap and hip-hop at all, moreover, this music has always caused me a gag reflex – obvious rhymes, no meaning (not always, but in the vast majority of things that sounded from different sources), the stupid appearance of performers (yes, the cap adepts will forgive me, but this sucks, comrades), the stigma of non-intellectuals and at the same time a lot of pathos. But not so long ago, when from each iron came the sound of ” battle of Oxymiron and Purulent – this is the event of the decade! New Mayakovsky and Yesenin!”, I, with a huge prejudice, decided to watch this battle. And you know what? I was in shock! Vocabulary, non-obvious metaphors, profanity in acceptable doses and to the point, but in general krutotenyushka! After the battle, I started listening to Miron's tracks, and I don't know who went where, I think that he is an epochal event in the genre! I think there are a lot of people like me, and this is an achievement)

  6. As a long-time fan of his work, I can say for sure that Oxymiron has not slid and cannot slide in principle, since he simply has no one to compete with. Oxymiron is the only MC of its kind that reads in Russian. You can only go downhill if there is competition. However, anything is possible. Everything is at the will of the Possible.

  7. For me, as a person completely removed from rap, which is associated with the” trauma ” of childhood, I was badly burned by it when I first listened to AK-47, Daydream, Nagano, etc…. �What do you think I heard, besides the mountain of mat and the deliberate hyperbolization of everything related to the personality of these rappers? That's right, nothing decent. Because of this, I didn't get close to it for a long time, I don't want to draw a parallel with the stinking pile, but I already did, so I don't care.
    BUT, 3 years ago I heard about “Gremlin”, that he came to us from England from his friend, and his work, unlike the rest of Russian rap, surprised me a little. The approach to lyrics, flow, beats, rhyming style, use of metaphors and sound recording bribed me, but I could not do him the honor and add at least one of his tracks to my audio file in VKontakte, although I tried, even listened to his tracks, but without result.��
    Everything remained like this until 21.09.2015, you know what kind of song Miron came up with at that time and how much it “turned the game around”, there is no need for extra ovations and compliments. In general, I added it and still listen to it, also, there is a second song from the whole rap brew, it belongs to the same Oksimiron and is called “Where we are not”, which also suits me both in meaning and sound.
    Summing up, I would like to say that for me, not a particular fan of rap, Miron Yanovich, on the contrary, is getting better and better every year, gaining momentum both on battles and in studio albums. (I don't stutter about concerts, I'm not interested in getting money out of fans)
    So my answer is no. It didn't slide! Absolutely not! And, I hope, it will not “slide”for a long time

  8. I'm sorry, but I'm in the wild.yy from the answers above.�
    That is, commercial success automatically makes “good” creativity “roll”? On what grounds? Just because being mainstream isn't fashionable? It is fashionable to be a violent underground and suffer from teenage groundless nihilism-only this deserves respect from rednecks who work hopelessly at work from 9 to 5, have two days off a week and two weeks off a year, utopically fantasizing once to turn the system around?

    Commercial success is what naturally happens with a really good product and, to some extent, a real indicator of quality. Fairy tales about “everything that has achieved success is a priori shit” – to raise the self-esteem of the lame and hopeless beggars.

    By subject: it is too early to say whether Oxymirone has rolled down. You need to see what it will create after this wave of popularity-and only then it will become clear how it was affected by commerce, and whether it was affected at all.

  9. Skidded in what plan? If you mean that he sold out, it's obvious, but as a rapper he is much stronger than Miron-2010, and the exit from the underground is inevitable, everyone went through it, except for Kurt Cobain, who literally did not allow it (although as we know, it still did not work out, although all successful artists go through it. And everything is sold, but this does not mean that the artist is slipping.

  10. They just talk about him too much. As well as about Russian rap in general. Everyone became sharply interested in him, writing about him and saying that he was about to float out of the derogatory swamp of memes. And Oxy is just like a bright person, which is fashionable to write about. so people just got fed up.

  11. In a sense, yes.

    At the beginning of his career, Miron Jaro opposed himself to the whole Rurep.
    Here it is worth remembering the tracks “London against all”, ” In the country of women “(where he calls Russian rap “the country of whores”), “I am a hater”, “Degenerate Art”, etc.

    However, as happens with almost all rappers, the first fame and a hint of commercial success make you seriously reconsider your attitude to creativity.

    The first “alarm bell” in Miron's work occurred in the track “Gremlin's Song”, where the following lines were heard: “They want to fit in, and I decide everything, who am I: underground or a corrupt bastard?”

    If we analyze Oxy's further development, it becomes clear that he chose the latter, which can be regarded as the fact that OxxxyMiron has slipped.

    First, features with questionable personalities.�

    Rigos, Jacques Anthony, I1, and other characters. Obviously, their work is not of any interest to Miron, because they are unremarkable personalities. Miron's verse always comes second, because if he was the first, then no one would listen to the second verse from nooname. Total: there are all the signs of a joint track for money.�
    For me, this is a big zashkvar for a performer who came to fame positioning himself as true under.

    Secondly, the so-called “Experiments”.

    Oxymiron was loved for his hard punches, bold flow and masculine style.

    But such songs as “I'm bored with life”, “Madness” and “Fucked Up Girl” resonate like hell with all the rest of the work, because their target audience is “stupid wetheads”, who are supposedly fans of Johnny Boy according to Miron himself.

    There is a clear deflection for expanding the audience of listeners solely for the purpose of commercialization, because why else do we need such an audience?
    �Conclusion: like a pop artist, Miron adapts to the audience in order to earn money. Not that I think it's a bad thing, but if you used to call yourself underground, and now you're doing this , you're down.

    Third, visit “Vecherny Urgant”, “Klinskoe ” and”Londongrad”.

    At the Versus Battle against Dunya, Oksimiron reproached the opponent for shining a lot of fucking on TV and “selling out”, and Miron himself trumped by refusing all the commercial offers that he received. But then what does our hero do? �

    He goes to Vecherniy Urgant when he understands that this will help raise his fame, writes the soundtrack for the shit series on STS and ghostwrites a track for advertising Klinsky (you can find a demo of the track in VK). This is called double standards. The result is the same – rolled down.

    In other words, Myron betrayed all the beliefs that made him famous, and so we can assume that he has fallen. But despite this, I continue to follow his work. And it (with the exception of the over-the-top moments described above) only grows in quality.

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